Profil du CMDR TH3ERAZ3R > Journal de bord

Nom du commandant :
Vaisseau actuel :
Lt James McGraw [211215]
Membre depuis le :
7 janv. 2018
Distances envoyées :
Systèmes visités :
9 673
Systèmes découverts en premier :
3 890
Sirius: Patterson Enterprise

Spent the day scavaging for materials for upgrades. Was finally able to finish the heatsink launchers. Need to upgrade the cannons and missile racks next I think, though in deep space, what's the point.

There were about five of six cmdrs hovering outside the station when I docked. I hope they weren't waiting for me. I'd been on for three hours already and, having finished with the launchers, needed to get some lunch and, therefore, was pretty well done for the day. Will dock here overnight, then continue on later.

33040208 0430 TN-I C10-44 A 1 A, 44.4227/-121.0791

My home for the night.

33040207 0349 EOL PROU OH-K C9-71 A 1 A, Near last location posted

Was scanned by Reyn Malolds. I had not cargo, so he left disappointed. Got in the buggy, dismissed the ship, and that's when I picked up the strange signals. Heading towards it, I found canisters of palladium and other metals rolling down the hill to meet me. Followed the trail up the hill and found three skimmers, which I promptly dispatched. Didn't take the cargo. Didn't need the extra weight and I won't be to a station for quite some time.

33040206 0500 EOL PROU OH-K C9-71 A 1 A 36.8958/160.1934

My home for the night.

33040206 0340 After Enigma

So, I stopped posting cause the expedition got pretty focused and was jumping to make it. We did. DoveEngima13 was very please with the turn out and all and, to be honest, I had a bit of the blues when we were done, knowing that I wouldn't be making another jump for the benefit of another with a group of like minded Cmdrs made my heart ache a bit. I'll miss the purpose and comradery of our expedition.

But, hey, I've got a new mission before me. A lazy trail to Sag A. I'm going to take a long route a clime a bit in hopes that I will discover new worlds and systems that no has ever been to before, then descend to Sag A.

Did a bit of a load change out with the items that are here. I've still got 88+mil in creds.

[Type-10 Defender, Type-10 - After Enigma] [+1]

M: 2D/G Beam Laser [+1]

M: 2F/G Multi-cannon [+1]

M: 2F/G Multi-cannon [+1]

L: 2D/G Beam Laser [+1]

L: 2D/G Beam Laser [+1]

L: 3E/G Pulse Laser [+1]

L: 3E/G Pulse Laser [+1]

S: 1G/G Multi-cannon [+1]

S: 1G/G Multi-cannon [+1]

U: 0I Heat Sink Launcher [+1]

U: 0I Heat Sink Launcher [+1]

U: 0I/T Point Defense [+1]

U: 0I/T Point Defense [+1]

U: 0I/T Point Defense [+1]

U: 0I/T Point Defense [+1]

U: 0I Chaff Launcher [+1]

U: 0I Chaff Launcher [+1]

BH: 1C Lightweight Alloy

PP: 8C Power Plant

TH: 7B Thrusters [+1]

FD: 7B Frame Shift Drive [+2]

LS: 5A Life Support [+1]

PD: 6A Power Distributor [+1]

SS: 4A Sensors [+1]

FT: 6C Fuel Tank (Capacity: 64)

MC: 5D Module Reinforcement Package

MC: 5D Module Reinforcement Package

8: 8D Shield Generator [+1]

7: 6B Fuel Scoop [+1]

6: 6G Planetary Vehicle Hangar [+1]

5: 5A Auto Field-Maintenance Unit [+1]

4: 4E Cargo Rack (Capacity: 16)

4: 3A Fuel Transfer Limpet Controller [+1]

3: 3A Repair Limpet Controller [+1]

3: 1C Detailed Surface Scanner

2: 1C Advanced Discovery Scanner

Anyway, to night starts my first jump of another very long journey.

Type 10 Photo

33040116 0248 RED SPIDER SECTOR UJ-Q B5-0 B 2 (60.5°//119.7°)

I made it to our next waypoint and later my good friend, Diettinger, met me at the rally point in his Anaconda. It will be really great to have a familiar face to travel with. I'm excited, but tired.

Good night.

33040115 0423 Heaven's Lathe

Decided to this morning to head back to Mannon to drop the escape pod that I recovered on the surface of 46 Epsilon Sagittarii 1 and to pick up the limpets that I lost when my ship was destroyed just before the expedition started. I'd forgotten to rebuy them. Anyway, started out for weigh point 4 (wp4) and discovered that the weight of the limpets slowed my ship down to 13.?? light years and I couldn't find a route about half way through, so I turned around and started to head to the bubble to drop some weight (i.e. the guns that I brought), but after a few stops of retracing my path, I checked the load out and found that I would only gain .5 light years. So, I tried dumping some of the limpets to see if I could increase the jump range, but not enough. I ended up having to dump them all to get here. But I did make it here and I have a solid course to the next wp. I figure, if I can get to wp8, then I should good on jumps, as I'll have cross the void between the two stellar arms. Hopefully jumps won't be a problem as we are moving towards the galactic core where the star system get tighter and more packed together.

I did make a side trip while at Mammon to find some volcanic vents that looked like a bonfire in the photos that were posted, but I couldn't find them, but I did manage to gather some items from the surface for synthesizing.

I'm off to my bunk.


33040114 0538 46 Epsilon Sagittarii 1

We've landed on a rock with 3.9g . It was touch and go, but everyone landed, and there were no death of those in my group.

We did land a bit to far from the rally point and tried to get there in SRVs, but it was turning into quite a job, both in distance and terrain. So, we recalled our ships and made a second successful landing on this high gravity world. I wasn't sure that the ships would be able to pick us up due to the land features not offering as suitable placement for the ships, but the darn thing almost landed on top of me and I realized that it was allowing me to board ship without landing, like some sort of alien abduction. Driving around on the SRVs was fun, but was glad to be back on board. Then, just before we were going to call it a night another ship came in, so I sent him a wing request so that he could land near us. He made the job look like child's play. The bastard.

Lots of fun. No one died. Great day.

Still having trouble with the photos here. I'll see what I can do later, but for now, I'm exhausted and headed to my bunk.

33040113 0518 Mammon 1 A/Mammon Monitoring Facility

Made it to the second waypoint with out much trouble. Did make just under 4 mil in cred on the cartog.

My photos aren't posting here. Going to have to work that out at some point.

I'm exhausted. I'm heading to my bunk.

33040112 2132 CSI-21-22270 3 Helix Nebula

We've arrived at our first stop. Well, most of us anyway. Some came in too fast and crash & burned. Yikes!

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