CMDR B.A.R profiel > Logboek

Commander naam:
Huidige schip:
(Alliance Chieftain)
Lid sinds:
28 mei 2018
Afstanden ingediend:
Systemen bezocht:
Systemen als eerste bezocht:
9.894.227.270 Cr
3304-09-09: Got f*ing killed twice.

Got a permit for the Alioth system and unlocked Bill Turner / Got 1.000.000 credits worth of combat bonds and unlocked Colonel Bris Dekker / While on the outpost landing-pad I took a smoke-break and somehow my dog made a noise my AI interpreted as "Launch". I got shot down for blocking the landing-pad... / Dropped by The Sarge and unlocked him too / Went to Eburnakura system to get a permit to Yoru to unlock the last bubble-based engineer / Missions suck and I thought to do a reclaim mission in my Type 9. The pirate however had a Python that disrupted my FSD. He shredded me without me being able to doget away / Two conclusions: getting away is not as easy as I thought yesterday; dropping the mission-cargo is cheaper than a rebuy...

  • traveled 879 LY in 54 jumps;
  • killed about 35 enemies for 1.000.000 cr in combat bonds;
  • made 421.007 credits from the massacre-mission;
  • went up 1% in combat ranking to 10%;
  • made 21.558.198 credits trading 22.743 commodities;
  • went up 10% in trading rank to 94%;
  • made 2.912.112 credits on mission rewards;
  • got fines and bounties worth 1.000 credits;
  • spent 127.893 credits on a shiptransfer;
  • spent 1.149.079 credits on a Vulture rebuy;
  • lost a medium amount of exploration data;
  • spent 7.366.105 credits on a Type 9 rebuy;
  • spent 10.483 cr on repairs, 7.588 cr on fuel and 33.316 cr on munitions.
Todays total: 14.954.851 credits.
3304-09-08: High demanding engineers.

Fully unlocked Lori Jameson by giving her Kongga ale and upgrading my Life support / Visited Elvira Martuuk to pin another blueprint / Switched some modules of my T9 and spent three hours mining 50 Bromellite for Bill Turner.

  • traveled 1.183 LY in 42 jumps;
  • made 12.811.310 credits trading 11.533 commodities;
  • went up 5% in trade ranking to 84%;
  • made 117.161 credits selling 68 mined minerals;
  • collected 300 materials while mining;
  • spent 405.159 credits on a ship transfer;
  • spent 5.711.451 cr on a FSD-booster for my DBX;
  • spent 120.255 cr on repairs and 9.663 cr on fuel.
Todays total: 6.544.699 credits.
3304-09-07: Type 9 Heavy done.

Visited a lot of engineers and finishes upgrading my Type 9 / I did not engineer the mine-launchers because getting away seems really easy and mines are expensive / Going to unlock some engineers on my way back to LYR-space.

  • traveled 960 LY in 53 jumps;
  • did 115 turns crafting over 5 grades;
  • made 13.768.951 credits selling 18.390 commodities;
  • went up 6% in trade ranking to 79%;
  • sold 2 mine-launchers for 177.405 credits;
  • spent 11.984 cr on fuel and 6.980 cr on mines...
Todays total: 13.849.833 credits.
3304-09-06: The next engineers round.

I un-pledged from Li Yong-Rui / Started my next objective of reworking my pinned blueprints, fully unlocking some other engineers and upgrading the components of my Type 9 / Moved to the Pleiades again and visited Palin / Traded my way to Kuwemaki to visit Hera / Moved up to Achenar to pin a blueprint for Tiana.

  • traveled 1.315 LY in 81 jumps;
  • claimed my last salary of 50.000.000 credits from Li Yong-Rui;
  • made 6.672.397 credits from trading 15.786 commodities;
  • went up (only) 3% in trade ranking to 73%;
  • spent 931.146 credits on adding 5 mine-launchers to my Type 9;
  • 2.593 cr on repairs, 18.416 cr on fuel and 26.036 cr on mines.
Todays total: 55.684.444 credits.
3304-09-05: Bought the first of the big three.

Bought my Anaconda and outfitted it for Combat-trader / When I was done outfitting it, I got an invite from CMDR Alexan Histub to join his wing and cash the profits (very cool) / Almost feel kind of bad I have to leave the Li Yong-Rui's community.

  • traveled 341 LY in 25 jumps;
  • bought an Anaconda for 121.800.934 credits;
  • outfitted it for 194.528.717 credits;
  • bought 4 Pack-hound missile-racks for 2.547.912 credits;
  • traded 4.048 commodities for 4.819.397 credits profit;
  • went up 2% in trade ranking to 70%;
  • killed 1 pirate for a 28.500 credit bounty;
  • went up 1% in combat ranking to 9%;
  • got 95.455.180 credits gifted from CMDR Alexan Histub;
  • spent 4.020 cr on repair, 3.920 cr on fuel and 8.663 cr on munitions.
Todays total: -218.589.433 credits.
3304-09-04: Bought a toy.

