Expeditions > Explore the Core Infernal Expedition
It's time for another Expedition! Since our last expedition (the Great Galactic Circumnavigation Infernal Expedition) focused on the fringes of the galaxy, this time we will explore the core. This will be a complete compact circumnavigation of the galactic core, with lots of time for exploration and sightseeing. We are planning to visit some spectacular locations as well as traveling high above and below the galactic plane for stunning views. We will be travelling over 88,000 LYs on this voyage over the course of about 5 weeks. We will of course plan on many events including mass jumps, SRV/SLF/Ship races, and on foot events for Odyssey players.
All services are installed on D SCAN WLL SOON B OVER, the expedition carrier, including all carrier concourse services, allowing everyone to take as many ships and modules as they like. We'll also be able to enjoy watching the carrier jumps from the bridge.
All are welcome to join!
Departure is from Gebel at 12:00 UTC on Saturday, March 26
If you are joining, please also join the expedition discord: https://discord.gg/VjFezx6zzc
This expedition is finished.