Galactic Mapping > Routes > Explore the Core Infernal Expedition

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# System Coordinates Distance
#1 Gebel 23.40625 / -50.90625 / 29.375
#2 NGC 4463 Sector RY-R e4-5 (Autumn Nebula) 3252.46875 / -4.625 / 2009 3,787.86 Ly
#3 CPD-65 2513 (NGC 5315 (Qing Long Caverns)) 6499.5625 / -644.46875 / 5282.0625 4,654.67 Ly
#4 Gru Hypai DL-X e1-20 (Gru Hypai Stellar Remnant) 3384.125 / -364.15625 / 13444.4375 8,741.22 Ly
#5 Shrogaae KK-A d983 (The Brain Forest) 4959.03125 / 149.96875 / 20725.90625 7,467.56 Ly
#6 Eorm Phyloi OY-Z d37 (Aether Nebula) 6548.3125 / 2042.625 / 27246.28125 6,973.04 Ly
#7 Eembaisk DG-O e6-2972 (Red and Green Glory) 3727.40625 / 539.28125 / 30848.21875 4,815.76 Ly
#8 Swoals IL-Y e0 (Goliath’s Rest) 2302.84375 / 2852.1875 / 32393.5625 3,125.22 Ly
#9 Lasoae AP-A e6892 (Iris' Missive) 1030.78125 / 502.03125 / 32333.46875 2,673.01 Ly
#10 Lyaisua SJ-Z e7708 (Blue Rhapsody Nebula) -1308.59375 / 949.34375 / 31238.59375 2,621.36 Ly
#11 Plimbeau ZE-R e4-2732 (Purple Rings) -2980.28125 / 1321.34375 / 28033.5 3,633.94 Ly
#12 Choomee HR-N e6-8992 (Rati´s Egg) -1669.90625 / -10.1875 / 25810.3125 2,903.90 Ly
#13 Myriesly CL-P e5-7383 (Storms of Fenrisulfur) -633.375 / 114.65625 / 25560.84375 1,073.41 Ly
#14 Sagittarius A* 25.21875 / -20.90625 / 25899.96875 753.08 Ly
#15 Hyphudgue JR-T d4-3 (Down Below) -1368.90625 / -2823.1875 / 24961.75 3,267.51 Ly
#16 Hypoe Flyi HX-T e3-295 (Caeruleum Luna) -1063.5 / -463.84375 / 22719.8125 3,268.95 Ly
#17 Great Annihilator (Great Annihilator Black Hole) 354.84375 / -42.4375 / 22997.21875 1,505.40 Ly
#18 Dryau Ausms KG-Y e3390 (DSSA Buurian Anchorage / The Dryau Awesomes) -1523.75 / 1340.6875 / 20976.59375 3,086.27 Ly
#19 Throerdy AA-A h88 (Choream Gigantum) -2924.875 / 1937.5625 / 19475.6875 2,138.25 Ly
#20 Dryau Scraa AA-A h747 (The Shiner) -1908.90625 / 2534.09375 / 18434 1,572.63 Ly
#21 Tria Flyi AA-A h1 -4823.28125 / -3781.625 / 18590.375 6,957.47 Ly
#22 Floarps PI-B e2 (DSSA Sésame - EDO / Kingfisher Nebula) -859.90625 / -117.53125 / 14426.34375 6,817.12 Ly
#23 Xeehaei BE-E d13-7 (Sky Motion) -1202.84375 / -1330.875 / 11610.875 3,084.91 Ly
#24 Nyeajaae IT-M c9-19 (Viridian Dreams) -3329.84375 / -361.40625 / 7049.03125 5,125.86 Ly
#25 Gebel 23.40625 / -50.90625 / 29.375 7,785.65 Ly