CMDR Aldarion 3TwoAlpha のプロフィール > 航海日誌

honest tuck [AL-27A]
(Asp Explorer)
27,157,189,051 Cr
The Bulge emits an Intense Amount of Light

The intense light of the bulge of the Milky Way in concurrency with an orange star (image by commander Cappe Diem):

The intense light of the bulge of the Milky Way in concurrency with an orange star

The only chance to travel to the next system out here is to dock at a fleet carrier before pre flight lockdown:

Thrusters of the Shadow Head as seen by CMDR Cappe Diem

Commander Cappe Diem provided numerous screenshots of the tour

Some more screenshots of the Shadow Head, CMDR's Cappe Diem's Anaconda, the marvels above the galactic plain and a rescue trip on the last day of January 3307, which became a lot of fun (images provided by CMDR Cappe Diem):

CMDR Cappe Diem docking at Shadow Head

Anacondas love to bask in the warm light of a sun

Lakon T9s and Smaller Vessels en route to the Top

Commander E4E brought a Lakon T9 with him; the huge hauler provided the operation with nearly enough Tritium to reach the target system HIP 63425, where the USS Enterprise was awaiting its re-supplies. The T9 is one, if not the favourite ship of Aldarion. Once the stuck fleet carrier was replenished, the journey towards the top was continued.

CMDR E4E's hauling vessel, a Lakon T9

Commander E4 also managed to get some photos of other commanders docking at the Shadow Head:

Docking procedures at the Shadow Head

The Full Picture - beautiful vistas

Commander Menchi provided a nice photo of his vessel in front of an orange ball of fire:

CMDR Menchi and a ball of fire

The intensity of the full star field causes high contrasts at the edges of the spiral galaxy.

Commander Make enjoys the beauty of the full picture from his Krait Phantom and contributed the following image:

CMDR Maake's Krait Phantom high above the Galactic Plain

Shadow Head Jumping Towards the Highest System

Commander roubleDainBow brought a Sidewinder with him. Thus he was able to take some interesting shots of the jumping Shadow Head, then selfdestructing the Sidey to return on board of the fleetcarrier inside the target system.

Shadow Head Jumping

Shadow Head entering Hyperspace on her way towards the ceiling:

enter image description here

Commander theBumbleBee

Fellow commander theBumbleBee brought a Krait Phantom with him and joined the tour to the ceiling of the ED Milky Way.

Commander theBumbleBee docking at Shadow Head on the way to the top

Commander theBumbleBee's Krait phantom seems to bask into the main star's light while awaiting the next FC jump of the Shadow Head en route to the top.

Krait Phantom docked at Shadow Head

Boostng past the Shadow Head

Nice shot of Cappe Diem's Conda boosting past the carrier towards the main star of the system:

Boostng past the Shadow Head

Some pilots used a FdL to check out the boosting above the galactic plain; the following image was contributed by commander Aspirant King:

Fer de Lance near the top of the Galaxy

Fuelrats swarmed out to rescue JL Picard and conquering the highest known vista point in the ED Milky Way

Fuelrats swarmed out to rescue JL Picard and conquering the highest known vista point in the ED Milky Way

Rescue of the USS Enterprise on 31st January 3307

Sunday, 31st January 3307

With the end of this last day in January 3307 the Shadow Head started out to rescue the USS Enterprise on her way towards the highest known and reachable system of the Elite Milky Way while carrying a small fleet of fellow rodents with their ships, finally reaching the ceiling when dropping into HIP 57784 on 1st February 3307.

Fuelrats swarm out to rescue JL Picard

How it came to this remarkable sequence of events and at least a good number of the numerous screenshots I received from the commanders taking part in this undertaking will be reported in this logbook soon.

The Shadow Head is scheduled for her way back to Fuelum for the coming week end starting the journey back somewhen on Saturday 3307.

For the moment I have to say: Thanks to all commanders making this trip to the beautiful and funny experience it was so far – see you all soon.

More to come; the journey will be continued...

Escorting CMDR Moozy in and around Ngalinn

During January’s last week A32A provided escorts for CMDR Moozy’s operations out of Ngalinn (30th and 31st January 3307): the fellow commander requested the support while running data mission inside and around the system. After a few hours of escorts Moozy and A32A also went for some bounty missions and the young pilot was able to become promoted.

For the escort operation A32A used the vessel Styx; the following image shows her during a support run for Commander Mariom in the Colonies a few days earlier: Vessel Styx

Styx docked at the outpost Hickam Survey while having dinner together with commander Moozy: Styx docked at Hickam Survey

All operations ran smoothly and there were no major incidents during the various runs, which mostly meant shadowing Moozy’s ship in the small two and three sized wings established. It was possible to pass some useful info to and provide some tactical advice for the younger commander as well as providing some company too.