Profil du CMDR ListerofSMEG > Journal de bord

Nom du commandant :
Vaisseau actuel :
Membre depuis le :
25 avr. 2018
Distances envoyées :
Systèmes visités :
7 967
Systèmes découverts en premier :
4 444
Solde :
731 667 929 Cr
Change of Direction

We're not going to BP via Rendezvous point unless you want to go out of your way to visit (I think I'll have a look on the way back)

Some truly unremarkable systems out here in the void

Still, mapping & scanning brings in money & pretty much all guaranteed to be first discoveries too :)

Taking hull damage


Neutron jumping has caused me no end of trouble.

Have used amfu to repair where possible but my hull has started to take damage.

cant wait to get to waypoint 8 and repair with a cadged limpet

Off We Go


fully rested and repaired.

onward to Goliaths rest then push forwards towards rendezvous point & beagle

DW2 is taking its time.....


Made it to Sagittarius A* again today.

found a new station being built as part of the DW2 expedition 'Explorers Anchorage'

Spent a few days here resting up before pushing on towards Beagle for the first time