CMDR Ryoken のプロフィール > 航海日誌

Quick Trip

I've set out on a small trip to take a look at a couple of nebulae near the Colonia bubble. Wanted to take the Anaconda I built for Thargoid base exploration out for a spin to see how she handles exploring, and get t hat last 3% towards Elite in exploration.

So far she's handling very nicely. Doesn't have the same range as some other exploration fit Anaconda I see, I'm quite happy with 45LY. Packing extra SRVs for the trip and a decently large fighter bay for screenshots and shenanigans, like canyon racing, asteroid belt runs, or just a change of pace while flying.

Should be back from the nebula trip in a few days. Though I'll be leaving late for the expedition, either end of January or sometime in February, I'll need to work out the logistics before making the call. I do know I'll definitely be leaving late for the expedition.

Completed backfilling my logs

Looks like there are some events that don't seem to have been imported, likely due to being new additions to the logs after those dates.

Still somewhat saddened that I won't have any records of my Sagittarius A* pilgrimage a couple years ago. Would have only had half anyways as my netlogs weren't enabled for the first half of the trip. I'll simply need to hop on over to the core to get the badge here at some point.

Uploading historical logs

While tedious, uploading over 200 historical logs to help back fill any systems that haven't been hit yet. So far there have been just over 900 new system scans that I've added. Sadly most were honk and scoop during the Colonia Initiative CG.

Also sad is that my old net logs are all gone so my trip to Sag. A will be missing from my flight logs.