Galactische Mapping > Routes > DSSA Chrysaetos Refuge Odyssey Refit - Op VistaGen (Colonia)

Operation VistaGen

Operation Vista Genomics Logo courtesy of Cmdr Rheeney

Powered by The Buur Pit, with special thanks to Cmdr Eagle131

# System Coordinates Distance
#1 Xothae MA-A d2 (DSSA Chrysaetos Refuge) -36207.90625 / 22.5625 / 29671.40625
#2 Phraifaae AA-A h0 (The King and Queen of Mikenas) -32505.5625 / 800.03125 / 28161.65625 4.073,22 Ly
#3 Hypua Priae BA-A g0 (Mene Tekel) -19277.40625 / -1232.03125 / 24954.1875 13.762,31 Ly
#4 Wembeau KM-V e2-12 (The Other Eye of Sauron) -16947.1875 / -529.65625 / 23808.46875 2.689,97 Ly
#5 Agnaimt AA-A h39 (The Three Amigos) -16000.71875 / -896.125 / 22683.59375 1.515,07 Ly
#6 Agnaix QD-A d1-71 (Kraken Nebula) -14919.96875 / -456.4375 / 22117.15625 1.297,00 Ly
#7 Leameia ST-H b56-16 -12925.21875 / -303.71875 / 20632.96875 2.491,02 Ly
#8 Eol Prou AA-A h162 (Tartarus) -9623.625 / -917.1875 / 19792.96875 3.461,57 Ly
#9 Colonia (Jaques Station / Colonia (System) / Animula Spires / The Mosta-Murdoch Raceway) -9530.5 / -910.28125 / 19808.125 94,60 Ly