CMDR arbilac のプロフィール > 航海日誌

tahiti [ar-32m]
(Krait Mk II)
28,339,361,694 Cr

Where was I? Oh yeah, guts and lust. Sure, a great combination, no doubt about it.

I'd returned from my first real trip in the black. Can't say I'm a better man for it, or a better pilot. I got my ship home. Heh, that's rubbish. My ship got me home. She's a better human than I am, for sure, but I think I treat her right and I ain't complaining about her holdin' air on a daily. I spent some deep pockets on makin' her jump like each throttle-up is her last. Damn near 80LY in one hit. Scoop the ol' Neutron and, well, you do the math.

I swear I'll get to the point. Or maybe I won't. Turns out I like just shootin' the shiz with you. Appreciate you readin' no matter.

I got home. I didn't exactly retire the big Annie, but she's a pig in Super and nigh on impossible to dance with on high-G rocks. She cuts a hole in the air, that ain't no lie, but I didn't build her with finesse in mind. You could also say I missed the point of exploration. Damn, I wasn't exploring, I was travelling. Big difference. Get there, get back. See the thing, cash the reward. But I got the itch. You hear about that? If you'll allow me.

You either get the itch or you get the scary's. The itch is the easy one. You go out, see your soul in the stars, come home and then, through the canopy, outside that mail slot, you hear her callin' you back. She wants you out there; the void. And hell, you need her too. So you go, you answer, you try to find her. But, you might come back with riches and a scar or two, maybe even another ship or 3, but you don't come back with her. Just the itch. The scary's. Well, that ones harder to define. Most don't come back. Thems are still out there, or dead, or worse. I think, some say even. I dunno. I seen them "Thargoids" up close. I run. I ain't stupid. Those big beautiful flowers; heh, well maybe it was them all along? Maybe they the scary's... but no, I think some folk call it "Space Madness". Can't say I can explain what that is exactly. Maybe the itch becomes scary? Maybe you DO find her.. and she hugs you so close you can't let go. Don't wanna let go...

I'm sat in her now. Wanderlust. The Phantom came on the market last year, 3304. A Krait variant of sorts. Same view, bigger jump capability but with kit on board at the same. She's a 60LY kinda girl; perhaps a bit more suited to exploring over travelling. I picked one up and gave her a bit of love here 'n there. No fancy paint yet, but them modules are only just hitting the market. Soon though, maybe if I come home.

I'd spent a couple months helpin' out here and there. My bank balance, heh, for one with some mining - another story I'll maybe tell you one day - and even fending off them 'Goid scouts here and there. But, well, I got the itch you see. A nervous itch. Jump 30', jump 11'... get home, look out that mail slot. Itch.

So I'm scratchin'

A gut feeling; or something else?

The last journey... hmm, that's not right. The last trip? Commute? It sure as hell didn't start out as Exploration. I think I explored. I jumped, a lot. All over. 60,000LY I reckon. But, I digress...

I headed out with Sag A* in mind. That said, I've spent the past few years in the bubble doing what all good Commanders do. Making money. Sure, Space, with a Capital S, is big, but I'll be sure as shiz, kick me in the crotch, confirmed as greedy as every other human out here in the black. You don't, hell, you don't, go pointin' to the second star on the right "and on to morning" without the right vessel, and credits in the tank. Hell, you don't leave home without enough raw rock in your hold to make sure you can at least feed the greedy girl that is kind enough to be called "home on the road".

So, digressin' again, I hit Colonia. That bright beacon of expansion. The big C. The ol' station in the rings. I'm making this up. I figured it was a logical first hit. Scan some stars; ride the Neutron, cash in. Then, if I made it - and don't be thinkin' we don't all leave with the dark hooded one on our shoulder - I'd turn, head in to the core and hope space madness didn't take me before a poorly timed wave ride didn't.

Gotta say, that with all them jumps, my trusty Terminus did me a solid. Got me out, got me home. I saw some sights. Gee, Space is big. But sights I saw. I got me some nice external probe shots of some nebula, a crazy big star or three... and, well, some other stuff too. You know, if you head from the core systems towards that big ol' black hole, in just a few jumps you might happen across some folks home's that no longer have folks along for the ride. Terribly sad stuff. Heh, I even saw my own Anaconda-class vessel been used as makeshift base or, something. I'd... I'd not head to that though. I mean, seemed safe enough until I scanned the hull, found she still had power and read the last couple' logs. Just be sure you're near your own hull and she's got her thrusters spinning, y'know?

Where was I? Oh, Wanderlust...

12k out

Jan 28th 2019

20...something thousand LY to Colonia. Another 10 or so to Sag... and about 13 back so far. The bubble is a long way off.

It's pretty out here. Dark.


5000LY Completed

As above; today, December 12th.