Galactische Mapping > Routes > Chronicles Expedition (Original Canonn Challenge Route)


This expedition, it's route, any points of interest, biological and geological surface sites, and notable stellar phenomena existed in a galaxy prior to the Odyssey update. There is no guarantee any of this still exists, or if it does exist that it still looks and behaves as it did previously. This route is a serious time and effort commitment for any commander. Before attempting this route you are strongly encouraged to do your own homework to ensure these entities and encounters still exist in game.


The Chronicles Expedition, in hindsight, was the last chance to experience all the Notable Stellar Phenomena as well as Biological and Geological Surface Sites that the galaxy had to offer prior to the arrival of the Odyssey update. This route was the initial route that was proposed by Canonn Research for the Canonn Challenge until it was subsequently optimized by other contributing independent Cmdrs.


The route was traversed using a Diamondback Explorer A-Rated Long Range Exploration Build which had a 65LY laden jump range. Warning: Pilots wishing to follow this route in a ship of a similar range should plan on the use of the following quantities of Jumponium:

  • Basic: 48
  • Standard: 78
  • Premium: 114

Expedition Guiding Principles

First and foremost this is a voyage of discovery. An opportunity to survey and analyze all the galaxy has to offer, in no particular order (although there is a conveniently provided route) and at no specific pace. In fact it’s such an open format it might just be easier to say what this expedition is not to this commander:

  • Not a time trial, nor a race
  • Not an endurance event. It’s okay to stop and make repairs beyond self sufficient AFMU’s and Hull Repair Limpets
  • Not a shortcut. If you have already visited a location there is no guarantee that things have not changed since your last visit
  • Not about the destination and absolutely about the journey and experience
  • Not an absolute. Things change in the galaxy. It’s acceptable and expected that not all features will survive the passage of time
  • All bodies in every system visited will be scanned with the FSS
  • All Earth-like, Water and Ammonia Worlds will be mapped
  • Any other type of world is open for mapping at the Commander’s discretion
  • Composition scanning of Geographical Surface sites it also at the Commander’s discretion

Vessel of Discovery

