CMDR MaultierColt308 profiel > Logboek

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MCS Shirakami Fubuki [MA-FBK]
(Imperial Clipper)
Lid sinds:
4 jan. 2019
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14.374.930.166 Cr
Bloomee Survey - Still going...

Did someone say "Earth Like World"? Well, here are some good news for you! Yesterday, right in the first system of the day (an A star with some planets and moons), I met this beauty:

Earth Like World

A nice thing to kick yesterday's travel off! But there's more since last Thursday:

  • some anemones in a B star system, on two landable ringed planets.

Bioluminescent Rubeum Anemones

  • Entering an area full of Red Giants and Herbig stars, actually being around 15 jumps away from reaching H22. Some of them even having Water Worlds...
  • Ringed planets galore, even a Water World with rings could be scanned. It is in the same system as this one, also ringed, and very close to the host star:

Not a total eclipse

  • and my actual camp, the border of this foggy crater on a giant Icy with 19,307 km radius:

Crater night camp

Next stop today: H22. A single Black Hole system. What will we see after that?

Bloomee Survey - Back on track... just again

Real Life needed my attention, so I decided to take a few days off. Except yesterday. Where I took off for at least a short hour. With some highlights:

Yellow Supergiant

What you see is not your "typical" G star. It is in fact a Yellow Supergiant! It has around 43 solar radii and was a surprise find right next to a "normal" G star system on the way to...

Not the perfect picture...

... H21, which includes this rather close Black Hole/Neutron pair. Along with not one, but two further Black Holes and some Planets and moons. And all undiscovered! And off we went to H22... on economnic route this time...

I already found some curious systems along the way. Mostly with a Black Hole as primary, two MS stars (one of them having a Water World in the system) are also in the bank. There are Neutrons and White Dwarves all over the shop... and then, suddenly, an unsuspicious looking Water World...

A normal WW?

... in a system with: One Black Hole, Two Neutrons and, more importantly, 3 White Dwarves, one of them (along with a Neutron) being orbited by the Water World.

Curious system

Now THAT is what were looking for! Next step: Earth Like World...

Bloomee Survey - First stage done!

Actually I'm standing on the DSSA Carrier NECFC Huginn (Schee Flyi DN-I d10-8604), having handed in the data of the first stage of my Bloomee Survey. The first 21 H systems are done and handed in (15 of them are first discoveries!), and today I'll start out with H21 to H40. The data batch also included the travel towards the search area...

Last highlights of the first stage were:

  • This precious Earth Like in a single K star system. I had to decide either if I go over and check out a nearby Black Hole, or if I stay on the route and go to that K star. I decided to go to the K star - and it definitely was not a mistake:

A nice blue marble

  • This system with a Black Hole and 3 Neutron stars. Those are the systems I'm here for. The Black Hole and the first Neutron stand quite close to each other... Some planets and an L dwarf (with Gas Giant class IV as moon) round out the picture...

System map, of an interesting system

  • Then I arrived at H20. The system itself is just a Black Hole with an M star "planet" having a Y dwarf as "moon". Of course, I took pics of the Black Hole and the system map...

Black Hole at H20

  • and on the way to the Carrier I popped over to a Planetary Nebula on the way. If course it was already discovered, but the Neutron at its center made the travel even quicker and just a few minutes later, I arrived at the Carrier for the data hand-in.

Neutron in planetary nebula The NECFC Huginn

...and today? I'll pop back to H20, and get ready for the second part of the survey (there will actually be 12 of them). As always, my hopes will be:

A ringed star larger than L, maybe an ELW or 2 along the way and the highly unlikely Glowing Green Giant.

Oh, and always think of the famous Confucius saying: The journey is the reward...

Bloomee Survey - Sailing between Giants

The title meets it all: Yesterday I got the chance to visit some Giant stars along the way to the next Black Hole. A chance that I used, as you can see in the next picture:

Fumaroles and the Giant

This planet is the innermost planet orbiting an S class star. A "Cold Giant", a former M star, which slowly turns into a Carbon Star. The class itself is relatively rare and can mostly be found in the Core regions (of course). They still shine red - just like the smoke emerging from the fumaroles...

I also visited two Orange and a Red Giant. Always a nice sight between all the "normal" K and M class stars over here and always worth a visit!

