
  • 3307年11月16日
  • Theta Seven Traced to Panjabell System

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    A decrypted message suggests that the NMLA leader Theta Seven avoided capture by infiltrating the Far God cult.

    ACT publicly requested help to decode a message received by Theta Group, the bomb-making engineers of the NMLA. The cipher key was cracked and the decoded message submitted by Commander Therion Cygni. It revealed that Theta Seven and his closest aides fled to the Panjabell system on the 31st of July.

    Captain Milo Castile, one of ACT’s co-leaders, provided an update:

    “Our theory is that Theta Seven and his crew were travelling undercover as Far God worshippers, who were gathering in the Panjabell system in huge numbers at that time. Since all members of this religious order renounce their past identities, this would have helped the terrorists to avoid detection.”

    “The Pleiades Concordat and other factions in Panjabell are cooperating with our investigation. But it seems likely that Theta Seven is currently hiding aboard one of the three Far God megaships that were launched from the system on the 6th of August.”

    “ACT agents have attempted to contact the Perdition, Sacrosanct and Testament megaships to alert them of the danger. Unfortunately the cultists consider themselves to be on a sacred pilgrimage that cannot be impeded, and that their vessels are ‘sanctuaries from further persecution by hostile security services’.”

  • 3307年11月15日
  • Dredger Clan Faces Possible Extinction

    Orion University has been informed that its ownership claim of the Scriveners Clan dredger is placing its population at great risk.

    In the Oochost PC-C c29-0 system, the university’s megaship Scientia Aeterna has used override codes to prevent the dredger from departing. But the nomadic tribe’s refusal to abandon their home has placed them under great pressure, as observed by freelance reporter Casey Kilpatrick:

    “Dredger-class bulk cruisers are the sharks of space – they must always keep moving, constantly gathering raw materials to synthesize into fuel, air and other resources. The Scriveners Clan remained stationary for months while salvaging the Hesperus, but in this system they are trapped without such vital intakes.”

    “Independent observers are now reporting malfunctions in the vessel’s power and life support systems. If the Scriveners maintain their siege mentality, further mechanical failures are inevitable. Orion might inherit the dredger after all, but it will be a ship of the dead.”

    Professor Elizabeth Perez, Orion University’s head of anthropology, responded:

    “The last thing we wish is for any harm to befall these people. My colleagues are urgently discussing ways to convince the Scriveners Clan that we have their best interests at heart. After all, as fellow scientists and researchers, they are a living embodiment of our university’s core values.”

  • 3307年11月12日
  • Manhunt for Theta Seven Escalates

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    The Affiliated Counter-Terrorism unit has acquired an encrypted message that may reveal Theta Seven’s location.

    ACT successfully captured most of the bomb-making engineers known as Theta Group, and has now prioritised hunting down the NMLA’s de facto leader.

    This latest breakthrough was explained by Captain Milo Castile:

    “Theta Group managed to delete most of their data prior to capture, but we retrieved a short message that they received on the 31st of July. At this point most of Theta Group were being harboured by Neo-Marlinist sympathisers within the Marlinist Colonies, but Theta Seven and his closest aides had fled to an unknown destination.”

    “Unfortunately the message has been encrypted using a pre-arranged cipher key, without which its contents are unreadable. It is unclear why this wasn’t transmitted via the NMLA’s dark-comms network, which remains undetectable despite our best efforts.”

    “As it’s possible that this was sent by Theta Seven, we welcome any assistance from the galactic community in decoding it. This ruthless terrorist must be tracked down before he can take more innocent lives.”

    ACT has requested that all newsfeeds publish the encrypted message, which is as follows:


    There is a substantial reward on offer for the first person to submit a correctly deciphered version of this message to ACT.

  • 3307年11月11日
  • Colonia Bridge Gains Further Resources

    Pilots Federation ALERT

    Successful campaigns in the Alcor and Colonia systems will result in new megaships being added to the Colonia Bridge.

    Large quantities of ceramic composites, computer components and thermal cooling units were provided at either end of the route between the core systems and the distant Colonia region.

    Brewer Corporation provided an update on the project:

    “Once again, the galactic community has provided the vital materials required to construct dockable megaships. These additional ports should be operational by the 25th of November, making journeys to and from Colonia easier and safer.”