Such an extended exploration expedition will succeed or fail based, in part, on the ship chosen for the task. It would be all too simple to jump in the Exploraconda and neutron highway my way around the galaxy. The jump range and the amount of available bays for repair modules on the Anaconda would undermine some of the key experiences of this expedition. Downsizing the landing pad to medium would narrow the options and focus to the Krait and Asp Explorer. However for this expedition I’m going to go all the way down to the small pad category and pick my trusty Diamondback Explorer ‘True Bearing’. I can already hear a chorus of dissenting opinions coming from other Commanders sharing their tales around the bar at Thompson Dock. For the record, as either one of the factors of my success or the contributor to my demise, I layout the reasons for my ship choice:

  • Small ships require a significantly less landing space which is ideal for surface sites located on rough or dramatic terrain
  • Small ships can get you up close and personal to those surface sites or notable stellar phenomena
  • Enjoy the journey as well as the destination, with not enough slots for AFMUs to repair FSD damage caused by Neutron boosting
  • Because I can
# System Coordinates Distance
#1 Varati -178.65625 / 77.125 / -87.125
#2 Oochorrs NF-L d9-12 215.9375 / -55.03125 / -1490.96875 1.464,22 Ly
#3 116 Tauri 67.34375 / -72.34375 / -412.46875 1.088,83 Ly
#4 Wredguia XD-K d8-24 (Wredguia Gateway) -249.78125 / -8.9375 / -301.96875 341,76 Ly
#5 HIP 115991 -409.03125 / -317.90625 / -69.8125 417,99 Ly
#6 HIP 15310 -10.75 / -87.15625 / -104.125 461,57 Ly
#7 Alaunus (Lycaon (generation ship)) -0.65625 / -52.28125 / -5.96875 104,66 Ly
#8 Col 285 Sector GG-N c7-34 181 / 4.40625 / -41.46875 193,58 Ly
#9 Col 135 Sector DR-V c2-16 818.0625 / -169.21875 / -407.375 754,91 Ly
#10 HD 81946 1428.6875 / 36.625 / 62.40625 797,45 Ly
#11 HD 63276 1083.6875 / -250.53125 / -102.625 478,25 Ly
#12 BD-12 1172 (Spirograph Nebula) 577.875 / -452.6875 / -819.25 900,15 Ly
#13 HIP 139 -1194.28125 / 126.53125 / -648.21875 1.872,24 Ly
#14 Ridgue AW-E d11-68 (Eastern Via Maris Depot) -11222.875 / -16.21875 / 1180.8125 10.195,02 Ly
#15 Cyuefoae BW-E d11-27 -26493 / 25.34375 / -101.53125 15.323,93 Ly
#16 Bludgu CG-N c20-0 (Bludgu Depot) -27503.1875 / -22.25 / -4021.53125 4.048,35 Ly
#17 Cyuefoo LC-D d12-0 (Manifest Destiny - The Western Meridian) -33742.96875 / 53.5 / 26.46875 7.438,21 Ly
#18 Byeia Thoea DL-N c20-0 -32503.28125 / 19.34375 / 3659.625 3.838,99 Ly
#19 Byaa Thoi MI-B d13-0 -35234 / 26.46875 / 3916.96875 2.742,83 Ly
#20 Byaa Thoi GC-D d12-0 (Star One) -35413.03125 / -14.75 / 3821.46875 207,05 Ly
#21 Byeia Thoea CA-A d2 (DSSA Andromeda Calling) -33157.1875 / 19.46875 / 2846.8125 2.457,63 Ly
#22 Ovomly PD-R d5-3 (Ovomly Rings) -19778.21875 / -562.3125 / 7113.1875 14.054,79 Ly
#23 Ovomly DA-Q d5-16 -19614.78125 / -1012.59375 / 7112.875 479,03 Ly
#24 Ovomly HG-O d6-0 -19610.40625 / -1000.65625 / 7217.46875 105,36 Ly
