Galactische Mapping > Routes > On my way to the core

I am at last back from this evolving route. I left not really knowing what it would take out of me, and somehow managed to uphold enthusiasm all the way to the core and then out to Colonia space. That was worth the trip but there was still much to do back home. I felt it human nature to make a loop out of the journey, but it turns out that there are just some very uninteresting areas of space, and not quite enough of those modern remote bases to break up the monotony - extra props to those that did their journeys before those existed at all!

I have now brought this back to what I think I would do as a loop if I was to do it all over.

# System Coordinates Distance
#1 Laksak -21.53125 / -6.3125 / 116.03125
#2 Quince 57.375 / 341.375 / 333 417,36 Ly
#3 Blu Thua AI-A c14-10 (Hillary Depot) -54.5 / 149.53125 / 2099.21875 1.780,13 Ly
#4 NGC 6188 Sector LC-V c2-28 (Morgan's Rock / NGC 6188) 1706.1875 / -87.625 / 4057.15625 2.643,82 Ly
#5 Cl Pismis 3 923 / 156.53125 / 8101.0625 4.126,28 Ly
#6 Eodgovvy GW-W e1-17 1670.71875 / 429.3125 / 10888.25 2.898,60 Ly
#7 Blaa Hypai UO-L b10-0 1775.90625 / -783.9375 / 11957.8125 1.620,80 Ly
#8 Blaa Hypai CZ-D c13-0 1229.28125 / -711.4375 / 12309.15625 653,83 Ly
#9 Froarks XJ-R e4-1363 -481.8125 / 198.03125 / 15101.1875 3.398,59 Ly
#10 Dryau Aowsy CW-D d12-5918 796.78125 / 363.96875 / 19182.5625 4.280,18 Ly
#11 Shrogea MH-V e2-1763 (Black in Green (Tourist Installation)) 971.03125 / 613.21875 / 21307.3125 2.146,40 Ly
#12 Great Annihilator (Great Annihilator Black Hole) 354.84375 / -42.4375 / 22997.21875 1.914,51 Ly
#13 Sagittarius A* 25.21875 / -20.90625 / 25899.96875 2.921,48 Ly
#14 Myriesly CL-P e5-7383 (Storms of Fenrisulfur) -633.375 / 114.65625 / 25560.84375 753,08 Ly
#15 Myriesly CL-P e5-4186 (Emerald Remnant) -665.28125 / -12.28125 / 25567.09375 131,04 Ly
#16 Myriesly RY-S e3-5414 (Six Rings) -1043.71875 / 124.9375 / 25279.4375 494,76 Ly
#17 Juenoea HQ-Y e6791 -5341.28125 / -851.78125 / 26065.09375 4.476,64 Ly
#18 Wepae EG-Y g1024 (Triple Ripple) -6292.3125 / -753.3125 / 23967.34375 2.305,37 Ly
#19 Scheau Flyi KR-W e1-6736 -5772.28125 / -1141.3125 / 22414.1875 1.683,23 Ly
#20 Kyloall BF-A f2322 (Kyloall Oddity) -7933.9375 / -892.34375 / 20810.4375 2.703,10 Ly
#21 Colonia (Jaques Station / Colonia (System) / Animula Spires / The Mosta-Murdoch Raceway) -9530.5 / -910.28125 / 19808.125 1.885,20 Ly
#22 Boewnst KS-S c20-959 (Polo Harbour / The Grand Formation / The Venetian Nebula) -6195.46875 / -140.28125 / 16462.0625 4.786,59 Ly
#23 Blaa Phoe NC-D d12-230 (Death Spiral) -5377.90625 / -1291.40625 / 15398 1.767,97 Ly
#24 Nuekuae AA-A h52 (The Crux) -6189.0625 / -682.5625 / 13809.84375 1.884,38 Ly
#25 Gru Hypue KS-T d3-31 (Gagarin Gate / Vostok-1 Nebula) -4990.84375 / -935.71875 / 13387.15625 1.295,56 Ly
#26 Skaudai CH-B d14-34 (Sacaqawea Space Port) -5481.84375 / -579.15625 / 10429.9375 3.018,83 Ly
#27 Eagle Sector IR-W d1-117 (Eagle's Landing) -2054.09375 / 85.71875 / 6710.875 5.101,27 Ly
#28 Omega Sector VE-Q b5-15 (Omega Mining Operation) -1444.3125 / -85.8125 / 5319.9375 1.528,39 Ly
#29 Trifid Sector IR-W d1-52 (Observation Post Epsilon) -612.40625 / -31.5 / 5182.875 844,87 Ly
#30 Lagoon Sector NI-S b4-10 (Amundsen Terminal) -469.1875 / -84.84375 / 4456.125 742,65 Ly
#31 Blu Thua AI-A c14-10 (Hillary Depot) -54.5 / 149.53125 / 2099.21875 2.404,56 Ly
#32 Mammon (Mammon Monitoring Facility / Mammon (IC 1287 Nebula)) -358.375 / -8.75 / 933.53125 1.215,00 Ly
#33 Laksak -21.53125 / -6.3125 / 116.03125 884,18 Ly