コーデックス > Inner Scutum-Centaurus Arm > Biological and Geological > Geology and Anomalies > Fumarole

Fumaroles are gaps in a planet's crust through which gases and steam are emitted. The ejected material often accumulates around the opening
Sulphur Dioxide Fumarole
A surface opening that emits high-pressure gas and minerals, found on terrestrial planets with sulphur dioxide magma.
報告された場所 Carcosa
EDSMへの報告者 .EoD.
報告された日付 2018/12/12 1:57
Water Fumarole
A surface opening that emits high-pressure gas and minerals, found on terrestrial planets with water geysers.
報告された場所 Eol Prou IR-M d7-1530
EDSMへの報告者 GerUA
報告された日付 2018/12/12 22:34
Silicate Vapour Fumarole
A surface opening that emits high-pressure gas and minerals, found on terrestrial planets with silicate vapour geysers.
報告された場所 Boeph HG-N d7-609
EDSMへの報告者 goshan4ch
報告された日付 2018/12/12 0:00