#25 Ovomly SS-K d8-8 -19411.84375 / -1036.15625 / 7345.15625 238,73 Ly
#26 Ovomly AA-H d10-13 -19537.25 / -1114.40625 / 7564.09375 264,17 Ly
#27 Prai Hypoo CY-C b3-1 -9287.96875 / -432.3125 / 7962.75 10.279,69 Ly
#28 Traikeou SE-P d6-16 -7188.8125 / 683.1875 / 4625.96875 4.096,94 Ly
#29 Ellaisms QX-U e2-43 (Ellaisms Remnant) -5469.9375 / 260.09375 / 9673.84375 5.349,26 Ly
#30 Skaudai YP-O e6-17 -5485.03125 / -503 / 10415.6875 1.064,36 Ly
#31 Skaude AA-A h294 (Skaude (Collection of Wonders)) -5131.71875 / -275.625 / 10365.21875 423,17 Ly
#32 Nuekau BK-Z d44 (Little Inferno Nebula) -1830.09375 / -751.375 / 13105.125 4.316,73 Ly
#33 Graea Hypue DC-T d4-84 -1059.375 / -438 / 13482.59375 913,62 Ly
#34 Blu Ain QC-M d7-3330 913.28125 / 69.125 / 14983.53125 2.530,09 Ly
#35 Greae Phio DT-G d11-1570 1317.15625 / -483.625 / 16570.21875 1.728,07 Ly
#36 Eeshorks QI-B d1496 1539.96875 / -724.78125 / 16896.71875 463,04 Ly
#37 Eeshorks WO-A e191 1569.0625 / -756.0625 / 16937.21875 58,87 Ly
#38 Gru Phio DV-W d2-440 3581.71875 / -391.21875 / 15834.84375 2.323,60 Ly
#39 Gru Hypai DL-X e1-20 (Gru Hypai Stellar Remnant) 3384.125 / -364.15625 / 13444.4375 2.398,71 Ly
#40 Blaa Hypai OZ-O d6-16 1285.5 / -731.65625 / 12309.34375 2.414,07 Ly
#41 Eodgorsts TX-C b13-3 -1466.1875 / 141.59375 / 10743.4375 3.284,27 Ly
#42 Pru Aescs NC-M d7-192 -3183.53125 / 73.59375 / 8595.65625 2.750,79 Ly
#43 Nyeajaae DA-Z a27-2 -3272.46875 / -34.53125 / 6906.3125 1.695,14 Ly
#44 Rohini (Eudaemon Anchorage) -3374.8125 / -47.8125 / 6912.25 103,37 Ly
#45 Trifid Sector BQ-Y d244 -641.34375 / -16.46875 / 5167.75 3.242,86 Ly
#46 Trifid Sector FW-W d1-233 -632.96875 / -22.96875 / 5175.15625 12,93 Ly
#47 Trifid Sector DL-Y d157 -629.65625 / -31.09375 / 5160.46875 17,11 Ly
#48 HD 160167 (Messier 6) 103.46875 / -22.125 / 1657.59375 3.578,78 Ly
#49 HIP 98182 -545.90625 / 7.09375 / 223.1875 1.574,82 Ly
#50 Shrogaae KK-A d1791 4957.34375 / 135.3125 / 20704.625 21.208,29 Ly
#51 Shrogaae KK-A d1049 4945.0625 / 143.4375 / 20719.4375 20,89 Ly
#52 Shrogaae KK-A d983 (The Brain Forest) 4959.03125 / 149.96875 / 20725.90625 16,72 Ly
#53 Shrogeau GG-Y e119 (Shrogeau Juliet Nebula Cluster) 5430.875 / 31.71875 / 20932.0625 528,32 Ly
#54 Shrogaae KK-A d2672 4952.90625 / 186.5 / 20736.1875 539,24 Ly
#55 Juenae OX-U e2-8852 (Hengist Nebula) 652.46875 / -1056.5 / 26400.375 7.219,54 Ly
#56 Phraa Pra HH-U e3-1354 (Phraa Pra Archer Alpha) 823.3125 / -1416.125 / 26584.4375 438,63 Ly
#57 Stuemeae FG-Y d7561 (Explorer's Anchorage) 28.6875 / -19.78125 / 25899.6875 1.746,45 Ly
#58 Stuemeae KM-W c1-342 (Armstrong Landing) 26.34375 / -20.5625 / 25899.25 2,51 Ly
#59 Myriesly HR-N e6-4354 ('Blink Of An Eye' Remnant (inc. Arboo’s Electric Friendship)) -530.125 / 38.84375 / 25725.90625 585,86 Ly
