Cartographie Galactique > Routes > Star One Travelled

A route to Star One by courtesy of the The Dead End's Circumnavigation Expedition.

The max jump distance for this route is ~90Ly.


# System Coordinates Distance
#1 Gria Eon HM-D c15-0 -33223.6875 / -101.75 / 3419.5625
#2 Gria Eon DT-O d7-1 -33253.65625 / -83.96875 / 3419.71875 34,85 Ly
#3 Gria Eon BG-F c14-0 -33302.53125 / -81.46875 / 3404.4375 51,27 Ly
#4 Gria Eon AG-F c14-0 -33342.0625 / -99.3125 / 3375.9375 51,90 Ly
#5 Gria Eon YM-Q d6-1 -33339.21875 / -104.84375 / 3345.75 30,82 Ly
#6 Iongorsts PI-Q d6-2 -33363.5 / -159.6875 / 3369.78125 64,61 Ly
#7 Iongorsts PI-Q d6-0 -33413.375 / -184.125 / 3341.1875 62,47 Ly
#8 Iongorsts LC-S d5-0 -33423.0625 / -150.5625 / 3291.15625 61,02 Ly
#9 Iongorsts VU-I c12-0 -33460.5625 / -103.65625 / 3297.0625 60,34 Ly
#10 Iongorsts KC-S d5-0 -33486.46875 / -124.28125 / 3316.34375 38,32 Ly
#11 Iongorsts JC-S d5-0 -33521.40625 / -147.53125 / 3285.59375 52,03 Ly
#12 Iongorsts LX-R d5-0 -33561.0625 / -192.34375 / 3295.0625 60,58 Ly
#13 Iongorsts IC-S d5-0 -33620.625 / -157.28125 / 3267.875 74,27 Ly
#14 Iongorsts EB-W e2-0 -33656.0625 / -174.40625 / 3308.15625 56,32 Ly
#15 Iongorsts HC-S d5-1 -33738.6875 / -179.21875 / 3304.4375 82,85 Ly
#16 Iongorsts HC-S d5-0 -33741 / -179.65625 / 3291.09375 13,55 Ly
#17 Iongorsts CW-T d4-0 -33778.78125 / -163.59375 / 3246.625 60,52 Ly
#18 Iongorsts GC-S d5-1 -33805.71875 / -136.59375 / 3292.65625 59,78 Ly
#19 Iongorsts IN-Q d6-0 -33821.21875 / -93.53125 / 3335.65625 62,80 Ly
#20 Iongorsts EH-S d5-1 -33820.8125 / -62.78125 / 3330.53125 31,18 Ly
#21 Iongorsts HN-Q d6-1 -33844.96875 / -87.0625 / 3368.9375 51,46 Ly
#22 Iongorsts HN-Q d6-0 -33898.65625 / -102.28125 / 3347.59375 59,75 Ly
#23 Iongorsts GN-Q d6-1 -33951.1875 / -103.21875 / 3363.5625 54,91 Ly
#24 Iongorsts KT-O d7-1 -33972.34375 / -97.28125 / 3433.125 72,95 Ly
#25 Iongorsts KT-O d7-0 -33978.6875 / -102.4375 / 3424.59375 11,82 Ly
#26 Iongorsts HI-Q d6-1 -34017.375 / -137.34375 / 3404.4375 55,87 Ly
#27 Iongorsts LO-O d7-0 -34055.21875 / -173.875 / 3419.40625 54,69 Ly
#28 Iongorsts KO-O d7-0 -34085.21875 / -164.40625 / 3467.6875 57,63 Ly
#29 Iongorsts OU-M d8-0 -34141.15625 / -175.40625 / 3509.28125 70,57 Ly
#30 Iongorsts QP-M d8-0 -34132.84375 / -226.96875 / 3548.84375 65,52 Ly
#31 Iongorsts PP-M d8-0 -34208.03125 / -248.75 / 3566.40625 80,22 Ly
#32 Iongorsts QK-M d8-0 -34246.125 / -287 / 3532.34375 63,83 Ly
#33 Iongorsts OP-M d8-0 -34288.84375 / -252.65625 / 3502.375 62,47 Ly
#34 Iongorsts NP-M d8-0 -34377.9375 / -252.65625 / 3495.375 89,37 Ly
#35 Iongorsts MP-M d8-0 -34456.53125 / -252.90625 / 3503.28125 78,99 Ly
#36 Iongorsts LP-M d8-0 -34499.28125 / -240 / 3542 59,10 Ly
#37 Iongorsts PV-K d9-0 -34543.96875 / -259 / 3579.125 61,12 Ly
#38 Iongorsts OV-K d9-0 -34545.75 / -210.75 / 3604.8125 54,69 Ly
#39 Iongorsts RG-J d10-0 -34542.59375 / -183.09375 / 3665.96875 67,19 Ly
#40 Iongorsts SB-J d10-0 -34583.625 / -214.125 / 3659.0625 51,91 Ly
#41 Iongorsts QG-J d10-0 -34620.03125 / -178.84375 / 3665.375 51,09 Ly
#42 Iongobs FH-J d10-0 -34691.53125 / -177.625 / 3666.5 71,52 Ly
#43 Iongobs DM-J d10-0 -34699.0625 / -103 / 3655.6875 75,78 Ly
#44 Iongobs CM-J d10-0 -34755.4375 / -101.875 / 3710.5 78,64 Ly
#45 Iongobs IN-H d11-0 -34777.71875 / -120.15625 / 3757.375 55,03 Ly
#46 Iongobs HN-H d11-0 -34798.71875 / -141.03125 / 3744.96875 32,10 Ly
#47 Iongobs FS-H d11-0 -34844.65625 / -99.03125 / 3758.90625 63,78 Ly
#48 Iongobs GN-H d11-0 -34895.8125 / -123.625 / 3780.25 60,64 Ly
#49 Iongobs ES-H d11-0 -34939.59375 / -103 / 3741.9375 61,73 Ly
#50 Iongobs BH-J d10-0 -34996.0625 / -160.25 / 3734.15625 80,79 Ly
#51 Iongobs FN-H d11-0 -35015.5625 / -170.4375 / 3745.625 24,81 Ly
#52 Iongobs EN-H d11-0 -35053.09375 / -156.8125 / 3811.71875 77,22 Ly
#53 Iongobs IT-F d12-0 -35104.9375 / -179.28125 / 3816.96875 56,75 Ly
#54 Iongobs DN-H d11-0 -35117 / -170.8125 / 3775.6875 43,83 Ly
#55 Iongobs CS-H d11-0 -35097.40625 / -104.90625 / 3747.75 74,22 Ly
#56 Iongobs BS-H d11-0 -35173.3125 / -94 / 3742.375 76,87 Ly
#57 Iongobs AS-H d11-0 -35250.28125 / -95.40625 / 3741.40625 76,99 Ly
#58 Byaa Thoi EW-E d11-0 -35263.6875 / -15.40625 / 3744.4375 81,17 Ly
#59 Byaa Thoi DW-E d11-0 -35333.78125 / -16.65625 / 3749.75 70,31 Ly
#60 Byaa Thoi HC-D d12-0 -35330.3125 / -23.375 / 3823.25 73,89 Ly
#61 Byaa Thoi CW-E d11-0 -35378.84375 / -15.1875 / 3803.875 52,89 Ly
#62 Byaa Thoi GC-D d12-0 (Star One) -35413.03125 / -14.75 / 3821.46875 38,45 Ly