CMDR Aldarion 3TwoAlpha のプロフィール > 航海日誌

honest tuck [AL-27A]
(Asp Explorer)
27,157,189,051 Cr
LRR FC Rescue - Shadow Head traveled 77kly

LRR FC Rescue - Shadow Head traveled 77kly


enter image description here

Some Passengers Fetched From Burning Stations

My ships do register all passengers (usually); here are a few people I could rescue from the stations under attack mid March 3307:

Some Passengers Fetsched from Burning Stations

Summit and Burning Stations

After defending the summit held in Sirius and providing goods as supplies for said meeting of the so-called leaders of humanity, I took part in the evacuations of most of the star-ports burning throughout the bubble: I used the Python Stanislaw Lem and the Cutter Adelheid-Adele for rescuing people from the evacuation areas close to the launchpads as well as I was collecting numerous rescue pods.

The best place to keep a vessel inside a burning station is along the axis over the length of the docking space; doing so, keeping a position over one of the segments without landing pads is even increasing the chance of not to become affected by the shock waves caused by the numerous occurring explosions in the area. There are two main reasons for this effect: first, keeping a position along the axis means keeping the maximal distance from all sides of surfaces inside the docking area; thus, the shock waves impacting from around the ship are less intense and lost their initial energy. The explosions do originate from locations somewhere under the surfaces of the docking area. As well it seems explosions mostly occur from spaces close and around the numerous pads, which gives the second reason the described position is equal to the minimal chance of being hit by a strong shock wave.

Holding such a position and keeping the ship as cool as possible by using heat sinks and or a cool running vessel allows for plenty of time to collect rescue pods and materials from inside the station before docking. Of course, one should not wait until the docking time were exceeded.

Centre Line of an Overheated Cylinder

I started rescuing in Sol, where Li Qing Jao came under attack. Then I moved to Achenar, Lave, Eotineses and Nanomam, where Hahn Gateway was attacked. In all systems there were peeps trying to interdict rescue vessels but I mostly ignored these attackers; once I got interdicted myself but shook the peep of, once someone used rockets to bring my shields down. In all cases I was able to reach the related rescue stations none-the-less.

I recognized the attackers were gathering in front of the burning stations or around the rescue mega ships; sometimes they requested docking to block the few L-pads and trick pilots to move away and become an easy target.

The following images shows Adele-Adelheid returning from a rescue mission: Returning Cutter Adelheid-Adele

Rackhams’s Peak

As far as I remember it took one carrier jump from HIP 57784 to HIP 58832. Rackhams Peack is an installation inside the latter system. Arriving there it became obvious, what the population there was requesting: all sorts of liquid alcohol; seemed it was needed even more than the commercials being plastered around the huge space base.

Space commercial for Lavian Brandy: Space commercial for Lavian Brandy

The installation itself consists out of numerous modules, of which there are two main parts in close proximity of each other without any physical connection. The whole place seemed to be busy and a number of different ships was swarming around said parts of the installation.

The whole post from a few kilometres away made an impressive view hovering above the ED Milky Way basking in the lights of billions upon billions of stars (this may put the light of the Empire into relation, though). I was hoping to find some of the scientists believed to stay at the place measuring the effects of dark matter throughout the galaxy, validating the catalogues of interstellar cartography, measuring precisely for better triangulation of systems, trying to predict the movement of all the known and maybe unknown systems.

Approaching Rackham’s Peak: Approaching Rackham’s Peak

Before docking I was circling the installation inspecting all the visible parts, investigating the dimensions of the station and trying to find out about the facilities being run at this place (apart from stores for loot and Lavian Brandy). I saw too, there was no rotation of any part of the installation so mag-boots were required once leaving the ship. Rodnerg told me he sold some Brandy at the local market, which hopefully made him some credits.

My docking location at Rackham’s: It took me a minute to become advised to use the next free pad.

My docking location at Rackham’s: It took me a minute to become advised to use the next free pad.

Rackham’s Peak: The two main parts of the installation came into view when closing up. On the bottom left of the next image there is the public docking module, which is used for the local trading and market business. On the right side of the image there is the command module holding the valuables in special stores, keeping the facilities for the local government and the laboratories of the scientific community. As it turned out it took me two days to get access to parts of it: I needed an invitation by someone living on that side and got a permit to enter parts of it after being investigated and cleared by the stations services; thankfully I got clearance at least and was able to visit the science section finally. Thanks to Manager Lilyanna Santiago, I was talking to after handing in some exploration data.

The two parts of Rackham’s Peak: The two parts of Rackham’s Peak

The mission board of Rackham’s Peak showed mining missions mostly; I would have been out for some mining if I had have the time to do so but the preparations to move the Shadow Head back to Rodentia on the following Saturday as well as my one day visit at the sciences lab did not allow for any mining missions. The return trip of the Shadow Head was scheduled even though most of the commanders I took with me had left using some of the carriers leaving before this week’s end.

