CMDR withnail67 のプロフィール > 航海日誌

(Type-9 Heavy)
Out Again

After spending the last few weeks and months tootling about near my home Sytem, swarming money, I've decided it's time to set off on a new voyage of exploration.

I set off last Sunday, with no clear end goal, but I do want to add to my tally of newly discovered systems. Despite not being too far outside the bubble, I am already finding around 2 out of 3 stars have never been visited before.

Current Location: Tr 24 Sector ZA-U c17-0

Some Time Later....

I haven't been updating my log as I haven't been out exploring recently. I have, however, been taking part in a few Community Goals. Fighting against the Empire finally earned me the required rank to unlock the Sol permit and I finished in the top 50% when it came to taking supplies out to the Coal Sack Nebula. I had been trying, for a couple of days, to finish in the top 25% to earn the engineered, fast boot FSD. But with the number of Fleet Carriers taking part, it would have just taken too much time. I was carrying 688t at a time in my Type 9 Heavy, but the journey was 25 jumps out and 15 back (empty)


I arrived back in my home system earlier today, with the final leg of 116 jumps from the Colonia Connection Highway outpost in the Eagle Nebula.

A brief summaryof the trip:

  • Set Off: Saturday 29th August 3306
  • Returned Home: Thursday 16th September 3306

Final Figures.

  • Systems Visited: 1,048
  • Total HS Distance: 55,642ly

The trip included my first visit to both Colonia and Sagittarius A* and generated well over 150,000,000 credits worth of Cartographical data.

Homeward Bound

After spending a couple of days enjoying the intense sunshine on a tiny world close to it's parent star, I was shocked to tune into the GalNet News channel with it's reports of a terrorist attack on 4 stations - one of which is rather close to my home system.

So, I've dropped my "no Neutron Boosting" rule and intend to get back to the Bubble as quickly as I can. I'm just using the default route planner fitted to all ships, with the "use boost" option enabled. Even though I'm quite away below the Neutron Highway, the route planner has picked up several boost opportunities already.

I had one mishap. Now I've gotten used to super charging the FSD, I wasn't being as careful as I should have been when approaching the stream. The result was an emergency drop out and some damage to the Hull and Modules. A little annoying as its the first damage I've picked up since leaving Colonia.

I'm still in uncharted territory and haven't seen a previously visited system for some days now. I'm taking a slight detour to call in at one of the outposts on the Colonia Connection Highway to offload all my cartographical data and make minor repairs.

Sagittarius A*

Since leaving Colonia, I've made my way across to Sagittarius A* to visit the Super Massive Black Hole at the centre of the Milky Way. As soon as I left Colonia, I travelled 200ly away from the Galactic plain, reasoning that a lot of people who make the trip, choose a fairly direct route. It seems to have paid off as I didn't find a single system that had been visited before until I was 3 jumps (~150ly) from the core.

I've been doing a mix of Jonking, to travel quickly and mapping where I use the FSS Scanner to identify all the planetary bodies and then map the most valuable. My best find was a system with 17 bodies, all High Metal Content apart from 3. A binary Water world pair and an Earth Like Planet. I'll keep the location of that system to myself until I've visited the Cartographic Office and cashed in my discoveries.

On leaving Sag A*, I again jumped about 200ly away from the plain of the Galaxy and have been taking a more or less direct route back towards home. Again, I haven't stumbled across a single system that has already been discovered. I'm roughly half way home on this leg of my Grand(ish) Tour and expect to be back in the Bubble by the weekend.

It's strange, but I still get a buzz from driving about on a planet that no one has even scanned from a distance. I'm also still sticking to my two "house rules".

  • 1 End each session by landing somewhere.
  • 2 No neutron star boosting.
Colonia At Last.

I docked at Vihara Gate in the Kashyapa Sytem this afternoon to conduct the usual repairs and sell cartographic data and have now set course for Colonia, the last leg of the outbound journey. The Nav Comp tells me there are just 50 jumps left before I reach my goal.

I am setting off straight away, but may have to pause once more before I reach Jaques Station.


I did the 50 jumps, finally making it to Colonia and Jacques Station! I know it's not that far on the grand Galactic scale, but it does feel something of an achievement to finally get there with no major mishaps and no Neutron Star boosting either. Where to next I wonder? Probably Sagittarius A*.

  • Systems Visited: 2,437 (+120)
  • Total HS Distance: 111,357ly (+6,129)
  • Total HS Jumps: 3,290 (+120)
  • Max Distance: 21,983ly (+6,069)

  • Set Off: Saturday 29th August 3306
  • Arrived: Thursday 3rd September 3306
Elite Or Bust 5

I'm not stopping at all the inhabited systems along the Colonia Connection Highway and so I set off for the Gandharvi System and the Caravanserai Staition owned by Blue Star Line.