    “Pilots can now collect their rewards from Macdonald Settlement in the Alcor system and Jaques Station in the Colonia system. We shall also be awarding an engineered frame shift drive with long range and fast boot to the majority of contributors.”

    The top ten pilots who delivered materials to Alcor and Colonia will shortly be invited to submit suggestions to name the new megaships. Submissions will be subject to review by the Brewer Corporation board of directors. To ensure a variety of choice, only pilots who have not yet submitted names for the Colonia Bridge megaships will be eligible.

  • Aegis Renegades Attack Salvation’s Allies

    Pilots’ Federation ALERT

    A rogue Aegis Defense force has initiated conflict with Taurus Mining Ventures in the T Tauri system.

    The megaship Musashi is commanded by Aegis’s chief military liaison Admiral Aden Tanner, who made this announcement:

    “The Hind Mine asteroid base contains proof that Salvation’s unlicensed anti-xeno weapon is intentionally designed to provoke the Thargoids, and therefore endangers us all. As Taurus Mining Ventures refuses to cooperate, we have no choice but to obtain the evidence by force.”

    “This may be our only opportunity to discover Salvation’s true ambitions. I urge all independent pilots who have fought alongside Aegis to help us complete this vital mission.”

    Patience Middleton, a spokesperson for Taurus Mining Ventures, responded:

    “This is an illegal attack that jeopardises the important work we are undertaking on behalf of Salvation. It is in the galactic community’s interests to defend our corporate headquarters.”

    Aegis officially stated that Admiral Tanner is acting on his own authority, and that the Musashi’s presence in the T Tauri system is in direct violation of orders. Despite this, there are reports that Tanner has tacit support from many members of Aegis, who disagree with the public inquiry that has suspended its operations.

  • 3307年11月10日
  • Long-Lost Research Facility Discovered

    Pilots Federation ALERT

    A distress call has led independent pilots to locate an abandoned settlement in the Snake Sector GW-W c1-1 system.

    The SOS was initially detected by one of the megaships that form the Colonia Bridge, inspiring many ships to search nearby systems. The source was eventually identified as Holloway Bioscience Research Facility 15 on the moon Snake Sector GW-W c1-1 AB 5 b.

    Pilots unearthed a series of mission logs recorded in the year 3255 by a freelance military unit named Excalibur Troop. As yet, the contents of these logs have not been made available to newsfeeds.

    Aanya Gupta, CEO of the Holloway Bioscience Institute, gave a statement to the press:

    “Research Facility 15 was one of the first wave of planetary survey laboratories established by our founder, the esteemed scientist Lord Roland Holloway. Our records of these settlements are patchy, so we are grateful that this has been located.”

    “Unfortunately, we can find no data regarding Excalibur Troop or the circumstances under which they were contracted. Our investigative teams are on-site to gather further information.”

    The Holloway Bioscience Institute refused to comment on rumours that a previously unidentified life form had been encountered by the research facility’s original crew.

  • 3307年11月9日
  • No Progress with Dredger Deadlock

    The nomadic Scriveners Clan continues to resist Orion University’s attempts to take possession of their dredger.

    Freelance reporter Casey Kilpatrick published an update from the Oochost PC-C c29-0 system:

    “Orion University’s claim that the vessel is their property has been countered by Advocacy’s reminder of laws preventing cultural contamination. So the question now is: who actually owns the dredger? Is it the families that have lived there for generations, or the organisation which originally built it?”

    “Various solutions have been proposed to resolve this stand-off. These include an offer from Canonn Interstellar Research Group to purchase the dredger from Orion University, gift it to the Scriveners Clan then publicly share the contents of their mysterious Knowledge Core.”

    “However, two centuries of isolation have instilled this academia-focused society with a pathological need to protect its research. They are no more likely to cooperate than a deeply religious nation asked to hand over its most holy artefact.”

    “Orion’s megaship Scientia Aeterna is still transmitting requests to communicate. I have even seen one of its secondary craft narrowly avoid being consumed by the dredger’s maw while searching for an access point. But the Scriveners are locked down tight, and this siege situation shows no sign of ending.”

  • 3307年1月18日
  • ACT Captures Theta Group

    The creators of the NMLA’s caustic enzyme bombs have been arrested, although the terrorist figurehead Theta Seven remains at large.

    Theta Group is directly responsible for 17 starport bombings conducted by the NMLA across the core systems. These attacks resulted in a combined death toll of almost 800,000 people, with twice as many suffering serious injury.

