Gal. Kartographierung > Routen > Lin-Shu Hollow Neutron Highway

Get most of the way across Lin-Shu Hollow ending at the DSSA Ironside in only 41 ~50LY jumps across F, G, K, and neutron stars.

This short route includes a whopping 7 neutron jumps (including 3 consecutive, and 3 almost consecutive).

# System Coordinates Distance
#1 Flyua Hype MN-Q d6-26 4961.28125 / -103.46875 / 7245.46875
#2 Nyeakaa HM-D c15-30 5175.09375 / -84.5 / 7255.21875 214,87 Ly
#3 Nyeakaa DT-O d7-14 5213.125 / -78.65625 / 7256.84375 38,51 Ly
#4 Nyeakaa KZ-M d8-88 5394.53125 / -77.34375 / 7357.03125 207,24 Ly
#5 Nyeakaa XD-A c17-18 5606.21875 / -47.65625 / 7358.875 213,77 Ly
#6 Nyeakaa ZD-A c17-1 5655.4375 / -60.15625 / 7341.9375 53,53 Ly
#7 Nyeakaa OZ-M d8-13 5706.75 / -49.90625 / 7338.9375 52,41 Ly
#8 Nyeakaa XX-B c16-6 5755.96875 / -40.71875 / 7320.625 53,31 Ly
#9 Nyeakaa LT-O d7-66 5807.8125 / -45.9375 / 7307.75 53,67 Ly
#10 Qeajo KB-W c15-22 5856.21875 / -24.4375 / 7309.0625 52,98 Ly
#11 Qeajo AJ-Q b32-9 5905.78125 / -9.3125 / 7322.59375 53,56 Ly
#12 Qeajo RX-L d7-31 5957.3125 / -18.25 / 7325.40625 52,38 Ly
#13 Qeajo NB-W c15-4 6010.40625 / -21.125 / 7325.09375 53,17 Ly
#14 Qeajo TH-U c16-1 6062.65625 / -19.21875 / 7336.09375 53,43 Ly
#15 Qeajo UH-U c16-21 6115.40625 / -18.0625 / 7337.75 52,79 Ly
#16 Qeajo VH-U c16-27 6166.15625 / -23.1875 / 7350.5625 52,59 Ly
#17 Qeajo XH-U c16-30 6215.0625 / -2.875 / 7349.75 52,96 Ly
#18 Qeajo YH-U c16-26 6267.1875 / 8.59375 / 7354.3125 53,57 Ly
#19 Qeajo DO-S c17-28 6315.90625 / 9.8125 / 7375.625 53,19 Ly
#20 Ploi Aec YM-S c17-14 6369.40625 / 13.15625 / 7380.5 53,83 Ly
#21 Ploi Aec AN-S c17-28 6422.28125 / 10.125 / 7382.65625 53,01 Ly
#22 Ploi Aec PJ-I d9-12 6419.34375 / 3.46875 / 7434.53125 52,38 Ly
#23 Ploi Aec JT-Q c18-19 6633.75 / 12 / 7447.9375 214,99 Ly
#24 Ploi Aec SJ-I d9-6 6681.78125 / 24.5 / 7431.625 52,24 Ly
#25 Ploi Aec JY-Q c18-0 6734.875 / 28.625 / 7430.71875 53,26 Ly
#26 Ploi Aec LY-Q c18-2 6786.5625 / 39.8125 / 7427.03125 53,01 Ly
#27 Ploi Aec MY-Q c18-15 6839.375 / 41.3125 / 7423.53125 52,95 Ly
#28 Ploi Aec QD-K d8-78 6849.21875 / 30.40625 / 7409.8125 20,10 Ly
#29 Ploi Aec UO-I d9-41 7020.65625 / 65.5 / 7440.1875 177,61 Ly
#30 Ploi Aec UT-I d9-9 7170.03125 / 155.96875 / 7449.40625 174,88 Ly
#31 Ploi Aec YO-I d9-47 7366.40625 / 91.75 / 7462.125 207,00 Ly
#32 Ploi Aec BP-P c19-8 7416.125 / 105.53125 / 7462.40625 51,59 Ly
#33 Ploi Aec CP-P c19-4 7462.875 / 122.3125 / 7460.15625 49,72 Ly
#34 Ploi Aec DP-P c19-7 7516.625 / 126.34375 / 7462.625 53,96 Ly
#35 Ploi Aec EP-P c19-10 7567.40625 / 119.1875 / 7468.15625 51,58 Ly
#36 Ploi Aec FP-P c19-10 7610.8125 / 103.78125 / 7486.25 49,49 Ly
#37 Plaa Aec BO-P c19-6 7662 / 109.8125 / 7478.9375 52,06 Ly
#38 Plaa Aec CO-P c19-12 7711.1875 / 124.5 / 7481.78125 51,41 Ly
#39 Plaa Aec DO-P c19-10 7763 / 120.28125 / 7472.5 52,81 Ly
#40 Plaa Aec EO-P c19-7 7806.6875 / 114.3125 / 7483.09375 45,35 Ly
#41 Plaa Aec GO-P c19-5 7856.03125 / 132.9375 / 7494.3125 53,92 Ly
#42 Plaa Aec RY-B b41-1 (DSSA Ironside / Hawking's Gap Abandoned Settlements - Delta Site) 7881.59375 / 135.4375 / 7500.6875 26,46 Ly