CMDR Zalran のプロフィール > 航海日誌

C.S.S Siobhan [Zs-x21]
Waking up on the wrong side,

Good morning.

I might have hit the Lavian Brandy too hard last night when we took a few glasses over the comms in celebration of the beginning of our expedition. speaking of which, we might make a stop at Altera's Eye on our way out. Heard it should be located at IC 1805 Sector DQ-Y e3. We'll just have to see if rumors are true, that it is as beautiful as they say.

once iv'e stabilized myself with some coffee i'll be setting a new course and make a list of interesting finds to the others so we can share these find on our way back.

End Transmission

To the ship! And make it Mega!

Good news! CMDR Dhin Somas made it back from his trip and CMDR Zondana has finished putting his ship together. Meanwhile i took another trip to Felicity Farseer, seeing if we couldn't boost my ship a bit. She said she had done better works, but we ran out parts. Bummer.

We have decided to take the trip out to Syreadiae JX-F c0, heard there is a mega ship cruising the system and we are going to visit the heart and soul nebulae on the way. But our first stop will be CoR Listening Post 'Alpha' in IC 1848 Sector IS-T d3-29.

I heard that CMDR Orgun has made it halfway to Colonia, hope he makes it there in one piece... And back.

We will be heading out now. Wish us luck.

End Transmission

Small steps

No major news on the joint expedition, though one has atleast got his ship set in order and is standing by. Our other friend took a detour to the Witch Head Nebula. Hopefully the data he collected will be enough to upgrade his FSD drive. After that it's only the modification left. Felicity Farseer said she could have it fixed, only missing some Date Mined Wake Exceptions to get it done.

We did make some progress with our methods, but so far we still don't know where we are going to go. But that will be for another day.

End Transmisison

New beginnings.

Still home in LFT 1748.

Still waiting for my companions to get theirs dealings in order for our first joint expedition. No plans yet on here we are going to go, how we are going to get there or what we will do once there.

End Transmisison