I've really noticed the density of stars increase as I start to get a little closer to the Galactic hub, which makes for an impressive sight. Although it does make running the FSS Scan a little trickier as is it harder to spot the planet's close to the orbital plane amongst so may stars.

I made good time to Caravanserai, jonking most of the way and conducting a FSS Scan every 5 or 6 jumps to see if I was in virgin territory. When I found a previously unvisited system, I'd scan every system until I found none that had been visited. As I took a straight path between the two stations, I didn't find very many new systems. That doesn't matter as much now I have obtained my Elite Explorer Rank.

After docking for essential repairs and scanning the Earth Like World in the system, I made a few more jumps and so set a direct course for the Kashyapa system and Vihara Gate, stopping for the day on Blua EAEC CL-D B4-29 (4A)

End of Session Stats

  • Systems Visited: 2,317 (+82)
  • Total HS Distance: 105,228ly (+4,248ly)
  • Total HS Jumps: 3,170 (+82)
  • Max Distance: 15,914ly (+4,134ly)
Elite Or Bust 4

Starting from Eudaemon Anchorage in Rohini I continued my route along the Colonia Connection Highway by heading in the general direction of Sacaqawea Space Port Sacaqawea Space Port in Skaudai CH-B d14-34. In an attempt to try and discover more new systems, rather than plotting the entire route all at once, I picked a point roughly halfway between the two and headed for there first. From that point I allowed the Navigation Computer to plot the rest of the route.

Along the way, I discovered a new astronomical phenomena, which I went to have a closer look at. Situated in a Planetary Ring, there was a large patch of spikes, star shaped objects instead of the normal asteroids. As I didn't have any mining equipment fitted to the EXP Twenty Three, I was unable to see if it was possible to mine these objects. After getting close up to one of these strange stars, I was using the camera drone to take some pictures when I accidentally hit the Boost Button on the cockpit dashboard. This sent me flying into one of the strange asteroids I was photographing and did 22% damage to the ship's hull. Despite still being close to Eudaemon Anchorage, I decided the damage wasn't serious enough to warrant turning back and so I headed onwards, stopping for the night on Planet 1 in Flyiedge OM-C D 105 system.

This morning I had the opportunity to finish off this leg of the journey and made it to Sacaqawea Space Port in Skaudai CH-B d14-34. My ship is undergoing repairs as I enjoy some time out of the pilot's seat.

  • Stats at End of Session
  • Systems Visited: 2,235 (+84)
  • Total HS Distance: 100,980ly (+4,204)
  • Total HS Jumps: 3,088 (+84)
  • Max Distance: 11,780ly (+4,105)
Elite Or Bust 3

Taking off from my stop over in Byeia Eurk TX-L d7-54, I continued my journey away from the Bubble and towards the next stop on the CCN, which is Eagle Sector IR-W d1-117. The base is constructed in one of the asteroids in the ring of a planet. Although it made for a rather nervous approach, as I was unsure if it was close to or within the actual ring, the view on leaving the station is stunning.

After handing in my data at the Cartographic Office, which was enough to get me to Elite Rank in Exploration, I made the short hop over to Eagle Sector IR-W d1-105 to explore the nearby Stellar Nursery. Sadly, it probably looks a lot better from a distance than from inside.

I decided against turning back towards home even though I've reached my goal and so pushed on towards Eudaemon Anchorage in Rohini jonking all the way.

  • Systems Visited: 2,151
  • Total HS Distance: 96,776ly
  • Total HS Jumps: 3,004
  • Max Distance: 7,675ly

The next planned stop will be Sacaqawea Space Port which is located in the Skaudai CH-B d14-34

Onwards towards Colonia....

Elite Or Bust 2

My trip out of the Bubble, until I reach Elite Exploration Rank, continues in the general direction of Colonia.

I docked at Amundsen station in Lagoon Sector NI-S b4-10 to sell cartographic data, perform ship maintenance and stretch my legs.

I then set course for the next stop on the CCH in Eagle Sector IR-W D1-117 which will then be followed by a visit to the nearby asteroid base in Eagle Sector IR-W D1-105, which looks like it has an interesting star field close by.

Feeling tried by the early hours of this morning, I made planet fall on the closest moon to the firat planet, a Class III Gas Giant in Byeia Eurk TX-L d7-54. I still haven't made up my mind as to whether I shall continue to Colonia, or turn back once I have reached Elite Explorer.

Note: I shall be adding the following information to each log when on an expedition.

  • Systems Visited: 2,101
  • Total Hyper Space Distance: 94,457ly
  • Total Hyper Space Jumps : 2,964
  • Max Distance From Start: 6,162ly