CMDR Dziadostwo のプロフィール > 航海日誌

(Diamondback Explorer)

So I arrived in Xibalba. Cmdr Space Hobo (that's what more/less "dziadostwo" means in polish language) will get everywhere in his Anaconda - just give him time, cigarettes and a glass of booze.
I must admit that my expectations were different, but consider it a big positive. I thought that this region will be very sparse, hard to navigate and my findings will be mostly icy bodies. Wrong. I don't know if I had a big winning streak, but I discovered a lot of ammonia/water worlds, a few earth-likes and came across huge high-metal content planets. Pure luck? Maybe.
The way to the end of the " galaxy tail" also looks very good. When using a filter on the nav-map I saw a very promising way containig O,B,F,A and G-class stars. That's very promising. Maybe I'll discover something new to the codex?
A few days ago, I set off to Xibalba region. For me, it always sounded magical: Mayan Underworld located at the end of the Milky Way. Dark, sad, unfriendly and empty due to low star density - that`s how I had this place pictured in my imagination.
Was I wrong? I still don`t know. I set off in my Anaconda at saturday, the 5th of July 2019. The Rosette Nebula was my first stop - I got there rather quick, most system that I have passed were already discovered.
Problems started sooner than I expected, because I had trouble getting to Kepler's Crest. The gap was wider than I thought, so I spent at least 2 hours navigating on the map to find my way trhu that damn hole. God bless jumponium and engineers - my Conda somehow found it`s way across.
Maybe Rosette wasn't a good idea and I should have started my journey south at the Formidine Rift? Getting to the Rift is much easier, I had no problem reaching The Zurara two months ago. I`ll think about that on my way back.
Anyway, once I got deeper to Kepler's Crest, the travel beccame real smooth. The way itself is friendlier than I had expected. Mostly I come across M-type stars, wchich are scoopable.
If I'm lucky, I`ll get to Xibalba in a next few days. The systems I passed are small and uncomplicated, so scanning them and jumping further goes real quick.
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