CMDR Weather-M4n のプロフィール > 航海日誌

hemorrhoid [11-00]
(Krait Mk II)
Continued Prospecting & Promotion (Exploration:Ranger)

I am prospecting on my own now as Ade is long gone.

Finished topping up Polonium to 150 at site 3 where it was flatter. Then took off and headed for C1 D where there where more biological signals. Found Ruthenium here and filled my boots to 150.

Docked on the Carrier 'Bloody Nuts' where I refueled, restocked, repaired and downloaded my cartography data (just in case), for 3.2 million. I was then promoted to 'Exploration: Ranger'.

Launched and headed off for C3B, where I have started to collect Tellurium.

Crystalline Shards (Prospecting with Ade)

Ventured the furthest I had been from Sol (1500 lys) today to a system (HIP 36601) with Crystalline Shards. 34 jumps assisted by the newly purchsed Grade 4A Guardian FSD booster the Diamondback now has a jump range of 59 lys unladen. (Before I embarked on this adventure I bought a Repair Limpet controller just in case.)

When we reached HIP 36601 the first planet to tackle was C1a for Palomium. We went to Biological site 2 which was very dense with Crystalline Shards and a bit hilly making collection difficult. Ade got stuck on a shard and required a shove to get off. Whilst I could only collect 100 lots of Palomium ade could collect 150. I logged off at this point as the SRV was making me feel ill.

Ade messaged later to say the amount of materials was a glitch and that if I logged back in I should be able to collect 150. He also suggested site 3 for collection as it was flatter.

Now a Federation Midshipman

Completed delivery of 14 Rutile to become a Midshipman with the Federation. Also found my quary TomTom for the assassination.

Upgraded my sensors to 4A need to look into updating Bulkhead, Hull Reinforcment and Thrusters now.

The Vulture has Power!!!

enter image description here

Took the Vulture to Marco Qwent and upgraded the Power Plant to level 4 Overpowered. The Vulture now has enough power to run everything I have installed without needing to shut modules down.

Got the linker mission so that I can rise above Cadet. I also took a assasination mission at the same time. First part of the mission was to land at a base and scan the overlay tower for co-ordinates. Base looked cool and the first time I had landed on a high gravity planet. Need to finish these off tomorrow as the wife wants to watch TV together.

[Boosted all my graphic settings to Ultra and the game looks even better and still plays like before!]

Marco Qwent Unlocked

Took the rest of the Modular Terminals to Marco Qwent and he is now unlocked. Sold the remaining ones for a tidy profit.

Now 100% Cadet (Federation) so need to do link mission to rank up. Ordered my Vulture to Patterson Enterpirse in Sirius system to do this. Also need to take it to Marco Qwent to upgrade the Power Plant.

Need to find Zinc, Nickel and Vanadium

Modular Terminals

Swapped to my Diamondback Explorer and used the H.N.Shockmounts to unlock the Guardian FSD Booster. Looks like I'll have some power issues if I fit one, plus I've got to free up some room on the ship, that's another day's job.

Did the Data Recovery Mission then had to find a station that sold a 3F Cargo rack so that my cargo capacity went up to 36. Swapped the Fuel Scoop out and ditched the Limpet collectors. Now I could delivery 72 units of H.E Suits to complete the mission in two 42 ly jumps.

Now back at the mission station I have ordered my fuel scoop to be delivered back here and claimed my x16 Modular Terminals. (Fuel scoop now refitted).

Need to pay Marcus Qwent a visit now...

Marcus Qwent

I'm now friendly with the Sirius Corporation so the mission to unlock Marcus Qwent became available. It was a simple courier mission so easily completed. On visiting Marcus Qwent though, he has requested x25 Modular Terminals which you can only get from missions :-( I started my search for these missions in the Saktsak system as the Sirius system had none. The Saktsak system is a High Tech system so should give me the Modular Terminals as rewards on missions. The first time I went I got a mission that gave me x4. These have been delivered to Marcus.

The next time I played I went to the Saktsak system and hung round a Resource Extraction site around a Gas Giant to collect some bounties and improve my rating with the factions of the system. I collected around 1.1 million and loads of materials, loving the Limpet collectors now I know how to use them properly!

Didn't get any missions from Bursch Enterprise station so took on some courier missions. Found that now I am alligned with Zachary Hudson some systems are now Hostile towards me. Back at Bursch I found that they had a Technology Broker and the FSD boost I need for my Diamondback Explorer! I have all the ingredients apart from x8 HN Shockmounts. I found these in a nearby system and rushed back to Bursch Enterprise. I have ordered my Diamondback Explorer to this station. I also checked the mission board whilst I was here and found x2 missions with Modular Terminals as rewards, took them on to do tomorrow.

The Dweller

Did the last of the smuggling to unlock the Dweller in Wyrd system. Upgrading Power Distrubutor and Pulse Lasers on Diamondback. Had to Fly out to starport to get Vulture delivered here so that I can upgrade its Pulse Lasers. Also traded in 11.5 Million worth of cartography data. I will need to do some prospecting now for Germanium and Vanadium for the engineering.

Guardian Blue Print

enter image description here

Had another session with Ade. We made our way out to a Guardian location and I picked up the module Guardian Blueprint. Fought some skimmers and my ship shot down their missiles, cool. Also got a load of Guardian tech.

Made my way back to the bubble scanning everything on the way. On my way to the Wyrd system for The Dweller. Need to trade with one more Black Market to unlock him on the way.