On my passage towards the main hub of the command module I was able to get a glance of the construction of storing modules. There were some station class defence terminals installed at the tactically right places guarding this area. If someone would assume the community out here were a bunch of drunken lunatics I had to assure it is not. I was able to further convince myself when meeting the scientists a little bit later. Investigating the storing sections of Rackham’s:

Investigating the storing sections of Rackham’s

The science labs are located inside the cylinder shaped part at the left of the next image. There I learned that the scientists as well investigate the neighbouring dwarf galaxies as well as Andromeda, which makes sense given the clear view on the neighbours of our local group. I was told they were investigate the possibilities to create a way towards Andromeda but unfortunately they were not allowed to give away too much information; Rackhams Peak seems to be a great place for science.

Command and science module of Rackham’s Peak (left side): Command and science module of Rackham’s Peak (left side)

Complete view of the command module and main storage areas of Rackham’s: 
Complete view of the command module and main storage areas of Rackham’s

The Shadow Head was returned to Rodentia on the following week end.

Exploring HIP 57784 and Meeting CMDR Rodnerg on Planet 2 B

On 3rd February 3307 I had the opportunity to explore HIP 57784. During that trip I met commander Rodnerg and we decided to land on planet 2 B: Rodnerg with his T9 and I using the Python Stanislaw Lem. The following images show what we found on the surface of planet 2 B.

Our landing site was located at the edge of a crater and using the slope at the edge I was able to make a photo of the two ships, the planet and the view on the ED Milky Way.

HIP 57784 2 B landing site

The two ships parked next to each other: Meeting CMDR Rodnerg

Planet 2 B itself is a rocky planet in orbit around a ringed gas giant presenting lots of craters on the surface not too unlikely to earth’s moon – at least I was reminded on the moon.

HIP 57784 2 B

We made the decision to move with the Shadow Head to Reckham’s Peak to check out that site – it would turn out, both commercials and all sorts of alcoholic liquids were in favour at Reckham’s Peak.

Progressing Towards the Top - 31st JAN 3307

After donating Tritium to the stuck FC Enterprise I asked the Navigator of the Shadow Head to plot a course towards the top of the galaxy. I, myself, was constantly talking to the pilots of the numerous guests on board of the Shadow Head, who explored the systems we came through. No-one should have left behind and the schedule of jump orders to the carrier were given, when all commanders were confident to be able to dock before preflight lockdown.

Commander Seiling docking her T10 at Shadow Head Commander Seiling docking her T10 at Shadow Head

As well I was talking to commander Seiling, who was on her way towards the ceiling since a while. While checking the plotted routes I saw her fleet carrier not to far away. Seiling had loaded sufficient Tritium on board her carrier to make the way up to the top and back towards the bubble but the margins in my point of view were tight.

I met commander Seiling in November during the rescue of commander Rodnerg some 7kly out of the bubble and visited her carrier parked only a few jumps away from the target system of that operation then. Commander Seiling is an interesting commander, member of the Fleet Carrier Owners Club (FCO) but seemingly following her own paths, which I like a lot. It occurs to me she slowly moves her carrier to locations she is interested in refilling Tritium mined from systems along her route, slowly but constantly moving the carrier.

Opportunities to transfer Tritium and make explorers dock Shadow Head transferring Tritium

I offered commander Seiling some Tritium since the Shadow Head still had sufficient amounts of Tritium stored and we agreed to meet in HD 107742 to transfer a good amount to enlarge commader Seilings radius of operation.

Turned out commander Seiling used a T10 to manage the Tritium transfer and I made some nice photos of the operation before finally the Shadow Head was resuming its journey towards the top. I have to state as well: the neighbouring galaxies become very luminous and sharp if seen from the systems close to the ceiling of the ED Milky Way, which can be seen in the next image: at the bottom left Andromeda is clearly visible.

The following image shows the CMDR’s T10 leaving after the final transfer image shows the CMDR’s T10 leaving after the final transfer

Rendez-Vous with the Enterprise

To reach a specific system high above the galactic plain is not an easy task. Even for a fleet carrier it is challenging. To reach HIP 63425 where the Enterprise was awaiting the delivery of Tritium involved a detour of two carrier jumps from the direct course from Fuelum to the top system. To get back on the direct route needed one more carrier jump. In total there were three additional carrier jumps necessary to do the job.

First approach to the USS Enterprise orbiting HIP 63425 on 31st January 3307, first of several Cutter loads about to be delivered: There she was in all her glory.

USS Enterprise V0H-84X

At 21:45hrs (UTC) the first goal of the mission was met: Using the Cutter Adelheid-Adele carried the first load of Tritium saving fleet carrier V0H-84X. For the next few deliveries the commander of the Enterprise was asked to put up a buy order for a pricing at their discretion. The Enterprise’s owner bought for prices ranging from 30k to 55k during the various runs, which seemed ok. But they were not able to buy the last carrier load saying they’d run out of credits. I do hope they have sufficient credits left to run the carrier and stay in-game. Since the owner of the Enterprise is residing on a different platform Aldarion has very limited chances to really find or help out further on. However, the carrier Enterprise was saved and the carrier management is able to sell Tritium reserves making a profit when back at the Core Systems / bubble.

