CMDR Aldarion 3TwoAlpha のプロフィール > 航海日誌

honest tuck [AL-27A]
(Asp Explorer)
27,157,189,051 Cr
North-Eastern Bound Exploration Towards the Edge

The poster underneath displays my Exploration Tour towards the North-Eastern edge of the ED Milky Way. The turning point at the far end has a distance of over 47kly from the colonies. I experienced a few remarkable events: In the Sector called Empyrean Straits, far north-east of the centre, I found a hybrid probe: one of these Thargoid-Guardian items we don’t know where they came from exactly and what they might be used for or meant to be for or who – for which reasons – was creating it. So far Guardian and Thargoid technologies were completely incompatible.

In Sector Mare Somnia – the sea of forgetfulness – I discovered some phenomena in the Lagrange Points of one system I never heard of or read about. If there is some time left, I will post a description and add maybe one or two images in this logbook.

NE-Explo Trip OCT-NOV 3308

Returning From the Trip Towards the Centre Top

Returning from the trip towards the high elevated systems over the centre of the Milky Way I had a nice hot chocolate with a little bit of Lavian Liquid added; the bartender is great in creating any drink and I slowly consumed it: At least it is worth for a few things to return to inhabited space.

I watched the crew members on Shadow Head, who were relaxing after their shifts too talking to their mates. Some even do not know who I am: the guy employing them. I am not bothered, I like to sit undisturbed among these people doing a good job maintaining and running the vessel.

Shadow Head bar Area

I had to meet the heads of the various departments for the monthly briefing tomorrow. While enjoying my slowly cooling drink I revised the lately collected data and wrote a summary about the trip towards the top. As well I scribbled down a few notes for the coming briefing; there is not much to do for me since the departments and their crews do an awesome job and I only have to check the most important reports. Rarely I have to deal with troublesome stuff, since the departments do a great job sorting out all of this daily business. Every now and then there has to be a lot of organizing and planning for the various operations I want the carrier to perform.

Captains Room - before briefing

Anyway, at the very moment the Shadow Head is parked vis-à-vis to Explorer’s Anchorage, the Ocellus Starport we erected during DW2 and the shifts are calm. I will tell the Captain tomorrow to reduce shifts to the minimum of personnel and to maximise the free time for the ones not having to be on duty – the maintenance crews go over the same systems they did the month before. I also will let the Vessel Manager know, I wish to have all crew their lunches for free until further notification and I will make him paying a bonus for the technical stuff and especially for the maintenance guys.

My next aim is a trip from the centre to a point straight under the Galactic plain later this week.

CPT's Room - Preparing a briefing

Top View and Bottom View of the Centre 3308 – Early September

Top View and Bottom View of the Centre 3308 – Early September

Exploration of high altitudes above the Galactic Plain over the centre of the Milky Way as well as the opposite course towards a point deep under the Galactic Plain is the plan for the next few days.

During DW2 I was reaching the higher elevations already but this time the course towards the top systems varies due to the different jump range. I know it were possible to add a few more jumps and get even higher but I did not follow that aim.

The following images show the sights one gets high above the Centre (System Sluemoa ZC-F C2).

Top View and Bottom View of the Centre 3308

Same is true for my jumps under the plain, even though I guess I was reaching the very low systems under the Centre.

When returning to Explorer’s Anchorage I was finishing a few more trips around the Centre as well before making the decision for a longer exploration route towards the North-Eastern edge of the galaxy.


One More Time: Over the Plain

On my route towards a point high up over the central Galactic Plain I was able to find different lifeforms. It is planned to have a look into the opposite direction, starting from Explorer’s Anchorage descending under the plain.

Flora Over the Galactic Plain

Odin's Hold and The Centre

Today I explored systems in the eastern region of Odin’s Hold as well as in the region The Centre west-north-west of Explorer’s Anchorage.

Shadow Head reached Stuemae FG-Y d7561 earlier this afternoon and before I docked Honest Tuck at Explorer’s Anchorage.

Here are some impressions of a few places I found:

Phraa Pruae NN-B 16-6818 (planet 1C) Phraa Pruae NN-B 16-6818 (planet 1C)

Hypoe Pruae PG-E C28-7409 Hypoe Pruae PG-E C28-7409

Hypoe Prue BF-U c5-6321 Hypoe Prue BF-U c5-6321

Hypoe Prue CQ-X e1-10070 Hypoe Prue CQ-X e1-10070

Hot Jupiter, Solar Flares, Gravitational Lensing and New Moons in Odin's Hold

The Shadow Head slowly moves towards the Centre while I shadow her path exploring space.

Today I found a Hot Jupiter. I can't remember to have seen a gasgiant that close to its parent star (0.3 days for one orbit).

I made a video of the location, which can be found here:

Otherwise the following image might give some impression how it looks like: Hot Jupiter at Phroi Flyuae FY-N c8-4748

Planning the Route Strategy for the Shadow Head

A23A planning future Shadow Head OPs

The original plan - a few month ago - was to jump the Shadow Head to Buya Aim HC-M d7-2196. This aim was reached successfully.

