Galactic Mapping > Routes > 100k LY RUN

100,000 LY in 43 waypoints. A route from the Founders World via Colonia to Sag A* and back to Shinrarta Dezhra. You are going to see several POIs including glowing green planets, geyseres and cross sectors of hundrets of undiscovered black holes.

# System Coordinates Distance
#1 Shinrarta Dezhra 55.71875 / 17.59375 / 27.15625
#2 Aucofs PM-M b40-5 -2786.5625 / -212.28125 / 2359.4375 3 683,88 Ly
#3 PSR J1959+2048 (The Black Widow Pulsar) -4280.25 / -409.5 / 2551.84375 1 518,89 Ly
#4 NGC 6830 Sector BA-A g2 (NGC 6830 Open Cluster) -4517.34375 / -121.125 / 2650.6875 386,19 Ly
#5 QZ Vulpeculae -7855.5 / -460.40625 / 3939.4375 3 594,34 Ly
#6 Traikeou AA-A h0 (The Traikeou Wolf-Rayet) -6959.4375 / 148.59375 / 5198.375 1 660,94 Ly
#7 V1487 Aquilae -5763.96875 / -31 / 5690.84375 1 305,34 Ly
#8 Flyua Hypue AA-A h35 -5549.125 / -946.8125 / 7827.65625 2 334,70 Ly
#9 Flyua Hypue LI-A d14-11 (Yellow Fountains) -5545.4375 / -946 / 7880.78125 53,26 Ly
#10 Flyiedgai MX-E c26-10 -6369.15625 / -794.53125 / 9035.65625 1 426,60 Ly
#11 Skaude AA-A h216 (Garmany's Treasure) -4804.59375 / -802.15625 / 10127.65625 1 907,98 Ly
#12 Skaude AA-A h294 (Skaude (Collection of Wonders)) -5131.71875 / -275.625 / 10365.21875 663,84 Ly
#13 Skaudai CH-B d14-34 (Sacaqawea Space Port) -5481.84375 / -579.15625 / 10429.9375 467,88 Ly
#14 Blua Hypa HT-F d12-1226 (Blua Hypa Glowing Green Giant) -7010.28125 / -184.625 / 12817.625 2 862,31 Ly
#15 Froaln II-W b7-1 ("Süßes Fräulein" (Stellar Forge)) -10136.1875 / 1085 / 14474.875 3 758,95 Ly
#16 Boesky AA-A g89 (Elmo's Highway) -10255.90625 / -689.40625 / 15675.40625 2 145,72 Ly
#17 Eephaik HL-X d1-16 (Canna's Comet) -12135.78125 / -881.90625 / 17082.15625 2 355,83 Ly
#18 Floasly TE-X d2-25 (Floasly Glowing Green Giant) -17387.15625 / -219.5 / 14558 5 864,05 Ly
#19 Dryo Aob DR-C d7 (Blue Heaven) -16252.25 / 1116.90625 / 18142.59375 3 990,40 Ly
#20 Dryaea Flee HR-W e1-124 (Espinoza's Happiness) -12681.65625 / 241.59375 / 18546.5 3 698,44 Ly
#21 Dryaea Flee GC-D d12-3089 (Regal and Celerity) -12328.40625 / 10.59375 / 19214.53125 790,20 Ly
#22 Eol Prou KW-L c8-32 (Land of Giant Crystals / Glow Bug Giant) -9581.6875 / -932.21875 / 19788.59375 2 960,22 Ly
#23 Colonia (Jaques Station / Colonia (System) / Animula Spires / The Mosta-Murdoch Raceway) -9530.5 / -910.28125 / 19808.125 59,02 Ly
#24 Kyloasly DI-M c10-786 (The Fiery Cat Fissures) -10819.6875 / -71.6875 / 21135.4375 2 031,50 Ly
#25 Wepaa BA-A g1735 (Wepaa Stellar Graveyard) -9658.3125 / -792.3125 / 23572.625 2 794,28 Ly
#26 Kyloall IA-Z d318 (Blue Whale Geysers) -8019.8125 / -919.65625 / 20812.09375 3 212,70 Ly
#27 Wepooe AA-A h509 (Chief's Pride) -4809.34375 / -634.90625 / 24133 4 627,81 Ly
#28 Kyli Flyuae WO-A f39 (Dance of the Compact Quartet) -1920.59375 / -2703.5625 / 23361.6875 3 635,81 Ly
#29 Sagittarius A* 25.21875 / -20.90625 / 25899.96875 4 174,41 Ly
#30 Great Annihilator (Great Annihilator Black Hole) 354.84375 / -42.4375 / 22997.21875 2 921,48 Ly
#31 Shrogea MH-V e2-1763 (Black in Green (Tourist Installation)) 971.03125 / 613.21875 / 21307.3125 1 914,51 Ly
#32 Whambeia PO-Q e5-2321 (Eyes of Riker) 1697.6875 / 952.5 / 19144.0625 2 307,12 Ly
#33 Floawns XE-R d4-45 (The Three Kings) 1494.125 / -1283.34375 / 14751.90625 4 932,69 Ly
#34 Blae Hypue VL-H b26-0 (Hollow Veil) 1196.3125 / -793.34375 / 12308.125 2 510,15 Ly
#35 Cl Pismis 2 (NGC 6357) 963.65625 / 142.0625 / 8081.5 4 335,14 Ly
#36 Pyramoe PM-X b33-6 (The Arkgamanon Mountain Range) -483.5 / -354.71875 / 6068.90625 2 528,16 Ly
#37 Chaluia FS-A d1-4 (Momma's Boy) -2486.15625 / -1483.625 / 5426.65625 2 386,95 Ly
#38 Trifid Sector OI-S b4-12 (Lucifer's Lair) -615.09375 / -24.15625 / 5171.0625 2 386,68 Ly
#39 Lagoon Sector NI-S b4-10 (Amundsen Terminal) -469.1875 / -84.84375 / 4456.125 732,19 Ly
#40 Praea Euq QD-C b54-0 (Planctae (The Wandering Rock)) 389.71875 / 33.34375 / 1387.875 3 188,39 Ly
#41 HR 6164 (The View) 444.34375 / 58.3125 / 1282.96875 120,88 Ly
#42 Shapley 1 (Shapley 1 (The Fine Ring Nebula)) 513.21875 / 34.875 / 857.53125 431,61 Ly
#43 Shinrarta Dezhra 55.71875 / 17.59375 / 27.15625 948,22 Ly