Gal. Kartographierung > Routen > The Voyager Trail

Route home form Beagle Point, following the route the USS Voyager took home from the Delta Quadrant, recreated in EDSM for convenience.

# System Coordinates Distance
#1 Beagle Point (DSSA Distant Worlds 'Endeavour') -1111.5625 / -134.21875 / 65269.75
#2 Byoo Briae CW-C c26-0 (Voyager's Reach) 20020.5625 / 20.0625 / 57659.6875 22.461,16 Ly
#3 Byoo Briae TY-Q c18-0 19898.53125 / 17.625 / 57339.65625 342,52 Ly
#4 Byoo Briae LF-P b19-0 19800.21875 / 0.4375 / 56955.5625 396,85 Ly
#5 Bla Byoe KM-N a116-0 19675.78125 / -26.6875 / 56502.03125 471,07 Ly
#6 Prie Chrea OO-Z d13-9 15790.09375 / -14.8125 / 50079.65625 7.506,37 Ly
#7 Prie Chrea RJ-I d9-15 15609.625 / -8.4375 / 49658.09375 458,61 Ly
#8 Prie Chrea FP-V b29-0 15440.3125 / -19.53125 / 49495.28125 235,15 Ly
#9 Not provided yet
#10 Hyiechiae IY-F b38-0 17147.78125 / -0.125 / 48400.75
#11 Hyiechiae MN-S c17-2 17158.78125 / -12.21875 / 48345.46875 57,65 Ly
#12 Plae Free CW-E c11-80 16850.21875 / -7.03125 / 40375.84375 7.975,60 Ly
#13 Eos Chruia XS-T b7-2 8559.90625 / 797.125 / 27256.84375 15.539,76 Ly
#14 Eos Chruia LG-C c1-16 8549.71875 / 830.21875 / 27159.75 103,08 Ly
#15 Pheia Auscs GY-A b59-26 8550.78125 / 830.84375 / 27089.0625 70,70 Ly
#16 Pheia Auscs DF-S b49-12 8680.6875 / 791.375 / 26877.9375 251,01 Ly
#17 Pheia Auscs TH-X b46-30 8680.125 / 761.53125 / 26828.15625 58,04 Ly
#18 Pheia Auscs BX-P b21-0 8799.34375 / 440.1875 / 26279.25 647,13 Ly
#19 Pheia Auscs TQ-I b9-51 8805.40625 / 14.78125 / 26025.4375 495,41 Ly
#20 Hypio Prao NZ-J c24-88 8695.96875 / -470.75 / 25608.5625 649,23 Ly
#21 Phroea Ploe PD-B e2165 (Phroea Ploe Nebula Cluster) 5300.46875 / -224 / 23313.75 4.105,66 Ly
#22 Shrogaae LB-C c14-1067 (Shrogaee Nebula) 4958.21875 / 507.6875 / 21307.96875 2.162,33 Ly
#23 Shrogaae KK-A d983 (The Brain Forest) 4959.03125 / 149.96875 / 20725.90625 683,20 Ly
#24 Eorl Auwsy SY-Z d13-3468 (Guardian ruins - Teal Nebula sites) 4948.46875 / 165.0625 / 20654.53125 73,71 Ly
#25 Mynoaw AA-A h26 (Singularities Playground) 4027.03125 / -307.34375 / 18527.5 2.365,69 Ly
#26 Greae Phoea QF-I c25-150 (Isegrim Nebula) 4824.59375 / -466.78125 / 16657.15625 2.039,54 Ly
#27 Blaa Hypai LZ-F b27-0 (Guardian ruins - Hollow Veil sites) 1251.4375 / -752.71875 / 12330.53125 5.618,62 Ly
#28 Plio Aihm ML-P d5-307 (Angerona) 2372.75 / 5.3125 / 9673.65625 2.981,77 Ly
#29 V1033 Scorpii 2071.0625 / 342.8125 / 7719.625 2.005,78 Ly
#30 Cat's Paw Sector HR-W d1-31 (Red Storm Geysers) 834.8125 / 54.625 / 5423 2.624,09 Ly
#31 NGC 6188 Sector LC-V c2-28 (Morgan's Rock / NGC 6188) 1706.1875 / -87.625 / 4057.15625 1.626,36 Ly
#32 Blu Thua JS-J d9-1 (Tark) 694.15625 / 583.5625 / 2303.46875 2.133,10 Ly
#33 HR 5906 (Stranded Snake (anaconda settlement)) 81.65625 / 154.53125 / 382.21875 2.061,66 Ly
#34 Pallaeni 112.6875 / 47.125 / 128.4375 277,32 Ly
#35 Sol 0 / 0 / 0 177,24 Ly