CMDR Kevlari profiel > Logboek

Commander naam:
Huidige schip:
(Type-10 Defender)
Lid sinds:
11 feb. 2018
Afstanden ingediend:
Systemen bezocht:
Systemen als eerste bezocht:
Route toTir -3 Eudaemon Anchorage - Rohini

so thankful this is here in the middle of nowhere ,csomewhere to offload all this cartographic data. Only another 425 jumps to go and still no Earth like worlds

The route to TIR -2

So far collected 29 mill+ in scan data since i left the bubble, in over a hundred systems and still have not discovered an earth like world only 430 jumps left this is going to take time

The route to TIR

The arduous journey to unlock an engineer

Every Day is a school day

Wondering why I am not getting badges for my log book entries.

Well it would have helped if I had published them.

Stupid boy

Bough a new ultra wide WOW

did not realise how crap my old monitors ewer until i got this new 29 inch ultrawide. elite is a changed game for the better

got more money than uncle scrroge

Now it is official I have the badge

Decision time

Now have to decide weather to continue the guardian grind or do some exploration

Finaly done it

Eventually made 4 billion now just waiting for the badge to arrive


out mining to get away from the guardian grind. Going to try for a billion extra credits to get me over th 4 billion , will also get me another badge. so day 1 80 voids so far, 9 low temp diamonds.

Still Guardian Grinding

Changed systems need to build up guardian tech components so back to where you get the guardian module blue prints as there is more to be found alledgedly