    Senior Agent Tanya Ramirez, one of the Affiliated Counter-Terrorism unit’s co-leaders, told the media:

    “We have finally tracked down the NMLA’s bomb-making engineers, and a joint task force made the arrest with minimal casualties. Large quantities of Thargoid corrosives and explosive components were also seized.”

    “This achievement was only possible due to intercepting Theta Group’s communications with Neo-Marlinist sympathisers. We are unsure why the NMLA’s dark-comms network was not used in that instance.”

    “As our intel predicted, the group’s leader Theta Seven was not among those we captured. We have confirmed that he and a handful of followers disappeared after the bombings in July, anticipating their imminent capture. ACT will not rest until the galaxy’s most wanted terrorist has been brought to justice.”

    The name ‘Theta Group’ was assigned to the bomb-makers during their incarceration at Serene Harbour, an Imperial Intelligence penal facility in the R CrA Sector AF-A d42 system. After escaping, their leader adopted his prisoner designation – Theta Seven – as a reaction to what he viewed as dehumanising treatment of Neo-Marlinists by the Empire.

  • 3307年1月15日
  • Aegis Leader Opposes Salvation

    Admiral Aden Tanner has called for Aegis to reject the public inquiry’s shutdown and take direct action against Salvation.

    The Musashi, an Aegis Defense megaship under his command, has entered the T Tauri system to challenge Taurus Mining Ventures. The corporation has performed activities on Salvation’s behalf, including preparation for the anti-xeno weapon used to eliminate all Thargoids from the Cornsar system.

    Admiral Tanner transmitted this message to media outlets:

    “Salvation’s unlicensed weapons technology is deliberately designed to provoke the Thargoids, risking millions of lives. My sources tell me that Hind Mine asteroid base contains evidence of this. I therefore demand that Taurus Mining Ventures allows us access so we can determine the truth.”

    Patience Middleton of Taurus Mining Ventures responded:

    “We are a legitimate business under contract to a private citizen, whose activities are protected by confidentiality agreements. These threats have no legal standing and are not welcome.”

    Admiral Tanner is a highly decorated Federal Navy officer and Aegis’s chief military liaison, having coordinated many combat efforts against the Thargoids. The Musashi’s relocation has been condemned by Aegis leadership, and Tanner has been ordered to depart the T Tauri system.

  • 3307年1月14日
  • Colonia Bridge Project Enters Phase Two

    Pilots Federation ALERT

    Brewer Corporation requests deliveries in the Alcor and Colonia systems for the next phase of the Colonia Bridge project.

    A successful initiative in October resulted in the placement of 30 dockable megaships at intervals of several hundred light years, providing services such as refuelling and repairs. The second phase seeks to establish this support for the full route between the core systems and the Colonia region.

    A press release from Brewer Corporation stated:

    “We are now ready to continue work on the Colonia Bridge, by constructing additional megaships to fill the middle of the planned route. As before, we require shipments of ceramic composites, computer components and thermal cooling units at Macdonald Settlement in the Alcor system or Jaques Station in the Colonia system.”

    “Should deliveries reach sufficient levels, the top 75% of contributors will be awarded an engineered frame shift drive with increased range and faster boot sequence. Our hope is that this encourages deep space explorers and long-distance haulers to take part in the Colonia Bridge project.”

    As an additional reward, the top ten contributors at Alcor and Colonia will be invited to submit naming suggestions for the new megaships. Submissions will be subject to review by the Brewer Corporation board of directors. To ensure a variety of choice, only pilots who have not yet submitted names for the Colonia Bridge megaships will be eligible.

  • 3307年1月13日
  • Demands for Federal Rebellion Decline

    Many factions have seceded from the Federation in recent months, but recent polls suggest the likelihood of further withdrawals is waning.

    The Federal Times published an update on the situation by political correspondent Sofia Trevino:

    “Some negative reaction to the Proactive Detection Bureau was anticipated. But it’s unlikely that Congress foresaw nearly forty systems abandoning the Federal Accord, as their governing factions declared independence.”

    “Fears that this would spiral into mass rebellion now seem misplaced, however. This is partly thanks to the PDB’s recent role in preventing Jupiter’s Wrath from committing terrorist acts. Although that group is hardly in the NMLA’s league, evidence that communications surveillance can save lives seems to have convinced some Federal citizens to reconsider their opposition.”