#60 Myriesly CB-F d11-2373 -630.4375 / 116.25 / 25562.78125 206,55 Ly
#61 Byoomao WX-T c19-6195 -699.09375 / -236.1875 / 25403.71875 392,72 Ly
#62 Byoomao MI-S e4-5423 (Wulfric) -699.4375 / -239.34375 / 25402.09375 3,57 Ly
#63 Byoomao JC-B d1-3681 -592.46875 / -58.65625 / 24669.875 761,73 Ly
#64 Myriesly MS-T e3-3831 (Northern Lazur Remnant) -586.875 / 646.875 / 25214.8125 891,49 Ly
#65 Nyuena RO-Z d184 (Nyuena Prime) 29.46875 / 1830.9375 / 25900.3125 1.500,60 Ly
#66 Nyuena ID-Z c1-10 29.96875 / 1837.75 / 25897.4375 7,41 Ly
#67 Agnairy JH-U e3-2113 (Lexx Nebula) -2713.65625 / -77.03125 / 22617.5 4.685,28 Ly
#68 Agnairy XZ-B c2-4891 -3063.96875 / -109.65625 / 22091.59375 632,74 Ly
#69 Dryoea Flyi II-S e4-6870 (Gardens of Shangri-La) -5141.59375 / -289.46875 / 19057.90625 3.681,32 Ly
#70 Eol Prou IW-W e1-1868 -9530.4375 / -956.40625 / 19789.5 4.499,11 Ly
#71 Asura -9550.28125 / -916.65625 / 19816.1875 51,83 Ly
#72 Eol Procul Centauri -9521.875 / -919.40625 / 19802.09375 31,83 Ly
#73 Wepaa BF-A f494 -9287.625 / -875.90625 / 23438.53125 3.644,23 Ly
#74 Wepaa BA-A g524 -9308.71875 / -708.65625 / 23829.75 425,99 Ly
#75 Wepaa BA-A g1712 (Ammutseba) -9516.625 / -905.15625 / 23747.90625 297,55 Ly
#76 Wepaa GG-Y f343 -9484.21875 / -1071.59375 / 23759.4375 169,95 Ly
#77 Phrooe Flyoae MO-Q d5-33 -12854.875 / -812.4375 / 23785.78125 3.380,71 Ly
#78 Wembeau KM-V e2-12 (The Other Eye of Sauron) -16947.1875 / -529.65625 / 23808.46875 4.102,13 Ly
#79 Dryu Chraea FH-D d12-49 (Maledictus Luna) -23799.71875 / 71.125 / 29480.125 8.915,48 Ly
#80 Phooe Bra MT-U c2-39 -24616.15625 / 4.5625 / 36192.0625 6.761,74 Ly
#81 Flyoo Groa SO-Z e0 (DSSA Solsen’s Alastor / Alastor) -26482.4375 / -78.78125 / 50335.125 14.265,91 Ly
#82 Flyoo Groa XW-W c4-13 -26476.0625 / -75.75 / 50341.8125 9,72 Ly
#83 Smoorea FG-Y g4 (Quantum Sea) -20594.65625 / -1156.90625 / 39646.53125 12.253,53 Ly
#84 Aiphaisty YE-A d130 (Q07 / Orio-Persean Depot) -17942.84375 / 102.84375 / 33508.75 6.803,78 Ly
#85 Hypao Chreou LX-U e2-11 (Corsair's Treasure) -15182.84375 / 239.15625 / 32728.375 2.871,44 Ly
#86 Phleedgaa JS-I d10-280 -5360.46875 / -418.90625 / 34447.875 9.993,44 Ly
#87 Phleedgaa UJ-Q e5-185 (Splosh) -5370.0625 / -467 / 34479.03125 58,10 Ly
#88 Vegnoae QO-I d9-2277 -1008.03125 / 106.65625 / 36872.46875 5.008,49 Ly
#89 Vegniae XZ-G d10-6895 -1845.1875 / 184 / 36940.8125 843,49 Ly
#90 Vegniae TJ-R e4-106 -2361.59375 / 237.34375 / 36976.84375 520,40 Ly
#91 Vegnue AG-O e6-199 -5688.0625 / 547.25 / 37181.875 3.347,16 Ly
#92 Vegnue UE-Q e5-33 -5705.125 / 624.21875 / 37122.40625 98,75 Ly
#93 Eorl Bre ZP-E d12-276 -7747.46875 / 686.34375 / 30698.53125 6.741,01 Ly
