CMDR Outlander Darrabo profiel > Logboek

Commander naam:
Huidige schip:
Integrity [B0B-MX]
(Krait Phantom)
Lid sinds:
27 dec. 2016
Afstanden ingediend:
Systemen bezocht:
Systemen als eerste bezocht:
1.508.124.285 Cr
Uh oh! got cocky during a generator assault....

Asp X 1, me 0. Luckily the Asp took out the generator I was trying to target, so that was something.

enter image description here

time to take some risk

Picked up two generator destruction missions from De Sousa Landing in Chaxiraxi. if it works, I'll get nearly a million payout. If it doesn't work... :D

The answer: yes it works! enter image description here

Yay, Fuel Scoop!

I can fly anywhere!enter image description here

last of the needless screenshots, I promise!

I just love landable planets with rings! enter image description here

Shiny and Chrome

ready to fly off again Shiny and Chrome


Opps! it's easy to get fined if you are distracted by kids while docking :(


First trade rank!

Mostly Penniless

The start of a journey

Account wiped, ready to start

With all the latest mod-cons

Here is the build I am aiming for: Outlander Sidewinder build

Time to start earning 2.3m Cr! First stop, will be the local BB, to see what missions I can take.