And, as always, Black Holes galore. Yesterday I visited H19, but that Black Hole was all alone in the system. Another Black Hole along the way had 2 Neutrons and some planets and moons to scan...

H19 in sight

Today I'll reach H20, another solitary Black Hole, then hand my data in on the next DSSA Carrier. Time to make it worth the hard work! :)

Bloomee Survey - Exotic Days

The last two days were Exotic Days. Many non main-sequence systems...

  • I mainly visited Black Holes, of course. Those are pretty abundant in the Bloomee sector (and most other sectors in the Core regions). A few H systems were also visited, H15, H16, H17, H18. 3 of theose 4 systems have a Black Hole as center, H16 has nothing else, the 2 others have some Brown Dwarves, Gas Giants and moons in their system. I currently reside in the H18 system - I instinctively chose the "right" moon-moon again. It has volcanism, Arsenic and...

The View.

...the View. It is orbiting moon C of an L Dwarf orbiting the Black Hole. And this pretty closely, so you get a stunning view upon landing.

  • Next to the Black Holes, I also went to a Double Herbig star, an Orange Giant...

Orange Giant

... and an - I can't believe it, pinch me please - undiscovered Wolf-Rayet star. No record breaker, but something I can finally scratch off of my personal bucket list. And it feels amazing!

MCS Skywalker and the WR

In between all those exotics... some Water Worlds, Terraformables, an Ammonia and a Water Giant later, it got quite hot in an A star system...

Hot topic

...and today I'll take on the next mass H Black Hole. Let's see what awaits me there...

Bloomee Survey - Back on track...

The small new Bubble is completed. No further Earth Likes found in the direct vicinity :( But some Waters (one of them in a White Dwarf system - but not orbiting tht star directly) and Ammonias, and a Water Giant, still overall a pretty good quote. Now it's time to hit the road again, onwards to the mass H systems, the first data hand-in coming up shortly...

The final Ammonia of that bubble orbited a T star as moon, which itself orbits a G star. Both bodies can be seen in the picture below...

T star Ammonia

After taking a short break on a terrafomable HMC, it was time to hit the road again. On the way to H14 (a Black Hole, undiscovered!), I came across this very close Trinary of an F and 2 G stars. 2 more stars and some planets round out the system... From that angle, it looked a lot like a Water Molecule...

Very close Trinary

And then I arrived at my destination. The Black Hole H14 has around 28 Solar masses, two M stars as "planets" (no rings :(), the second one featuring 9 (+3) moons (2 of them terraformable). I closed up the day by landing on the outermost "moon-moon". Right in the middle of a crater, on the peak of that little mountain. And that's where I'll set off from today. Have a good one!

PS: As always, I take screenshots of objects in the mass code H systems. This time, it is one of the 2 terraformable moons, along with its moon...

TF moon with moon

Bloomee Survey - Day 19-20 - Two very nice days...

Let's get all out in this: A new "MaultierColt Bubble" will appear in the sector of Bloomee. With these words I'll open today's highlight show. Let's see what's in for today:

  • Some statistic highlights first: I scanned the 100th K star system on this tour. It was just a lone K and M binary... In other news, there was also system No. 500 of the survey. Another K star, this time "single", but with Gas Giants and moons in its orbit. And how to celebrate better than by landing on one moon and doing some turns with an SRV? It was on the moon of a moon, in a field of Water Ice Fumaroles.

Water Ice Fumaroles

I could also stock up on Selenium, and a bit on Arsenic and Polonium on that moon.

  • Another K star? Yes, but this time, no Gas Giants. It is the Holy Trinity, which greeted me in the system! In the following, without further comments, these are the planets I mean:

Holy Trinity, part 1 Holy Trinity, Part 2 Holy Trinity Part 3

Yes, the three planets all awaited me in this small K star system, along with two more terraformables and 2 Icies! Of a little more than 11,700 system visited so far, this is only the third of this kind for me. And, as always, a really beautiful one.

  • The system above will be the new center for a new small Bubble. Maybe I'll find some more Earth Likes in the direct vicinity... Hopes are good, the first 10 systems already dropped 3 Water Worlds for me...
Bloomee Survey - Day 16-18 - Back to Slow Mode...

Back to slow mode? Yes: The trip to H14 will be made in Eco Mode. Due to the pure star density in this area, the trip will take about 175 jumps - 3 times as many as "usual". The trip to H13before and the first almost 20 jumps to H14 brought up many highlights so far...