#94 Xothuia KP-E d12-221 (Rhubarb Nebula) -7744.6875 / 667.59375 / 30715.71875 25,59 Ly
#95 Eorl Bre TE-L c23-51 -7754.78125 / 689.5625 / 30685.03125 39,07 Ly
#96 Xothuia EG-Y g95 -7695.1875 / 607.21875 / 30655.65625 105,81 Ly
#97 Dryio Bloo LT-Y d1-1089 -6338.125 / -1561.40625 / 28548.28125 3.314,45 Ly
#98 Dryio Bloo LT-Y d1-311 -6377.375 / -1587.09375 / 28545.875 46,97 Ly
#99 Dryio Bloo YE-A g1518 -6353.5 / -1620.75 / 28610.78125 76,91 Ly
#100 Scheau Blao TB-A c28-274 4314.03125 / -1091.46875 / 33450.0625 11.725,83 Ly
#101 Joorai NI-K d8-9 16980.84375 / 75.8125 / 39353.75 14.023,70 Ly
#102 Joorai NI-K d8-115 17016.46875 / 106.53125 / 39349.90625 47,20 Ly
#103 Joorai NI-K d8-163 17051.96875 / 117.0625 / 39383.75 50,17 Ly
#104 Phreia Byio PU-K c10-0 23577.0625 / -421.125 / 36500.78125 7.153,88 Ly
#105 Flya Flyao OR-U b35-0 23306.09375 / -277.28125 / 38101.125 1.629,48 Ly
#106 Ihab JI-B d13-16 (DSSA Stellar Oasis) 23399.1875 / -9.5 / 46161.3125 8.065,17 Ly
#107 Plua Chruia IB-X d1-5 22205.78125 / 231.75 / 47756.28125 2.006,58 Ly
#108 Preou Chrea ZQ-C c26-5 19843.3125 / 6.59375 / 50014.15625 3.275,66 Ly
#109 Syrivu DL-P d5-2 15749.59375 / -8.8125 / 54475.40625 6.054,88 Ly
#110 Pyra Dryoae ET-O d7-7 7825.40625 / -101.96875 / 62316.9375 11.148,59 Ly
#111 Iorady EI-B d13-0 -0.3125 / -3.59375 / 65395.28125 8.409,98 Ly
#112 Beagle Point (DSSA Distant Worlds 'Endeavour') -1111.5625 / -134.21875 / 65269.75 1.125,92 Ly
#113 Pyrooe Dryiae CC-B d1-0 -5017.875 / -97.03125 / 61737.53125 5.266,61 Ly
#114 Cliewoae NT-F d12-0 (Abyssinial Hidden Paradise) -5231.96875 / -132.53125 / 61470.84375 343,83 Ly
#115 Cliewoae DS-H d11-0 -5574.4375 / -103.1875 / 61346.75 365,44 Ly
#116 Cliewoae VA-L d9-0 -5733.21875 / -176.625 / 61178.1875 242,94 Ly
#117 Cliewoae UF-L d9-0 -5629.09375 / -63.625 / 61189.40625 154,07 Ly
#118 Pyrooe Dryiae ZQ-C d0 -5048.6875 / -105.71875 / 61687.34375 765,89 Ly
#119 Blau Broae BC-D d12-59 1320.6875 / -8.0625 / 56322.875 8.328,03 Ly
#120 Flyeia Byoea UK-Q b24-6 5549.5 / -221.84375 / 50662.375 7.068,93 Ly
#121 Flyeia Byoea GE-K c11-32 (Flyeia Void Sea) 5625.625 / -174.25 / 50640.65625 92,37 Ly
#122 Flyeia Byoea EO-K c11-32 5713.59375 / -79.71875 / 50649.59375 129,44 Ly
#123 Flyeia Byoea PY-R b24-11 5768.78125 / -45.6875 / 50656.59375 65,21 Ly
#124 Ploea Brou RH-D c12-27 (Opposites Attract) 5826.84375 / 29.09375 / 50670.59375 95,71 Ly
#125 Ploea Brou BL-Y b14-5 6008.75 / 41.75 / 50474.375 267,87 Ly
#126 Ploea Brou UT-K b8-13 5895.625 / 37.8125 / 50319.25 192,03 Ly
#127 Preae Chroa EI-I c23-43 5572.1875 / 83.34375 / 49885.53125 542,95 Ly
#128 Chraiteou OK-Y c17-8 11246.8125 / -27.1875 / 44513.875 7.814,62 Ly
#129 Braisao ZP-V d3-16 25166.53125 / -160.53125 / 31257.90625 19.222,31 Ly