    “President Hudson’s efforts against the breakaway factions were hailed by his supporters and decried by his opponents. But the Federal Diplomatic Corps remain displeased that Hudson suffered no repercussions for violating diplomatic immunity when attempting to capture Yuri Grom.”

    “Shadow President Winters continues to call for the PDB to be shut down to prevent the Federation from becoming an authoritarian police state. But many accuse her rhetoric on civil liberties to have triggered the secessions in the first place.”

    “Meanwhile, many Federal factions are carefully observing those who did become independent. Their future success or failure may well determine whether or not this rebellion continues.”

  • 3307年11月2日
  • Hadrian Duval Accepts Senate Protection

    The Empire has officially proclaimed Hadrian Augustus Duval and his wife Lady Astrid Minerva-Duval to be wards of the Senate.

    The offer of senatorial protection was made following an NMLA attempt to assassinate them and their unborn child by bombing Dyson City starport.

    Prior to being transported from the Paresa system to a secure location, Hadrian Duval sent this message:

    “Lady Astrid and I accepted this offer with enormous reluctance. Neither of us wish to abandon our home or loyal followers. Yet we feel it is a matter of duty to protect our family and ensure future generations of the Duval bloodline.”

    “Nova Imperium will henceforth be known as Nova Paresa. It will continue to serve as a staunch ally of the Empire, as per the Treaty of Paresa. To all those who fought for our cause over the years, I assure you that history will never forget us. Memento Mordanticus!”

    There has been public support for Praetor Leo Magnus to assume leadership of Nova Paresa. Hadrian Duval has endorsed his former head of security taking his place, but confirmed that the title of Imperator is now defunct.

    In related news, ACT stated that its investigation into the Dyson City attack has yielded results. Although details remain embargoed for security reasons, a significant breakthrough is expected to be announced soon.

  • 3307年11月1日
  • Advocacy Defends Dredger Clan

    The Scriveners Clan’s legal ownership of their dredger has been supported by the civil rights organisation Advocacy.

    The ancient Dredger-class bulk cruiser, currently located in the Oochost PC-C c29-0 system, is inhabited by a nomadic tribe descended from the vessel’s original crew. Orion University claims that the cruiser is its commercial property, but has failed to make contact with its occupants.

    Rhiannon Grady, director of Advocacy, explained:

    “For centuries, there has been widespread legislation to protect remote communities from cultural contamination. These laws apply to micro-societies, such as those found aboard generation ships, that evolved in isolation.”

    “Therefore, Orion University should not presume to deprive over ten thousand people of the only home they have ever known. Unlike cases such as the Golconda, which requested emergency assistance, in this case we are legally and morally obliged to respect the status quo.”

    Professor Elizabeth Perez, head of anthropology at Orion University, responded:

    “I was involved with the Golconda aid efforts, and fully appreciate the delicacy of this situation. But the dredger’s age and condition makes it a hazardous environment for its people. Evacuation should be considered for their own safety, with appropriate measures to minimise cultural disruption.”

    The university’s megaship, Scientia Aeterna, has halted attempts to gain access to the Scriveners Clan dredger. However, it has not withdrawn its remote override of the vessel’s hyperdrive.

  • 3307年10月29日
  • The View from Colonia

    Vox Galactica’s culture correspondent Lishan Abara looks at the Colonia region, the largest enclave of humanity outside the core systems:

    “Colonia. A place that few ever see, which exists following a computer malfunction. The famed Jaques Station suffered a mis-jump on its scheduled journey to Beagle Point, relocating some 22,000 light years from Sol. The subsequent rescue effort led to the establishment of the first permanent base in what is now considered a new frontier for humanity.”

    “Over the last five years, courageous explorers have struck out to inhabit several dozen local systems. This, in turn, invited a steady stream of colonists seeking a fresh start. Nearly 13 million souls now count this remote area as their home.”

    “This is a place beyond the influence of the superpowers and mega-corporations, and most residents prefer it that way. The Colonia Council works hard to maintain order, helping local organisations function along cooperative lines. There have been a handful of regional conflicts, but generally you’re less likely to witness trouble out here.”