  • Let's start all-out right at the beginning: A G star system netted me my next Earth Like! It (and a Water World in the same system) orbits the secondary K star though, but the almost 70kls are no problem, because this awaited me:

Earth Like WW in the same system

Just two jumps further, H13 awaited me. Another Black Hole, some Brown Dwarves and other planets with moons (some of them being ringed Gas Giants Class I). As always, I took a photo of the Black Hole itself (and the system map)...:

Black Hole H13

  • This was my night camp for one day, Silica Magma Tubes in a canyon on a moon of a T Tauri orbiting a B star. The system itself is rather packed - 62 bodies awaited my scan upon entrance...

Silica Magma Canyon

  • Another big hit was a F star system yesterday. It sported 6 terraformables, 2 Water Worlds (one of them terrafomable) and one Ammonia. I have photos of the terraformable Water and the Ammonia. The Water built up a trinary with two HMCs...

The Terraformable Trinary

... while the Ammonia was alone, waiting for me in the corner.

Ammonia World

Today I'll carry on - there are still far more than 150 systems to go until H14...

Bloomee Survey - Day 14-15 - Short trips...

I'm taking my time and the daily trips are actually shorter. But some highlights were also spotted:

  • The first Blue Supergiant of the tour, H11. It is no record breaker though, and had no other objects in the system, but it was undiscovered and may have my tag attached to it. Makes the GalMap even brighter!

  • Bio signals! I visited two O class stars (both mass code G) yesterday, both of them featuring a landable moon or planet with biologic signals. Due to the light of the star, both planets appeared in pink... In both cases, it were the typical bioluminescent Prasinum anemones.

BL Prasinum anemones

  • An unsuspicious K star along the way... and it sports no less than 3 Water Worlds in its system. The innermost of them is terraformable. I want to show them all here. Personal record tied, yet again. Time will tell if I can surpass the "magical" 3 Water Worlds in one system soon (Disclaimer: I did! See my newer log entries for that record...)...

Number 1... WW number 2 ...and number 3

  • Then a landable Terraforming candidate crossed my path in an F star system...

Landable TF HMC

  • ... and then I arrived at H12. The Black Hole has 29,76 solar masses and has some Brown Dwarves and moons (Gas Giants Class I!) inside. Maybe a good foreast for H13 (another Black Hole)? We don't know... PS: there are still plenty of AA-A H systems to go. While arriving at H11, I took a look on the map, and saw a Black Hole on it. Going by the number H238 (Here on EDSM, there is already an entry for a Wolf-Rayet system going by the number H248 though)...

H12 in sight

With this good news, I'll end my report for today. Let's see what the next few stages have to offer...

Bloomee Survey - Day 13 - Exotic day 2

What mattered the day before, counted towards yesterday as well: Exotics and more! Plus I reached H10 and will carry on towards H11 (and maybe H12) today. Here are yesterday's highlights:

  • The day started mostly with empty star systems - that means no planets, just stars. But right the first K star system brought up a giant landable icy and:

A Hot Jupiter

This Class V Gas Giant, just 11 ls away from the K star. It's temperature reaches about 2500 K, and it orbits its host star every like 12 hours. One day on the planet lasts about 8 hours. Pretty short year, huh? Just 1.5 planet days and half an Earth day!

  • As many empty systems (or systems without big highlights) crossed my path after that, I took my time, and looked around a bit. And I found this Class F Supergiant! Nothing else in the system though, but always worth a visit, just because of how rare they are!

Just a normal F star?

Shortly after it, I crossed paths with the first S star on the tour. It had already a CMDR name attached to it, but nevertheless, A nice sight to see along the way...

  • Again, I found many White Dwarves. One of them had a close M class partner, and two more Ms further out. And what did I find around the White Dwarf/M binary? A Water World! Next step: Find an Earth Like... The White Dwarf can be seen in the background:

White Dwarf WW

  • Shortly after that, and 2 more Water Worlds later, I arrived at H10. A Double Black Hole, undiscovered and amazing. A lonely Icy orbits the A Black Hole, which is seen below.

H10, A Black Hole

And, yeah, that sums it up for yesterday. The next H's stand above and remember: The route is the goal. And my 3 hopes (Ringed Star bigger than L, maybe 1 Earth Like or 2 along the way and the highly unlikely Glowing Green Giant) stand strong as always. Have a good one!