Galactic Mapping > Routes > Ishum's Reach Sightseeing // Zuikaku V9Y-NHL

Always wanted to go to Beagle Point and see the wonders of the galaxy along the way? Now's your chance! Hop on board my fleet carrier and experience the biggest ring system, the highest landable gravity or the most breathtaking nebulae, to name just a few! Of course you'll have more than enough time to make your friends jealous with beautiful screenshots, as we'll be stationary at each point of interest for several hours!

If this sounds interesting to you, make sure to board Zuikaku V9Y-NHL, currently stationed in Machaquiaba 1!

If you're planning to join me, I highly advise you to join my Discord server, since almost all communication will be done there:[LINK REVOKED]

# System Coordinates Distance
#1 Machaquiaba 137.96875 / -163.28125 / 111.96875
#2 HD 175876 (Heaven's Lathe) -644.1875 / -472 / 2299.3125 2,343.41 Ly
#3 Flyiedgiae QN-T d3-17 (Quantum World) -3423.8125 / -1029.8125 / 8254.9375 6,595.98 Ly
#4 Skaude AL-X e1-28 (Rusty Net) -4708.625 / -381.3125 / 9571.75 1,950.72 Ly
#5 Skaude AA-A h294 (Skaude (Collection of Wonders)) -5131.71875 / -275.625 / 10365.21875 905.41 Ly
#6 Nuekuae AA-A h52 (The Crux) -6189.0625 / -682.5625 / 13809.84375 3,626.16 Ly
#7 Spoihaae XE-X d2-9 (Monde de la Mort (World of Death)) -9346.125 / -1472.09375 / 19659.0625 6,693.56 Ly
#8 Colonia (Jaques Station / Colonia (System) / Animula Spires / The Mosta-Murdoch Raceway) -9530.5 / -910.28125 / 19808.125 609.79 Ly
#9 Kyloall CL-Y g1518 (Lithobreaker) -8671.5 / -80.3125 / 21826.875 2,345.65 Ly
#10 Myriesly HR-N e6-4354 ('Blink Of An Eye' Remnant (inc. Arboo’s Electric Friendship)) -530.125 / 38.84375 / 25725.90625 9,027.66 Ly
#11 Stuemeae FG-Y d7561 (Explorer's Anchorage) 28.6875 / -19.78125 / 25899.6875 588.14 Ly
#12 Eorm Breae GR-W f1-245 (Tales Of The Giant Spheres) -1041.15625 / 1785.09375 / 30313.5 4,887.11 Ly
#13 Vegnoae BA-A g8 (Born to the Purple) -393.25 / 607.75 / 36598.21875 6,426.79 Ly
#14 Plaa Scraa EA-A e114 (Aikhtiar Almughamara) -1981.03125 / 1310.40625 / 37373.8125 1,901.66 Ly
#15 Prae Pruae TL-B d14-14 (Eye of Boreas) -3460.4375 / -427.21875 / 42441.65625 5,557.97 Ly
#16 Blo Chrea OM-W e1-9 (Arkady's Edge) -4143 / 90.03125 / 53033.5625 10,626.47 Ly
#17 Cheae Euq ER-L c21-0 (Grand Rings) 694.25 / 22.125 / 61314.28125 9,590.30 Ly
#18 Beagle Point (DSSA Distant Worlds 'Endeavour') -1111.5625 / -134.21875 / 65269.75 4,350.99 Ly
#19 Oevasy SG-Y d0 (Semotus Beacon & Salomé's Reach) -1502.15625 / -2.625 / 65630.15625 547.52 Ly
#20 Smootiae DH-A b6 (Knife's Edge) -200.78125 / 5.15625 / 51417.78125 14,271.83 Ly
#21 Blae Flyuae KH-V e2-0 (Jewelry Box) -1936.125 / -753.03125 / 43007.71875 8,620.64 Ly
#22 Scheau Blao TB-A c28-274 4314.03125 / -1091.46875 / 33450.0625 11,424.88 Ly
#23 Schee Bli FG-Y g97 (Doorway to Duat) 3719.5625 / -1100.03125 / 33245.9375 628.60 Ly
#24 Stuemeae FG-Y d7561 (Explorer's Anchorage) 28.6875 / -19.78125 / 25899.6875 8,291.98 Ly
#25 Dryau Ausms KG-Y e3390 (DSSA Buurian Anchorage / The Dryau Awesomes) -1523.75 / 1340.6875 / 20976.59375 5,338.33 Ly
#26 Shrogea MH-V e2-1763 (Black in Green (Tourist Installation)) 971.03125 / 613.21875 / 21307.3125 2,619.64 Ly
#27 Eord Flyue AA-A h189 (Mordor) 3424.4375 / -2075.84375 / 18071.34375 4,870.50 Ly
#28 Greae Phoea AA-A h19 4045.875 / -426.46875 / 16182.6875 2,583.34 Ly
#29 Prae Phio ZQ-A c2-9 (Norma Rock Garden) 6714.53125 / -409.4375 / 10547.25 6,235.40 Ly
#30 Qeajo CZ-N c20-15 (David and Goliath) 5064.15625 / 149.625 / 7503.53125 3,507.21 Ly
#31 Cat's Paw Sector HR-W d1-31 (Red Storm Geysers) 834.8125 / 54.625 / 5423 4,714.34 Ly
#32 Machaquiaba 137.96875 / -163.28125 / 111.96875 5,360.98 Ly