CMDR Elias Grey のプロフィール > 航海日誌

Jade Falcon [APLE04]
(Asp Explorer)
Lots of Biologic Discoverys

If you get out to enter link description here

You'll find at least 6 planets with biologic discoveries.

Brain Trees

Found my first brain trees. According to the codex there are a number of other biologic discoveries in this nebula. I'm going to see what else I can find.

Crossed into new region and found my first space pumkins.

image hosting

On the border of the Inner Scutum-Centaurus Arm

It's been a long time to get here and this is the farthest from the bubble that I've gone. I should cross the border tomorrow. On the way to see some space based life.

Getting to the boarder

Less than 80 jumps to go. Found an earthlike world today and a few water worlds.

100 Jumps to go

About a hundred jumps to get to the Inner Scutum - Centaurus Arm. On the way to get to some mollusks.

200 jumps for this leg.

200 jumps to the first space borne biologic findings to confirmenter image description here


There are a bunch of space biologic discoverys which I can get confirmations of. I've set bookmarks to look at them all.

Codex Entries

725 Jumps to Colonia

Right now, I'm mapping each system and then moving on, unless I hit an earthlike, a water world, or a gas giant with some form of life.