CMDR savo4c のプロフィール > 航海日誌

(Diamondback Explorer)
19,177,111,644 Cr
Green Giant - Class V - Arrival at DSSA FC (Newton's Vault)

Logbook - entry 00049

Stardate 17.01.3307

I have not yet discovered by myself any glowing green gas giant, but still wanted to have a closer look on those that have been already discovered and listed as POI on There is one in the system Flyue Bloae QN-Y c2-0 few jumps away of the DSSA FC in the northern part of the Newton's Vault region, and a nice one - a rose beige gas giant with some part of the upper clouds that are glowing in an iridescent green colour.

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Few jumps away from the glowing green giant system, I have discovered a class V gas giant, orbiting 15ls of a A class star, and not far it two more stars.

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And finally, arrived in the system Plae Chreou HK-A d6 where the FSSA FC Walk In The Shadows [KOV-LHW] is stationed, orbiting a nice ELW. As usual, did some minor repairs, registered and cashed (~280mio) my last discoveries. Had the paint job at 71% and decided to leave it as is. Ready to continue my route up north - next region to explore will be the Formorian Frontier, the last region before entering the Abyss and reaching Beagle Point. I truly enjoy the exploration :)

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ELW 1st discovery (Newton's Vault)

Logbook - entry 00048

Stardate 10.01.3307

System Hachu OI-B d13-2

Nice A class star system with 1xELW, 2xWW and 4xHCMW terraformable (10 mio value)

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Another ELW discovered further north the region - system Plae Chreou CF-A c0

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Further up north the region, 8 jumps away from my planned destination (Glowing green gas giant), I have discovered another ELW - system FLYUE BLOAE BW-A C2-0 A 3

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Somewhere between the green gas giant and the DSSA FC Walk In The Shadows [KOV-LHW] I have discovered the 4th ELW of the region. System Plae Chreou JF-A d7 A 2

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DSSA FC Shepard's Dream - Eactaisky Stellar Remnant (The Conduit)

Logbook - entry 00047

Stardate 09.01.3307

System Eactaisky IR-N e6-2

I was surprised by the presence of the DSSA FC here, as it was not mapped on the galactic map. The FC - Shepard's Dream [Q5Q-B8W] - is planned to be stationed in the western galactic edge in the Outer Scutum-Centaurus Arm region. Its presence here is most probably a temporary stop over on its route to the final planned destination. The FC is stationed on a very close orbit around the neutron star, In my opinion to the limit of the cone, which is really interesting. I have of course taken the advantage to repair, rearm and register/cash my discoveries (aprox. 200mio credits). This time I have also refreshed the paint job, after a long period at 0%. Fresh and clean look again! I am now ready to depart and continue my journey up north towards Beagle Point. Next region to discover will be the Hieronimus Delta.

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ELW 1st discovery + arrival at DSSA FC "Wanderer's Rest NNT-W4Z" (The Conduit)

Logbook - entry 00046

Stardate 05.01.3307

Smooraei VZ-X d1-20 - another ELW 1st discovery (always a good feeling).

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bonus picture: a beautiful WW with two dwarf stars nearby.

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Finally arrived at the DSSA FC "Wanderer's Rest NNT-W4Z". Registered and cashed 260mio of discoveries! :) and as usual, took the opportunity to repair/restock, but left the paint at 0% as I still want to see if the paint job will continue to deteriorate further or not + it gives a special bad boy look to my Krait MK II.

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1st biological discoveries - crystaline shards - (The Conduit)

Logbook - entry 00045

Stardate 04.01.3307

System Flyai Flye WE-I c25-4

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1st biological discoveries (anemones) + Class IV orbiting each other(Outer Arm)

Logbook - entry 00044

Stardate 04.01.3307

System Flyai Flye LD-S e4-3 Another generous class B star system, containing biological signals on 4 planets (blatteum bioluminescent anemones), three Helium rich, two class IV gas giants and two water worlds.

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System Flyai Flye LD-S e4-5 Class B star system, with 6 class IV gas giants, and biological signals on 2 planets (blatteum bioluminescent anemones).

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ELW + WW 1st discovery (Outer Arm)

Logbook - entry 00043

Stardate 03.01.3307

a Class A star System - FLYAI FLYE XP-X E1-33 containing one terraformable HCMW and one ELW. The ELW has some massive mountain chains.

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I found a beautiful WW and HCMW with rings in the next system - Flyai Flye DS-R d5-110.

1st biological discoveries (Outer Arm)

Logbook - entry 00042

Stardate 02.01.3307

Made the 1st disovery of another very interesting system - Flyai Flye TJ-Z e21 - containing 2 Class B stars, 1 class V GG, 4 class IV GG, 1 class Y dwarf star, several HCMW and metal rich bodies - all with rings.

biological signals present on 7 astral bodies: 5a, 6, 7a, B1a, B1b, B2a, B3

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First stop was on the 5a moon orbiting a HCMW with rings. A very small metal rich body with a radius of 189km only, for which only one DSS probe was sufficient - 1 biological signal (blatteum bioluminescent anemones) and 10 geological (iron magma). Once on the surface at the biological signal location, I had a beautiful view on the primary HCMW with rings planet.

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My second stop was on the 5th planet, a HMCW with stunning rings, containing two biological signals (blatteum bioluminescent anemones).

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I made the 3rd exploration on a metal-rich body orbiting a class Y dwarf with rings. The planet contains 3 biological (blatteum bioluminescent anemones) and 17 geological signals (silicate magma).

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My next exploration spot (4th) was on the closest moon (metal-rich body - B1a) of a Class IV GG, orbiting the 2nd B class star. 3 biological (blatteum), 12 geological signals (iron magma)

Then on the 2nd moon (B1b), 2 biological (blatteum), 11 geological signals (silicate magma).

The 6th exploration spot was on the only moon orbiting another class IV GG, another metal-rich body, containing 2 biological (blatteum) and 9 geological (silicate magma) signals.

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The 7th and last exploration step of the system was on the B3 metal-rich body with rings, containing 1 biological (blatteum) and 7 geological signals. Time to move on towards The Conduit and closest DSSA FC to register all the many discoveries made recently.

1st biological discoveries - different types of anemones (Outer Arm)

Logbook - entry 00041

Stardate 02.01.3307

After a month of travel and exploration I have arrived to the last part (north) of the Outer Arm galactic region, close to the border to The Conduit region where I have found a cluster of B star systems containing some undiscovered biological systems (different types of Anemones).

system Segna PZ-O e6-47 enter image description here

  • AB 3 - found some Blatteum bioluminescent anemones on a HCMW orbiting a class Y dwarf with rings enter image description here

  • 7 A - found some Luteolum anemones on a rocky moon orbiting a class II GG with rings

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System Segna PZ-O e6-48:

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  • HCMW 2nd planet of the system - Blatteum bioluminescent anemones

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System Segna PZ-O e6-17

Another interesting system, containing a Class V and IV with rings, and biological signals on two planets.

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3 (HCMW with rings orbiting a Class V with rings) - 5 biological signals (blatteum bioluminescent anemones)

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5 (HCMW orbiting a class IV with rings) - 3 biological signals (blatteum bioluminescent anemones)

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Mighty Class V, with rings + WW with rings

Logbook - entry 00040

Stardate 01.01.3307

System Veqeau CN-B d13-7 - Beautiful GG Class V with rings orbiting at 130ls distance an A star

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In another nearby system, found a WW with rings and made some nice shots.

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