    “Having become self-sufficient early on, Colonia’s healthy economy encourages both traders and tourists to make the long journey. The scientific community maintains a notable presence, a notable example is the Holloway Bioscience Institute, which studies the many vacuum-dwelling life forms found in the Colonia Nebula.”

    “Independent and faction-aligned pilots are catered to, with shipyards and even a fleet carrier construction dock found in the area. Local engineers such as Baltanos, Eleanor Bresa, Rosa Dayette and Yi Shen also offer suit and personal equipment modifications to those who make a living working on low-atmosphere worlds.”

    “With the Colonia Bridge project well underway, it will soon be easier than ever to cross the interstellar gulf and reach this distant haven. Businesses, settlers and visitors alike may find themselves increasingly drawn to the Colonia experience.”

  • Initial Stage of Colonia Bridge Operational

    Pilots Federation ALERT

    Thirty megaships have been placed between the core systems and the Colonia region to serve as stationary ports.

    Twenty-five dockable megaships were sent out from the Alcor system toward Colonia, taking position in systems approximately 400 to 500 light years apart. Five further megaships have been established from the direction of the Colonia system.

    Each vessel serves as a permanent way station for travellers and businesses, designed to improve the journey to and from Colonia. A variety of services are provided, including tritium refuelling for Drake-class fleet carriers.

    The Colonia Bridge is the product of Brewer Corporation, which ran a highly successful deliveries campaign to collect resources. The megacorp has confirmed that phase two of this project will commence next week.

    During the creation of the Colonia Bridge, the crew aboard the stationary megaship Memories of Oresrati in the Snake Sector OD-S b4-2 system reported an unusual incident. A distorted transmission that could have been an SOS was detected on long-range sensors. Although they were unable to triangulate its source, the signal strength suggested a point of origin within 50 light years.

  • 3307年10月28日
  • Ressourcen für Torval Mining Ltd

    WARNUNG der Pilotenvereinigung

    Wichtige Materialien wurden ins System EGM 559 zur Unterstützung von Zemina Torvals neuem Unternehmen gebracht.

    Das Megaschiff Pride of Bitterwood erhielt zahlreiche Lieferungen von Geologie-Ausrüstung, mikrobiellen Öfen und Mineralextraktoren. Diese werden nach Torval Orbital im System LTT 198 transportiert, wo eine Unternehmensflotte für Torvals neue Unternehmung ausgestattet wird.

    Direktorin Constantia Torval gab den Abschluss der Kampagne bekannt:

    "Alle hier bei Torval Mining Ltd sind mit den Beiträgen zufrieden. Diese Lieferungen werden sicherstellen, dass das Ziel des ersten Jahres erreicht wird und wir dem Imperium weiterhin qualitativ hochwertige Dienste anbieten können."

    Torval Mining Ltd war einst ein Tochterunternehmen von Mastopolos Mining, wurde aber nach einem Bruch zwischen Zemina Torval und ihren Cousins in der Mastopolos-Familie selbstständig. Beide Unternehmen sind nun Geschäftsrivalen im Industrieabbausektor des Imperiums.

    Die Megaschiffe Champion of Commerce und The House Ascendant sind neuerdings in die Systeme Laguz und 21 Eridani gesprungen. Sie sind Teil der Unternehmensflotte, die jüngst von Torval Mining Ltd gekauft wurde.

  • Thargoid Fleets Invade Nebula Systems

    Pilots Federation ALERT

    Several inhabited systems in the Pleiades and Witch Head Nebulas have come under attack by large numbers of Thargoid ships.

    An emergency has been declared by the authorities in multiple systems including Asterope, Shenve and Onoros. Thargoid vessels have again targeted starports, with casualties estimated in the many thousands.

    Increased Thargoid activity has also been reported in the California and Coalsack Nebulas. Independent pilots and anti-xeno squadrons are moving to defend the invaded systems and evacuate survivors from damaged starports.

    Aegis is not currently able to assist, as the operational shutdown enforced by the public inquiry has led to many ships and pilots being withdrawn from service. Admiral Aden Tanner, chief military liaison to Aegis, commented:

    “Many of us in Aegis are frustrated that the Baumann Report has tied our hands. I am also convinced that these Thargoids are reacting aggressively to the weapon of mass destruction that Salvation deployed in the Cornsar system. Not only should we be fighting the alien threat, but Salvation must be prevented from escalating the war.”