FC rescue - mission accomplished

Some of the pilots travelling with the Shadow Head not only explored the system but also visited the Enterprise. So far Aldarion did not hear anything from the FC owner and what they experienced during the time following the successful rescue but hey, just let me know via the Fuel Rat Internet Relay Chat, if you want.

Good Luck for the future

How the Journey to the top of the ED Milky Way Started.

This Sunday morning Aldarion fired up his systems on board Honest Tuck, when checking the news stream on the communication channels.

There was a commander claiming their fleet carrier were out of Tritium in HIP 63425 and they couldn’t find anyone being willing or able to fill the depot of the USS Enterprise. Aldarion answered this commander he would refill his Tritium Depot asap. It should be mentioned that the target system is located on one of the routes towards the system at the top of the ED Milky Way and it can be reached by the use of a fleet carrier only.

This image shows Aldarion and Lord Ostrik docking at the Shadow Head in orbit around Fuelum A 4 before the first FC jump towards the USS Enterprise.

Shadow Head

Even though the Tritium Unit Manager of the Shadow Head reported a sufficient capacity of Tritium in depot and storage to reach the stranded carrier, to donate the requested 100 or 200 tons of Tritium and to move the Shadow Head to the top system further on while being able to return to the bubble safely, Aldarion decided to top up the Tritium reserves of his carrier, the Shadow Head, before starting out. Aldarion intended (and finally did) to supply as much Tritium to the stuck carrier as possible and to enable it to reach the top system on a direct route and to return also. The chance to get up to the ceiling seemed very compelling.

Nice screenshot of the Shadow Head by Commander Maake somewhere en route towards the ceiling:

Shadow Head - full side view

Via #fuelrats/#ratchat Aldarion organized the rescue with the stranded FC owner, letting him know he needed a few hours to prepare for the operation. Several people started asking about his plans and wished to join the Shadow Head for the trip. As well Aldarion asked Commander Rodnerg, if he wanted to see the entire galaxy from its top. Rodnerg agreed. Then, commander LordOstrik was one of the first pilots eager to join for the trip. As first way point for the Shadow Head Fuelum was chosen to make the docking for every rodent willing to join as easy as possible; several commanders transferred additional vessels from Wollheim Vision to the Shadow Head too.

Lord Ostrik wasn’t sure if he should join due to heat problems he suffered from: for the whole Saturday he tried to manage a severe heat problem with his vessel but was not able to solve it. Thus Aldarion and CMDR Lord Ostrik started to analyse the problem talking via the on-board communication systems. It took 30 to 40 minutes to find a solution and Ostrik’s vessel, which was running at its maximum heat level before, could be made to operate at acceptable heat levels, finally. The following image shows the heat measurements Aldarion took during the repairs: some software tweaks in the module management system of the vessel were sufficient to result in a temporary workaround.

Heat Levels of an Anaconda

Once the described heat problems were solved, Aldarion was hauling Tritium from Eleumo: TFRM had over 3k tons in store there, which was more than Aldarion did gather from a number of stations before alltogether.

enter image description here

Fellow commanders, like commander Aspirant King, the commanders Menchi, theBumbleBee, roubleDianBow, E4E, CappeDiem, Maake, Rodnerg and many more were docking at the Shadow Head; the following image shows Aspirant King’s orange painted ASP Explorer inside one of the carrier’s docks:

Aspirant King docking an ASPX at Shadow Head (inside the bay)

During the flights to and from Eleumo more and more fellow commanders reported to join the Shadow Head for the planned trip. Commander E4E (aka E4Eler) and a number of other pilots carried several hundred tons of Tritium; the Store Management of the Shadow Head was asked to issue a buy order for Tritium at or slightly above the galactic average price. Thus the store became quickly filled with a good quantity of Tritium and all preparations seemed to be on a good way. Later it turned out the were no more limpets available at the Shadow Head, which Aldarion was not thinking about at the given moment.

Finally the Shadow Head was on Stand-By awaiting to start into the rescue mission; Plenty commanders were given time to dock and to transfer their vessels before the first jump order finally could be issued to the Shadow Head: the journey to the top – including a FC rescue – had begun.

The following image was contributed by CMDR Cappe Diem showing his Anaconda above the galaxy:

Above the galactic plaind - CMDR Cappe Diem

The Edge - Vastness of Space and an Ocean of Stars

Commander Cappe Diem used the day to display the difference of the Milky Way, the edge and the Blackness of the void - I guess it needed some aiming to get this shot due to the fact the neighbouring dwarf galaxies of the Milky Way can't be seen.

The Edge

Due to the minimal number of possible routes towards the top system of the ED Milky Way it is not too unlikely to find more than one carrier in one of the bottleneck systems: Finding another carrier