Perfil de Alan Hutchins > Diario

Nombre de Comandante:
Nave actual:
IKS Rotarran [012-DW]
Miembro desde:
Distancias subidas:
Sistemas visitados:
Descubrimiento(s) de sistemas:
Return to populated space

I finally made it back to Explorer's Anchorage last night, May 25, 3307, @3:20 AM universal time. Things have changed in the two years I was out in the black. There are new companies doing business on the station concourse. One was selling some new EVA suits and weapons so I decided to buy a couple of different suits with different capabilities which should significantly improve my EVA endurance time. I bought a couple of new rifles also just to have on hand should the need arise. Better to have one and not need it than to need one and not have it.

I left Explorer's Anchorage two years ago on 8 March 3305 with 474,265,751cr. I Arrived at Beagle Point with the DW2 expedition on 6 May 3305. I started on the return trip but ended up with severe space fatigue and spent most of the last two years in cryo-sleep with only occasional short legs back toward Sag A*.

On Dec 11 3306 I docked with a new DSSA fleet carrier QNY-BQN in Byoi Aowsy XD-L b40-0. UC doesn't pay as well out in the deep but I went ahead and sold all of my data there anyway just to safeguard against possible data loss on the way back. I left QNY-BQN on May 6 3307 full repaired with 650,724,052 cr. That's +176,458,301cr from Exploration data since leaving EA two years earlier.

On May 23 3307 I arrived at DSSA fleet carrier V0G-2VY in Phroi Bluae QI-T e3-3454. Took care of some minor ship maintenance and sold off data before leaving on the same day with 692,223,875 cr. That's 41,499,823cr for that short leg between Byoi Aowsy XD-L b40-0 and Phroi Bluae QI-T e3-3454.

At Explorer's Anchorage I spent ~703,000 cr on repairs and misc equipment. UC was not available while I was there and I left without selling any data but I'll be staying in the local area for a while.

My ship has been experiencing a few glitches with the new system software update that was just installed so I'll spend at least a couple of weeks jumping around the core to shake out the bugs and test out some of the new equipment before I decide on a route back to Colonia. With news of the Thargoid threat and the political climate there, I'm in no hurry to get back to The Bubble.

24 Apr, 3306

I have neglected my log books for too long. I reached Beagle Point with the expedition on May 6th 3305. I spent a few days there before continuing on to Ishum's Reach on the 9th. The expedition dispersed for the trip home not long after that. That was almost a year ago now. I was in hypersleep for 10 months and 10 days before beginning my trip home again on 19 March 3306. Crossing the abyss was tedious but I finally reached a decent star density in the The Galactic Aphelion just last night (23 Apr). I hope to continue exploring on a roundabout course back to the galactic center by the end of the year.

14 Jan, 3305

Captains Log, 14 Jan 3305 The distant worlds expedition is official underway. I attended the first and second wave launch events and am currently en-route to Waypoint 2. All ship systems nominal.

11 Jan, 3305

Recording my current pre-launch ship and pilot statistics.

Systems Visited: 7,459 Profits from Exploration: 360,448,669 Level 2 Detailed Scans: 729 Level 3 Detailed Scans: 50,575 Efficiency Bonuses: 42 Highest Payout: 3,180,061 Total Hyperspace Distance: 299,625LY Total Hyperspace Jumps: 7,965 SRV Distance: 1.65MM Max Distance from Start: 28,476LY Pilot total flight hours: ~4W 13H 57M

Commander Alan Hutchins, 11 Jan, 3305

11 Jan, 3305, Pallaeni

Captains Log, 11 Jan, 3305, Pallaeni System. Distant Worlds 2 Launches ~40 hours from now. A number of ships have gathered here in advance of the launch. There has been some piracy in the area and more than a few assassinations but the mood is positive among the commanders I encountered.

15 Dec 3304 @ Strong G

Captains log, 15 Dec 3304 at HD 148937 3 Today I got The Dweller to lighten up a set of Pulse Lasers in case I decide to bring them along. I also got Lei Cheung to enhance some heavier shields in case I opt to bring stronger shields. With the new load-out I took a quick trip out to Strong G to test the Rotarran under extreme gravity. I mapped the planet for the first time and discovered some biological signals I was unaware of on my last visit. These new sensors are working out well. I landed on HD 148937 3, four times tonight. Once at the Strong G beacon and again at the three biological sites. No problems on any of the landings. I'm confident in this load-out. I had heard of "Space Pumpkins" of course but I had never seen them before. The codex calls them "Prasinus Bioluminescent Anemone" but I think Space Pumpkins is easier. They are interesting. They make an eerie sound and their luminescence is pretty, especially on the dark side of the planet.

14 Dec 3304

Captains Log, 14 Dec 3304, I decided I wanted to tweak the outfitting a bit more. Or at least modify some additional modules to give me some added options for the loadout. So I spent the whole day at Davs Hope salvaging materials and then stopped by the nearest materials trader to swap what I gathered for what I need.

I took a new set of thrusters to Prof Palin to tweak them for clean burning. Then I did some test landings and takeoffs at Skardee 1 to compare clean thrusters and dirty thrusters. My conclusion is that the reduced heat load from clean burning thrusters is enough to take off from Skardee1 without overheating, which is not possible with dirty thrusters. The difference in power use is small, but could be a factor if power margins are tight. The difference in speed is not huge but it is noticeable. Logically I should equip the clean running thrusters for the expedition, but I'm still undecided.

13 Dec 3304

Captain's Log, 13 Dec 3304. Took the ship into the livery to update the paint. She looks much better now, even though I know most of the paint will be stripped off by the time I return to a station. Spent some time in the Sol system test driving the SRVs on Enceladus and Ariel. Working out the kinks in the controls and automation. Spent some time on the Galnet message boards discussing outfitting options with other commanders who will be on the expedition. I'm satisfied with my current configuration but still plan to do additional testing in the month left before departure.

12 Dec 3304

Captains log, 12 Dec 3304, I've completed software customization on the Rotarran and tested ship systems within inhabited space. I find I'm enjoying flying a Python more than I expected. I've completed all remaining transactions and have a clear board. This evening I'll leave for a short shakedown cruise to Betelgeuse to fully test and get used to the new sensors. Update: 21:34, I used the trip to Betelgeuse to practice using the new sensors. I'm slowly getting accustomed to them.
I stopped by Skardee to test landing under high temperatures. She tends to run Hot. Had to use a heat sink to land and two to take off. Also stopped at Achenar 3 to see how she handles high gravity. No problems there. Parked in Achenar to shut down systems and get some sleep.

11 Dec 3304

Captains log, 11 Dec 3304, I've completed re-fitting the Rotarran for the second Distant Worlds Expedition. I decided an Anaconda is too big for a crew of one. Although the Rotarran doesn't have the jump range of Challenger, a Python is more maneuverable and has a smaller landing footprint which should make exploration a bit more enjoyable. I'll be departing soon for a shakedown cruise to test the new sensors and make adjustments to the ships logging and automated control systems as needed.