    The Taurus Mining Ventures megaship Bright Sentinel has moved to the Merope system at Salvation’s request. Reports indicate that tech brokers on board are offering a Guardian-hybrid plasma charger as well as material cost discounts to support the anti-xeno effort.

  • Resources Boost for Torval Mining Ltd

    Pilots Federation ALERT

    Vital materials have been delivered to the EGM 559 system to sustain Senator Zemina Torval’s new corporation.

    The megaship Pride of Bitterwood received multiple shipments of geological equipment, microbial furnaces and mineral extractors. These will be transferred to Torval Orbital in the LTT 198 system, supplying the starport acting as the primary base of operations for Torval's new venture.

    Operations director Constantia Torval announced the campaign’s conclusion:

    “All of us here at Torval Mining Ltd are pleased with the contributions. These supplies will ensure that we meet our first year’s targets and continue providing high-quality services to our customers in the Empire.”

    Torval Mining Ltd was originally a subsidiary of Mastopolos Mining, but became autonomous following a rift between Zemina Torval and her cousins in the Mastopolos family. The two corporations are now commercial rivals in the Empire’s industrial mining market.

    The megaships Champion of Commerce and The House Ascendant have recently jumped to the Laguz and 21 Eridani systems, respectively. These vessels represent part of the corporate fleet recently purchased by Torval Mining Ltd.

  • 3307年10月26日
  • Allianz und Marlinisten wenden sich der Flüchtlingskrise zu

    Die Marlinistenkolonien haben politischen Flüchtlingen, die in den Allianzraum gezogen sind, Hilfe angeboten.

    Letztes Jahr haben die Sicherheitskräfte des Imperiums angefangen, Anhänger des Marlinismus als Verdächtige im Zusammenhang mit der NMLA festzunehmen. Viele prorepublikanische Bürger des Imperiums flohen in die Föderation, einige zogen jedoch in Richtung Allianz.

    Die Situation wurde von Hauptkonsul Kayode Tau vom Marlinistischen Konsulat hervorgehoben:

    "Nach einer verzweifelten Reise, bei der es ums Überleben ging, sind nun über eine Millionen Marlinisten im Allianzterritorium verstreut. Die meisten sind in kleinen Gruppen verteilt und müssen ohne Grundlegende Güter in Verwahrlosung auskommen. Einige Allianz-Systeme haben ihnen Bürgerschaft angeboten, andere jedoch versuchen, sie als illegale Immigranten auszuweisen.

    Das Imperium wünscht die Wiedereinbürgerung dieser Menschen, was für viele harte Verhöre und für andere lebenslange Verfolgung bedeutet. Ich hoffe darauf, mit der Allianz eine Alternative aushandeln zu können – Transport zu den Marlinistenkolonien. Dort werden sie in die demokratische Gesellschaft, die von Gleichgesinnten aufgebaut wurde, mit offenen Armen aufgenommen."

    Botschafter Elijah Beck, Vorsitzender des Amtes für Diplomatie der Allianz, sagte einem Treffen mit Hauptkonsul Tau zu, um nach Lösungen zu suchen. Das Imperiale Diplomatiekorps hat eine Einladung zu dieser Diskussion offiziell abgelehnt.

  • Alliance and Marlinists Address Refugee Crisis

    The Marlinist Colonies have offered to provide help for political refugees who sought sanctuary in Alliance space.

    In 3306, the Empire’s security forces began arresting followers of Marlinism, suspecting them of being linked to the NMLA. Many pro-republican Imperial citizens fled to the Federation, but some set course for the Alliance instead.

    The situation has been highlighted by Prime Consul Kayode Tau of the Marlinist Consulate:

    “Having made a desperate journey for survival, over a million Marlinists are now dispersed across Alliance territory. Most are clustered in small groups, lacking basic supplies and facing extreme deprivation. Some Alliance systems have offered citizenship, but others are attempting to expel them as illegal immigrants.”

    “The Empire wishes to repatriate these people, which means harsh interrogation for some and lifelong persecution for others. I hope to negotiate with the Alliance to arrange an alternative – transportation to the Marlinist Colonies. There they will be welcomed into the democratic society established by their brethren.”

    Ambassador Elijah Beck, head of the Alliance Office of Diplomatic Relations, has agreed to meet with Prime Consul Tau to examine solutions. The Imperial Diplomatic Corps officially refused an invitation to join this discussion.