The current situation is the following: From Buya Aim HC-M d7-2196 the carrier was moved to the Colonies (Ratraii) and further on above the Galactic Plain on the last shorter exploration.

There were numerous systems found, which contain both, valuable minerals and Tritium. Tritium (Tr) is used to fuel a fleet carrier.

The Tritium in total stored on the Shadow Head is short above 6000t. To return to the bubble on a direct course would take 45 jumps and use 5015t of Tritium at a loading capacity of 16000t and short under 6k tons – 5788t – of Tr considering and calculating with a full carrier loading capacity (25k tons).


The easy way of operation would be to return the Shadow Head back to the bubble on the direct route with 45 jumps.

On the other hand, it were possible to move the carrier to the Centre and visit Explorer’s Anchorage again. This trip would use up to 3059t of Tr at a loading capacity of 16000t and 3610t for a full carrier load for one way. This means, the Centre could be reached directly without taking on more Tritium but to return to the Colonies would mean to gather and load the shortfall of approximately 1220t of Tritium elsewhere.

To reach the Centre and maybe a few jumps further out and to return to the Colonies would need roughly 2000t of Tritium (with a spare quantity added).

This could be achieved by refilling the Tritium depot of the Shadow Head by mining it from the explored and prospected locations. In this case – reaching the Centre and maybe a little bit further out – the acquisition of Tritium from pristine icy planetary rings would be not too difficult, not too time consumptive.

The Colonies do lack of Tritium supply from station markets. It might be possible, though, to buy it from other carriers, which would mean some additional expenditures.

There remain two problems: To be able to mine Tritium, the storage of limpet drones of the carrier should be totally filled. To replenish the limpet store would involve to harbour the carrier in Colonia and use the Brewer Facilities situated there. The problem now is: All FC slots in Colonia are blocked by other fleet carriers.

To carry additional limpets in the private carrier store is not effective, since the mining of one ton of Tritium would need one to three limpets and the storage capacity should be used for Tritium and the minimal equipment a longer carrier trip needs.

The second remaining problem were: If the carrier should return to the bubble, some more 6000t of Tritium need to be acquired by mining.

So I will do some preparations – gathering Tritium by the described means hoping there might be a free carrier slot in Colonia sooner or later.

The stats of the Shadow Head as per 6th of June 3308:

Shadow Head Stats as per 06th June 3008

Planet B 10 - Byodmai CE-S c20-67

What did I mean talking to Kiara about a self reflecting universe creating its own consciousness? Last time I was thinking about this feeling I discovered Byodmai CE-S c20-677, a planet having a green tinted atmosphere, which from its surface occurred orange with a gradient towards green.

Byodmai CE-S c20-677

Each pilot has his or her own methods to keep up mental health while on a lonely expedition. I for myself, sometimes think about our universe while staying out in deep space. Being alone also means to find the time to contemplate about these questions humanity is asking since a very long time. Staying on the surface of Byodmai CE-S c20-677 Planet B 10 I found a calm environment to exactly wonder about these questions: No human before did see the richness of this landscape, the atmosphere and this whole world hidden in the ocean of stars of the Milky Way. Even though it existed. It exists in my mind since I saw it but did it exist before?

Honest Tuck, my exploration ship, reflected the light from the closest star, the star planet B10 orbits, a light becoming filtered and scattered by the thin atmosphere the planet provided. Was this planet orbiting this star before I found it or came it to existence the very moment my brain accessed the different views and sights presented? Or, as someone long ago asked: Is the Moon existing only when being watched?

Byodmai CE-S c20-677 - high noon

On approach of planet B10 its atmosphere occurred to be green. When entering the atmosphere descending deeper into it, the looks changed dramatically and both, the atmosphere as well as this planets surface gave a different impression.

The next image shows the sight approximately 80km above the planet’s surface: green and grey colours dominate the picture.

Byodmai CE-S c20-677 - approx 80km above the surface

Approximately 3km above the surface planet B10 showed a different view: the landscape changed from filtered green to pale red-brown, nearly light pink under an orange gaseous phase: orange at the azimuth and some dark red-brown towards the horizon:

Byodmai CE-S c20-677 - approx 3km above the surface

Here I was: a single human, alone on the surface of a very small speck in a hidden corner of our galaxy wondering about the same old mysteries as humans did hundreds of centuries before.

Aldarion Alpha on Byodmai CE-S c20-677

Meeting a Friend at Berman Market

There is one advantage: between 3304 and 3308 pilots were given the universal allowance to produce photos when visiting star ports, outposts or planetary installations. The Pilots Association finally agreed to this decision. Thus, I am able to present a few impressions from the interior of the outpost Berman Market.

