Galactic Mapping > Routes > sightseeing trip to colonia and center

some pretty cool sights on the way to colonia and/or the center.

# System Coordinates Distance
#1 Pikum -39 / -63.125 / -75.03125
#2 HR 6164 (The View) 444.34375 / 58.3125 / 1282.96875 1,446.56 Ly
#3 Thor's Eye -439.84375 / -86.625 / 4205.15625 3,056.46 Ly
#4 CD-23 14350 (NGC 6629) -1041.15625 / -568.9375 / 6289.0625 2,221.91 Ly
#5 Ellairb SJ-B b42-0 -1660.78125 / 259.96875 / 10078.5 3,928.21 Ly
#6 Skaudai QO-B b58-5 -5498.96875 / -577.5 / 10418.75 3,943.20 Ly
#7 Blua Hypue QI-Z d1-4516 (Emain Macha) -4223.0625 / -95.3125 / 11942.09375 2,044.75 Ly
#8 Greae Phreia XO-A f190 (A Dance of Spirals) -5452.84375 / -1337.9375 / 15652.8125 4,101.94 Ly
#9 Eok Flyuae AQ-P e5-2798 (The Impossible) -1881 / -1107.71875 / 17922 4,237.96 Ly
#10 Throerdy AA-A h88 (Choream Gigantum) -2924.875 / 1937.5625 / 19475.6875 3,574.54 Ly
#11 Colonia (Jaques Station / Colonia (System) / Animula Spires / The Mosta-Murdoch Raceway) -9530.5 / -910.28125 / 19808.125 7,201.04 Ly
#12 Great Annihilator (Great Annihilator Black Hole) 354.84375 / -42.4375 / 22997.21875 10,423.22 Ly