CMDR The-DemonWolf のプロフィール > 保有船舶 > Imperial Cutter [#74]

Heaven's Rescue [Fuel+]
Imperial Cutter [#74]
Amorock of the North [Icer]
0 / 0
ジャンプ距離 質量
最大 無積載 積載 合計(無積載) 合計(積載) 船体 無積載 積載
15.86 ly 15.50 ly 15.50 ly 78.39 ly 78.39 ly 1,100 t 2,135 t 2,199 t
速力 ブースト 最小質量 最適質量 最大質量 最適乗数
219 m/s 351 m/s 1,680 t 3,360 t 5,040 t 100.00%
完全性 爆発物耐性 運動エネルギー耐性 熱エネルギー耐性 腐食耐性
4,340 -24.62%  (3,483) -6.82%  (4,063) 10.99%  (4,876) 0.00%  (4,340)
状態 優先順位 耐久値 電力 質量
Reactor bay [8A] Power Plant
On 1 100% 36 MW 124.28 % 80 t
Bulkheads [1I] Military Grade Composite
On 1 100% 60 t
Military compartment [5D] Hull Reinforcement Package
On 1 100% 16 t
Military compartment [5D] Module Reinforcement Package
On 1 100% 16 t
Thruster mounting [8A] Thrusters
On 100% 10.8 MW 30 % 160 t
FSD housing [7A] Frame Shift Drive
On 100% 0.9 MW 2.5 % 80 t
Environment control [7D] Life Support
On 1 100% 0.81 MW 2.25 % 32 t
Power coupling [7A] Power Distributor
On 2 100% 0.89 MW 2.47 % 80 t
Sensor suite [7D] Sensors
On 4 100% 0.53 MW 1.47 % 32 t
Fuel store [6C] Fuel Tank
On 1 100% 0 t
状態 優先順位 耐久値 電力 質量
Internal slot (Max class 8) [8C] Bi-Weave Shield Generator
On 1 100% 4 MW 11.11 % 160 t
Internal slot (Max class 8) [8A] Shield Cell Bank
On 2 100% 3.36 MW 9.33 % 160 t
Internal slot (Max class 6) [6A] Shield Cell Bank
On 2 100% 2.48 MW 6.89 % 40 t
Internal slot (Max class 6) [6B] Fuel Scoop
On 100% 0.71 MW 1.97 % 0 t
Internal slot (Max class 6) [5D] Hull Reinforcement Package
On 1 100% 16 t
Internal slot (Max class 5) [5D] Hull Reinforcement Package
On 1 100% 16 t
Internal slot (Max class 5) [5D] Hull Reinforcement Package
On 1 100% 16 t
Internal slot (Max class 4) [4D] Module Reinforcement Package
On 1 100% 8 t
Internal slot (Max class 3) [3D] Hull Reinforcement Package
On 1 100% 4 t
状態 優先順位 耐久値 電力 質量
Huge hardpoint [4A] Multi-Cannon (Gimbal)
Overcharged Weapon (Grade 4) + Oversized
On 100% 1.28 MW 3.56 % 16 t
Large hardpoint [2B] Gauss Cannon (Fixed, Guardian)
Off 3 100% 2.61 MW 7.25 % 4 t
Large hardpoint [2B] Gauss Cannon (Fixed, Guardian)
Off 3 100% 2.61 MW 7.25 % 4 t
Medium hardpoint [2B] Remote Release Flak Launcher (Fixed)
On 3 100% 1.2 MW 3.33 % 4 t
Medium hardpoint [2B] Remote Release Flak Launcher (Fixed)
On 3 100% 1.2 MW 3.33 % 4 t
Medium hardpoint [2B] Gauss Cannon (Fixed, Guardian)
Off 3 100% 2.61 MW 7.25 % 4 t
Medium hardpoint [2B] Gauss Cannon (Fixed, Guardian)
Off 3 100% 2.61 MW 7.25 % 4 t
状態 優先順位 耐久値 電力 質量
Tiny hardpoint [0A] Shield Booster
On 4 100% 1.2 MW 3.33 % 3.5 t
Tiny hardpoint [0A] Shield Booster
On 4 100% 1.2 MW 3.33 % 3.5 t
Tiny hardpoint [0A] Shield Booster
On 4 100% 1.2 MW 3.33 % 3.5 t
Tiny hardpoint [0A] Shield Booster
On 4 100% 1.2 MW 3.33 % 3.5 t
Tiny hardpoint [0I] Heat Sink Launcher
On 4 100% 0.2 MW 0.56 % 1.3 t
Tiny hardpoint [0I] Heat Sink Launcher
On 4 100% 0.2 MW 0.56 % 1.3 t
Tiny hardpoint [0F] Shutdown Field Neutraliser
On 1 100% 0.2 MW 0.56 % 1.3 t
Tiny hardpoint [0E] Xeno Scanner
On 1 100% 0.2 MW 0.56 % 1.3 t