Galactic Mapping > Routes > Visit Star One from the DSSA "Andromeda Calling" FC

During my return home from the Perseus Reach expedition I had a list of POI's that I wanted to visit along the way. One of them was "Star One"; this distant system located at the outermost edge of the Errant March region and known to be the closest system to Andromeda.

The trip was done in the "Limo-Nade"; my 57LY Dolphin and required about 30 boostjumps each way.

# System Coordinates Distance
#1 Byeia Thoea CA-A d2 (DSSA Andromeda Calling) -33157.1875 / 19.46875 / 2846.8125
#2 Fojau VR-W d1-1 -33423.1875 / 64.1875 / 2951.78125 289,44 Ly
#3 Fojau AT-U d2-2 -33500.65625 / 48.09375 / 3025.15625 107,91 Ly
#4 Fojau ZS-U d2-0 -33574.21875 / 17.78125 / 3065.34375 89,14 Ly
#5 Fojau CZ-S d3-0 -33655.875 / -19.4375 / 3104.40625 97,87 Ly
#6 Fojau DY-L c7-0 -33699.15625 / -20.75 / 3100.15625 43,51 Ly
#7 Fojau BZ-S d3-0 -33743.28125 / -22.34375 / 3105.09375 44,43 Ly
#8 Fojau AZ-S d3-2 -33755.125 / -5.9375 / 3097.71875 21,54 Ly
#9 Fojau EF-R d4-0 -33815.09375 / -16.78125 / 3182.59375 104,49 Ly
#10 Fojau DF-R d4-1 -33859.0625 / 30.96875 / 3184.8125 64,95 Ly
#11 Fojau GL-P d5-1 -33910.59375 / -2.0625 / 3256.9375 94,60 Ly
#12 Fojau CF-R d4-1 -33942.59375 / -24.09375 / 3242.8125 41,34 Ly
#13 Fojau GL-P d5-0 -33984.875 / -23.21875 / 3265.8125 48,14 Ly
#14 Fojau FL-P d5-0 -34008.5625 / -0.28125 / 3264.875 32,99 Ly
#15 Fojau FL-P d5-1 -34034.96875 / 11.40625 / 3258.75 29,52 Ly
#16 Fojau BF-R d4-1 -34063.34375 / 7.03125 / 3220.90625 47,50 Ly
#17 Iongorsts BH-S d5-1 -34064.3125 / -91.90625 / 3269.75 110,34 Ly
#18 Iongorsts FN-Q d6-0 -34060.5625 / -93.0625 / 3343.5 73,85 Ly
#19 Iongorsts LO-O d7-0 -34055.21875 / -173.875 / 3419.40625 111,00 Ly
#20 Iongorsts KO-O d7-0 -34085.21875 / -164.40625 / 3467.6875 57,63 Ly
#21 Iongorsts OU-M d8-0 -34141.15625 / -175.40625 / 3509.28125 70,57 Ly
#22 Iongorsts MU-M d8-0 -34232.8125 / -173.21875 / 3543.625 97,90 Ly
#23 Iongorsts QA-L d9-0 -34299.28125 / -177.59375 / 3580.46875 76,12 Ly
#24 Iongorsts PA-L d9-0 -34335.625 / -114.25 / 3640.375 94,46 Ly
#25 Iongorsts OA-L d9-0 -34402.34375 / -105.25 / 3642.46875 67,36 Ly
#26 Iongorsts NA-L d9-0 -34470.96875 / -129.25 / 3589.71875 89,82 Ly
#27 Iongorsts LF-L d9-0 -34534.65625 / -99.84375 / 3576.78125 71,33 Ly
#28 Iongorsts KF-L d9-0 -34618.34375 / -73.3125 / 3601.5 91,21 Ly
#29 Iongobs DM-J d10-0 -34699.0625 / -103 / 3655.6875 101,65 Ly
#30 Iongobs CM-J d10-0 -34755.4375 / -101.875 / 3710.5 78,64 Ly
#31 Iongobs FS-H d11-0 -34844.65625 / -99.03125 / 3758.90625 101,54 Ly
#32 Iongobs ES-H d11-0 -34939.59375 / -103 / 3741.9375 96,52 Ly
#33 Iongobs DS-H d11-0 -34961.96875 / -88.875 / 3768.375 37,40 Ly
#34 Iongobs FN-H d11-0 -35015.5625 / -170.4375 / 3745.625 100,21 Ly
#35 Iongobs CS-H d11-0 -35097.40625 / -104.90625 / 3747.75 104,87 Ly
#36 Iongobs BS-H d11-0 -35173.3125 / -94 / 3742.375 76,87 Ly
#37 Iongobs AS-H d11-0 -35250.28125 / -95.40625 / 3741.40625 76,99 Ly
#38 Byaa Thoi EW-E d11-0 -35263.6875 / -15.40625 / 3744.4375 81,17 Ly
#39 Byaa Thoi HC-D d12-0 -35330.3125 / -23.375 / 3823.25 103,51 Ly
#40 Byaa Thoi GC-D d12-0 (Star One) -35413.03125 / -14.75 / 3821.46875 83,19 Ly