Cartographie Galactique > Routes > My first colonial journey

My first colonial journey.

# System Coordinates Distance
#1 Bleia Dryiae MU-I c12-16 -536.53125 / -83.75 / 4579
#2 Bleia Dryiae HF-W b35-1 (Bleia Dryiae Glowing Green Giant) -836.40625 / -112.5625 / 4826.15625 389,67 Ly
#3 Omega Sector KC-V c2-59 (Omega Depot) -1444.875 / -71.40625 / 5324.25 787,42 Ly
#4 Omega Sector VE-Q b5-15 (Omega Mining Operation) -1444.3125 / -85.8125 / 5319.9375 15,05 Ly
#5 Chaluia FS-A d1-4 (Momma's Boy) -2486.15625 / -1483.625 / 5426.65625 1 746,63 Ly
#6 Nyeajeau XF-T c5-9 (Al-Qūhī Oasis) -2090.21875 / -472.40625 / 6868.4375 1 805,01 Ly
#7 Eagle Sector JH-V c2-4 (Eagle Depot) -2054.40625 / 114.0625 / 6704.1875 610,09 Ly
#8 Eagle Sector IR-W d1-105 (Eagle Sector Secure Facility) -2046.21875 / 104.40625 / 6699.90625 13,36 Ly
#9 Nyeajaae IT-M c9-19 (Viridian Dreams) -3329.84375 / -361.40625 / 7049.03125 1 409,45 Ly
#10 Flyiedgiae QN-T d3-17 (Quantum World) -3423.8125 / -1029.8125 / 8254.9375 1 381,96 Ly
#11 Skaude AA-A h216 (Garmany's Treasure) -4804.59375 / -802.15625 / 10127.65625 2 337,83 Ly
#12 Ellaisms AA-A h812 (The Twisted Twins) -5494.59375 / 933.84375 / 9931.78125 1 878,34 Ly
#13 Skaudai CH-B d14-34 (Sacaqawea Space Port) -5481.84375 / -579.15625 / 10429.9375 1 592,95 Ly
#14 Clooku GR-U d3-112 (Fields of Elysium) -5769.03125 / -523.375 / 12108.75 1 704,11 Ly
#15 Gru Hypue KS-T d3-31 (Gagarin Gate / Vostok-1 Nebula) -4990.84375 / -935.71875 / 13387.15625 1 552,39 Ly
#16 Gru Hypue AA-A g4 (Jo Ella's Flares) -5179.875 / -933.46875 / 13505.5625 223,06 Ly
#17 Nuekuae AA-A h52 (The Crux) -6189.0625 / -682.5625 / 13809.84375 1 083,51 Ly
#18 Gandharvi (Caravanserai) -6703.5 / -157.84375 / 14108.03125 793,03 Ly
#19 Blaa Phoe NC-D d12-230 (Death Spiral) -5377.90625 / -1291.40625 / 15398 2 169,37 Ly
#20 Boewnst XM-C c81 (Michell's Legacy Depot) -5541.1875 / -757.375 / 15590.84375 590,80 Ly
#21 Greae Phreia XO-A f190 (A Dance of Spirals) -5452.84375 / -1337.9375 / 15652.8125 590,51 Ly
#22 Boewnst KS-S c20-959 (Polo Harbour / The Grand Formation / The Venetian Nebula) -6195.46875 / -140.28125 / 16462.0625 1 625,04 Ly
#23 Eord Flyuae VP-W d2-2699 (Diamond Necklace) -7487.15625 / -478.84375 / 17130.5625 1 493,31 Ly
#24 Eoch Flyuae AN-X c16-379 (Happy Planet) -8441.78125 / -616.71875 / 17612.5 1 078,23 Ly
#25 Dryoea Flyuae AA-A g392 (Gleshpoint) -7698.09375 / -1102.09375 / 18141.3125 1 033,59 Ly
#26 Dryio Flyuae KC-V e2-425 (Celestia and Luna) -8610.84375 / -899.28125 / 18711.6875 1 095,25 Ly
#27 Spoihaae XE-X d2-9 (Monde de la Mort (World of Death)) -9346.125 / -1472.09375 / 19659.0625 1 329,01 Ly
#28 Colonia (Jaques Station / Colonia (System) / Animula Spires / The Mosta-Murdoch Raceway) -9530.5 / -910.28125 / 19808.125 609,79 Ly
#29 Eol Prou KR-L c8-10 (Colonia Depot) -9627.625 / -949.0625 / 19788.59375 106,39 Ly
#30 Dryoea Flyuae AA-A g392 (Gleshpoint) -7698.09375 / -1102.09375 / 18141.3125 2 541,66 Ly
#31 Sol 0 / 0 / 0 19 737,84 Ly