#130 Dryeia Blao NZ-M d8-48 26153.34375 / -93.375 / 29104.46875 2.369,73 Ly
#131 Kuemo KC-B d1-56 27681.34375 / -45.90625 / 25926.375 3.526,66 Ly
#132 Oob Auwsy PE-K c8-0 30615.6875 / -20.59375 / 19776 6.814,55 Ly
#133 Ausaik JO-Z d13-0 28186.71875 / -15.15625 / 15497.75 4.919,69 Ly
#134 Oodgonns CR-N c6-0 28134.21875 / -11.21875 / 10774.84375 4.723,20 Ly
#135 Preou Aip SF-R c4-0 30352.25 / -13.71875 / 10687.5625 2.219,75 Ly
#136 Oodgosly GI-B d13-11 34677.78125 / 41.65625 / 11619.75 4.425,18 Ly
#137 Oodgosly AH-D d12-10 34733.75 / 105.84375 / 11526.21875 126,49 Ly
#138 Oodgosly AM-D d12-7 34869.15625 / 159.65625 / 11556.25 148,77 Ly
#139 Hyphaups HC-M d7-1 36077.34375 / 94.8125 / 8597.46875 3.196,61 Ly
#140 Hyphaups NI-K d8-0 36187.15625 / 55.3125 / 8624.40625 119,77 Ly
#141 Coesky DW-U d3-0 35056.59375 / -498.75 / 15903.4375 7.387,11 Ly
#142 Ooc Fleau GG-F d11-0 (DSSA [CEC] Deus Vult!) 36945.625 / 143.46875 / 17868.0625 2.800,11 Ly
#143 Dryeou Fleau XJ-A d0 39744.59375 / 168.84375 / 18188.71875 2.817,39 Ly
#144 Drokoe AN-H d11-6 14556.03125 / -169.1875 / 3785.6875 29.017,67 Ly
#145 Thaile HW-V e2-7 (Three Worlds Nebula) 10124.09375 / -339.15625 / 4641.09375 4.516,93 Ly
#146 Eta Carina Sector JH-V c2-9 8605.59375 / -122.15625 / 2704.78125 2.470,27 Ly
#147 Eta Carina Sector EL-Y d19 8625.34375 / -159.75 / 2693.5625 43,92 Ly
#148 Eta Carina Sector EL-Y d16 (Guardian ruins - Eta Carina sites) 8636.59375 / -156.1875 / 2686.71875 13,64 Ly
#149 GCRV 6493 (NGC 3211) 8797.90625 / -785.84375 / 2572.6875 659,92 Ly
#150 NGC 3199 Sector EB-X c1-6 14557.59375 / -252.40625 / 3511.28125 5.859,99 Ly
#151 NGC 3199 Sector IM-V c2-5 (Guardian ruins - NGC 3199 sites) 14619.96875 / -220.375 / 3560.375 85,60 Ly
#152 Drokoe FU-O b39-0 14600.21875 / -160.15625 / 3619.3125 86,54 Ly
#153 Phae Aim EG-Y g6 (Perseus Null Sector) 11615.1875 / 291.53125 / -3973.65625 8.171,15 Ly
#154 Jongoae UX-L d7-0 25387.0625 / -20.21875 / -9381.4375 14.798,85 Ly
#155 Eorgh Hypa RR-U c19-0 17338.53125 / -99.25 / -13023.53125 8.834,59 Ly
#156 Eowyg Aewsy QD-D b12-0 16139.84375 / -21.84375 / -13604.8125 1.334,44 Ly
#157 Lyed KX-A c27-0 (Shackleton's Star) 11170.34375 / 6.03125 / -16520.875 5.761,96 Ly
#158 Lyed YJ-I d9-0 (Amundsen's Star) 11007.46875 / 44.84375 / -16899.75 414,22 Ly
#159 Lyed XJ-I d9-0 10938.875 / 35.375 / -16845.28125 88,10 Ly
#160 Dryau Aec JF-A d11 8552.28125 / 96.96875 / -12582 4.886,22 Ly
#161 BD-10 1848 (Seagull Nebula) 2656.375 / -159.15625 / -2712.625 11.499,21 Ly
#162 R Monocerotis (Hubble's Variable Nebula) 1210.3125 / 68.03125 / -2744.1875 1.464,14 Ly
#163 HD 43193 (Oochorrs Lighthouse) 905.3125 / -271.6875 / -1465.875 1.357,39 Ly
#164 HIP 25352 428.125 / -344.28125 / -733.21875 877,36 Ly
#165 Varati -178.65625 / 77.125 / -87.125 981,43 Ly