Galactic Mapping > Routes > Tour the Universe (Part II: Rohini - Colonia)

This is the second part of the tour. Starting point was Rohini. I also used EDSM POIs and some of my own waypoints to fill the route. Also I added as much pictues of the waypoints as I could. If the pictures are too small for you, please open the hyperlink to the pictures as it's shown in fullscreen then.

The total distance of this route is 49.287,31 lightyears. I did it with a jump range of almost 55ly. So you should be good to go with anything near it.

Have fun and fly safe!

# System Coordinates Distance
#1 Flyua Hypue ZE-A g2 -5656.53125 / -313.53125 / 7075.375
#2 PSR J1901+0716 -5935.46875 / 168.25 / 6932.6875 574,70 Ly
#3 Byoi Euq YP-P e5-5 -6043.9375 / 280.65625 / 6307.78125 644,13 Ly
#4 Byoi Euq EG-Y g6 -6372.875 / 223.75 / 6528.28125 400,07 Ly
#5 Flyeia Hypa YE-A g0 -7352.125 / -331.03125 / 6984.375 1 214,39 Ly
#6 Flyua Hypa YL-J d10-58 -8209.65625 / -102.9375 / 7572.5 1 064,56 Ly
#7 Thraikuae AA-A g2 -8400.34375 / 46.875 / 7239.53125 411,91 Ly
#8 Prai Hypoo SX-B d23 -9272.625 / -432.78125 / 7947.875 1 221,76 Ly
#9 Prai Hypoo SX-B d10 -9317.03125 / -440.5 / 7954.84375 45,61 Ly
#10 Prai Hypoo GF-E c10 (Guardian ruins - Àrsaidh Nebula sites) -9308.09375 / -406.1875 / 7927.40625 44,83 Ly
#11 Prai Hypoo QC-C d22 -9305.53125 / -416.84375 / 7914.03125 17,29 Ly
#12 Prai Hypoo QC-C d34 -9307.21875 / -375.125 / 7942.59375 50,59 Ly
#13 Prai Hypoo QC-C d60 -9293.09375 / -376.71875 / 7949.28125 15,71 Ly
#14 Prai Hypoo AA-A h54 -10137.8125 / -811.90625 / 8217.4375 987,34 Ly
#15 Flyai Eaescs AA-A h63 (Explorer's Web) -11868.15625 / -830.21875 / 9550.21875 2 184,20 Ly
#16 Flyai Eaescs BG-N d7-8 (Chrysanthemum Nebula) -12143.09375 / -709.65625 / 9864.78125 434,83 Ly
#17 Flyai Eaescs AA-A h46 (Precipice) -12216.78125 / -1218.4375 / 9339.9375 734,68 Ly
#18 Flyiedgae RJ-Q e5-0 (Apparition Nebula) -12371.75 / -489.3125 / 8877.8125 877,04 Ly
#19 Prue Hypooe DL-Y g6 -13340.96875 / -518.375 / 9037.34375 982,69 Ly
#20 Dehoae FL-W d2-0 (Seashell Nebula) -15796.75 / -533.8125 / 9459.46875 2 491,84 Ly
#21 Flya Eaescs ZE-A g0 -16823.6875 / -248.375 / 9724.0625 1 098,22 Ly
#22 Flya Eaescs PD-Q d6-18 -16907.75 / -251.09375 / 9775.6875 98,69 Ly
#23 Eodgowry JM-W e1-0 -19076.5625 / -16.71875 / 10788.5 2 405,09 Ly
#24 Crooki PX-V c17-5 (Lonely Lantern Nebula) -23057.3125 / 696.125 / 12528.84375 4 402,65 Ly
#25 Lyruelks TZ-O d6-8 -25236.90625 / 585.46875 / 13575.40625 2 420,36 Ly
#26 Stueloea RV-B d14-26 -25073.90625 / -298 / 14274.1875 1 138,15 Ly
#27 Bloo Eaeb UY-A e8 -25023.625 / -389.75 / 14380.375 149,07 Ly
#28 Lyruelks FL-P e5-41 -24507.46875 / -6.15625 / 14047.125 724,30 Ly
#29 Graei Hypeia DL-Y g4 -23468.59375 / -41.5625 / 13938.15625 1 045,17 Ly
#30 Bya Phla WP-P e5-8 (Vulcan Triad) -22972.3125 / 181.96875 / 14086.34375 564,11 Ly
#31 Bya Phla XA-F d11-202 -22836.53125 / 89.59375 / 14021.03125 176,74 Ly
#32 Bleou Aick SV-Y c6 -22294.78125 / 104.65625 / 14362.4375 640,53 Ly
#33 Bla Eaeb TA-U d4-32 -21520.90625 / -44.03125 / 14716.46875 863,90 Ly
#34 Boepps AA-A h32 -20040.78125 / -185.0625 / 15624.65625 1 742,26 Ly
#35 Ploadaea MO-Y d1-1 -19200.09375 / 906.375 / 14532.5625 1 758,03 Ly
#36 Ploadaea BA-A g2 -18400 / 181.375 / 14401.59375 1 087,62 Ly
#37 Floasly TE-X d2-25 (Floasly Glowing Green Giant) -17387.15625 / -219.5 / 14558 1 100,46 Ly
#38 Greou Eaescs PZ-O e6-36 -17754.21875 / -144.4375 / 16714.40625 2 188,71 Ly
#39 Dryo Aob DR-C d7 (Blue Heaven) -16252.25 / 1116.90625 / 18142.59375 2 426,24 Ly
#40 Dryo Aob YZ-F d11-15 -15509.21875 / 499.96875 / 19106.78125 1 364,68 Ly
#41 Leameia CQ-A b6-18 (Peacock Nebula) -13779.34375 / -123.40625 / 19538.21875 1 888,70 Ly
#42 Dryae Flyoae NT-Q e5-193 (Abyss Pool Nebula and Geysers) -13554.8125 / -105.4375 / 19175.90625 426,62 Ly
#43 Dryaea Flee ME-G c24-563 (Clown Nebula) -12346.5 / 0 / 19194.9375 1 213,05 Ly
#44 Oob Freau EL-Y e4717 (Keranos Nebula) -11184.53125 / 247.40625 / 19719.78125 1 298,78 Ly
#45 Eol Prou LX-U e2-20 -10083.9375 / -1112.21875 / 19996.875 1 771,06 Ly
#46 Eol Prou DL-Y e943 -10000.0625 / -1073.78125 / 19642.0625 366,61 Ly
#47 Eol Prou AA-A h162 (Tartarus) -9623.625 / -917.1875 / 19792.96875 434,74 Ly
#48 Colonia (Jaques Station / Colonia (System) / Animula Spires / The Mosta-Murdoch Raceway) -9530.5 / -910.28125 / 19808.125 94,60 Ly