CMDR The Shrike のプロフィール > 航海日誌

49,725,896,265 Cr
Back home at Dubbuennel

Finally back home at dunkers' rest in the colonia system. The voyage was easy and relaxing Time to visit the new engineers because what can be unlocked, has to be unlocked (according to Milestone Barn)

Ouster Angel. What happend

2 days Ago, My friend Ouster Angel disappeared from my radars. Last known system: Nuwo GC-U c19-0

I focused my sensors on that system and discovered a weak signal:

..... Surf.... Hu.. ..nd...Senso... d..m..g. Ok ..nd Survi.... but ...eed so.... ti..e .... repai..... ...known if ..ata

Good news: She is alive! But... all data lost? I know she scanned more than 8000 bodies after Goliath's Rest.

Beagle Point!

And there we are... Arrived ad Beagle point. Actually went a bit further than Beagle point, some 200 ly away from earth. I met my old companion NSR2 at Beagle point. Even did not know he was there too.

Actually I should be very happy however, I heard some rumors Ouster Angel died on her trip to Beagle point. I really hope it is a rumor and I see her soon somewhere in the black.

Last legg

There we go... The last leg to Beagle point. I'm soooo exited. First need to fly around a permit locked area. Wondering what could be found there. I hope in my life to come back once to discover the secrets of the universe here.

For now, it is jump honk, jump honk.

Beagle point... here I come!

Nearly There

Weeks, weeks and weeks have passed. In the darkness, but with a lot of contact with other commanders. Happily, otherwise, the space madness would have overwhelmed me. I arrived at DWII WP11. Following waypoint will probably be Beagle point.

After a career of 5 years, I will finally reach the special system...... Looking forward to it.

Back at Dunkers Rest

After more than one year, I passed finally by to our home system: Dubbuennel in Colonia. Arriving at Dunkers Rest there was a welcome committee of Orange Spark and Jean Belo. I really felt home.

After some driving in our SRV's and chatting... and of course selling millions of exploration data to our hometown, It was time to leave our very short visit to continue and join the DW2 convoy.

There We Goooooo!

Huston, we are on our way.....

With my fully engineered ship, with a 80+ ly jump range. Going for the DWII experience to Beagle point.

Traveling together with Ouster Angel. I do the Jumps, Ouster Angel the Discoveries. Its a pitty the waypoints are not exposed at once. Maybe I will return to the bubble and do the DWII in a one-go

Prepared for DWII

Ship fully prepared for DWII. Jump distance over 80ly. Just realized my commander name in EDSM was different as the name I was subscribed to. Hope it is going to be fixed before the expedition starts.

What can be unlocked... must be unlocked....

Vessels were unlocked, now going to gather materials and data to unlock everything :D And at least I must have the corrosive resistant cargo rack. That will be me next target.

No Gnosis, but vessels

Like everybody knows, the Gnosis did not jump..... So, it was time for a next goal: unlocking all Vessels. It took me 1 day to discover that a key had to be obtained to unlock the vessel blueprint instead of the relic. So, after 2 days, enough materials to unlock the vessels.