Had other stuff to-do today so had limited time / I have no goal until Thursday so I decided to grind some combat-ranking, didn't enjoy it much / So I went and bought an Eagle MK-II and outfitted it (planning to use it for practice flying without flight assist) / I makes great noises, by the way! / Ended up in Lalande 4268 in preparation of buying my Anaconda tomorrow...

  • traveled 130 LY in 9 jumps;
  • killed 35 guys in a HiCZ for 1.421.400 credits in bonds;
  • did one massacre mission for 30 kills and earned 457.435 credits;
  • went up 2% in combat ranking to 8%;
  • made 600.339 credits trading 1.131 commodities;
  • bought an Eagle MK-II for 37.128 credits;
  • spent 2.649.718 credits on outfitting it;
  • spent 806 cr on fuel and 8.624 on munitions.
Todays total: -139.823 credits.
3304-09-03: Thargoid vanity.

Found the crashed Anaconda and re-logged a couple of times / Thargoid interceptors came around every other time / Traded my way back to LYR space / Engineered four modules of my Type 9.

  • traveled 908 LY in 47 jumps;
  • and 20 kilometers in an SRV;
  • collected 346 materials, mostly data;
  • made 5.526.045 credits profit trading 6.656 commodities;
  • went up 2% in trade ranking to 68%;
  • made 18.957.009 credits on exploration data;
  • washed the bounties of my Imperial clipper;
  • spent 8.051 cr on fuel and 200 cr on munitions;
  • next objective: wait for LYR last payday...
Todays total: 24.443.914 credits.

I have to admit that I absolutely love the Interceptors! Especially the Cyclops is beautiful: Click for close-ups in my album

I still really enjoy how cool Elite Dangerous looks: Artemis Lodge in the Celaeno system

3304-09-02: Materials, materials, materials.

I had a LOT of luck in the new Civil war system: Go RNGesus! (Had about a 100 High emission USSs in three hours) / Drove around a planet for three hours collecting a lot of raw materials / Moved to the Pleiades to visit the Anaconda crash-site.

  • traveled 615 LY in 29 jumps;
  • traded a lot of manufactured materials (numbers are to much work);
  • collected 1.290 materials at the end of the day;
  • traveled 50 kilometer in 2 SRVs;
  • killed 5 pirates for 285.236 credits of bounty;
  • traded 1.959 commodities for 1.423.542 credits;
  • went up 1% in trade ranking to 66%;
  • spent 366 credits on a module transfer;
  • 4.604 credits on fuel and 3.507 credits on munitions.
Todays total: 1.700.301 credits.
3304-09-01: Thank god for podcasts.

Had an awful lot of time to listen to podcasts today grinding those damn materials / Reached my desired goal, 50+ Core Dynamics Composites, although it took another halve a day / Flew to another system for Military Superconductors and found a bug (system in war-state with all peaceful factions), probably keeping high emission USSs from spawning, cause: I found none / Moved to another system in hopes I have better luck tomorrow...

  • traveled 349 LY in 17 jumps;
  • made 763.586 credits killing 14 pirates;
  • made 2.739.073 credits trading 2.180 commodities;
  • went up 1% in trade ranking to 65%;
  • collected 710 materials (632 manufactured / 78 data);
  • spend 391.373 credits on shiptransfer;
  • and 1.146, 3.044, 5.080 credits on repair, fuel and munitions.

Can't figure out why every day has a small discrepancy in the finances, but probably will eventually.

Todays total: 3.098.896 credits.
3304-08-31: Grind (and frustration) started again.

Moved to a Fed system in state of election to get myself some Core Dynamics Composites / Hoped to get a lot and planned to spent hours there to prevent frustration, but eventually got only five high grade emissions in three hours (and the dreaded frustration anyway) / Vented my frustration in a LiCZ and killed some pirates / I might keep grinding tomorrow...

  • traveled 116 LY in 5 jumps;
  • collected 509 materials;
  • rescued 26 items and got 347.078 credits for it;
  • killed 3 pirates and collected 246.622 credits (partial) bounty;
  • killed 24 pilots in the LiCZ for a profit of 726.800 credits;
  • made 367.790 credits on a massacre mission;
  • went up 2% in combat ranking to 6%;
  • traded 250 commodities on route for 447.718 credits;
  • spent 155.751 credits on a ship transfer;
  • and spent 1.259 and 3.935 credits on fuel and munitions.
Todays total: 1.627.985 credits