On first arrival tonight, I found the only medium pad occupied by an AspX, so I had to wait to get a docking permit. The AspX is smaller than a Python but needs the space of a size M pad as well. enter image description here

While waiting for the fellow pilot to clear the docking pad I was able to observe the ongoing operation: The following image gives a roughly impression of how much space an AspX takes on the medium pad. The Python just fits on the pad leaving not too much space at the edges of the pad, as the image shows I produced when leaving my ship after docking.

enter image description here

On the other hand this waiting time gave me the opportunity to get in contact with a friend on Berman Market; I met her in 3304 for the first time. Outposts do follow their own set of rules; the people running these places do not follow the strict procedures as the personnel manning the huge star ports (I never got a speed warning by an outpost’s ATC for example) and Berman’s ATC had no problem at all to connect me to my friend using the outpost intercom. enter image description here

Her name is Kiara the Younger. She works as the lead of the relatively small technical staff maintaining the station. Unless other outposts, which seem to be hold together by duct tape, Berman Market is and always was – as many often I visited here – in a very good technical state. Even the rubbish littering so many stations elsewhere seem to suffer from, particularly in some of the bigger star ports, is rare due to the fact the smaller group of people on this small outpost feels a stronger responsibility to keep their place up, in order, tidy and secure. I appreciate this and am not bothered by the laxness of the ATC where strictness is not needed while the place is kept secure in general and in detail at all times.

The next image gives an impression on the tight fit of my Python on the medium pad of Berman Market: enter image description here

Meeting Kiara felt nice after returning from my journey approximately 1500kly over the Galactic Plain. I was welcomed and the first question was: “What do you drink?” when I finally settled in the small bar area of Berman Market; Kiara was present there already and I saw her as soon as I entered the place. We sat together at the main window of the bar allowing for a view over the icy ring and into the distance of space. Since I had a few hauling runs ahead, I opted for a nice coffee, of course.

As well, Kiara was able to arrange the paperwork for my coming trade runs within less than 5 minutes, so the outpost would be prepared for the 1500 tons of Cobalt I intended to get with the next nine or ten hauling runs, which would be quick runs with docking at Berman’s in fifteen minute intervals.

“What do you drink?” enter image description here

I told Kiara my thoughts and impressions during my last journeys. I told her, that I think each system comes to existence when the first commander drops from witch-space. I told her, I think, the universe created ‘intelligent life’ to reflect itself, to observe itself to become conscious. I, as well, explained to her sometimes I had the feeling that there were some rules and axioms dictating how a system would be created once it were discovered. Before, there were just a set of rules but the system itself comes to existence on the first drop; it felt like a server-side script running on a universal machine. Maybe one would call it ‘Stellar Forge’ if such a thing existed. Kiara understood what I was saying and since she had the next hours off, I agreed to take her to Jacques on the first hauling run to give her some opportunity to see something else than Berman Market tonight.

Kiara loved to get off Berman’s Market for a few hours and I promised, I would give her a lift back from Jacques's Station on my last run to Berman Market, which I later did. I don’t know if the 192t of consumer Electronics took longer to be loaded or whatever Kiara found on her shopping tour.

The Colonies: Alberta – Berman Market (June 3308)

Berman Market, one of the most beautiful outposts I’ve seen so far. Not alone inside the mini-bubble of the colonies, which is rich of such iconic places, but within the ED-Milky Way at all.

Berman Market is located inside the ring of a gas-giant; inside one of the icy rings right next to a ring formed by mineral bodies of a rocky ring, to be precise.

The following image shows the location of the outpost Berman Market orbiting planet A5 of the Alberta system: When the image was taken, the small station was moving through the shade of the gas-giant.

Alberta - Berman Market at Night

I re-visited Alberta to fill the belly of my Python ‘Stanislaw Lem’ with Cobalt. I then sold it with a profit at Jaque’s Station – I made 1.544 Million credits profit per load (192t). It felt good to come to this place to enjoy the different views in amazement and to be remembered on this site I first visited in 3304. I even keep the photos from back then, when I docked at Berman Market using the DBX, which today is named Oumuamua. In 3304 I used this DBX to return to the bubble via a northern route and as far as I remember, Berman Market was my starting point for this journey.

Approaching Alberta Market

The above image shows Berman Market in its location after requesting the docking permit for landing pad number 03, which is the only medium sized landing pad fitting the Python. The icy rocks surfaces occur to be light blue or light purple due to the fact the planet A5 casts its shadow over the location.

Towards the planet in a distance of a few dozens of kilometres there is the gap between the two different ring types, clearly visible at the diagonal of the image. The rocks of the neighbouring ring are further out and are visible as a thin, dark grey line behind the gap.

The next image presents Berman Market and its position in daylight environment, when the relative positions of the outpost and the bodies of the rings moved out of the planet’s shadow: The refraction of the sunlight on the planets upper atmosphere changed from pale yellow to blue, which is the common appearance of planet A5. The outpost’s position did not move into full light at this moment, so the view catches the most part of the planet’s night side, while the opposite side of the station itself is in daylight already.

Alberta Market at Dawn