Mapeamento Galático > Rotas > CMDR Steven Bingham's Points of Interest

A collection of GMP submitted and accepted POI.

# System Coordinates Distance
#1 Scheau Proo OZ-O e6-1350 (The Sar-i Sang Nebula) -8902.59375 / -1375.6875 / 25795.4375
#2 Schieni CL-Y g2 (The Lensing Lighthouse) -11274.21875 / -1432.28125 / 21445.1875 4.955,05 Ly
#3 Wepaa AA-A h233 (The Dover Lights) -9547.84375 / -1300.8125 / 24053.78125 3.130,88 Ly
#4 Dryeae Brau RY-S d3-2 (Mariner’s Prospect) -15280.59375 / 1324.875 / 31300.875 9.606,20 Ly
#5 Tepo XP-X e1-3474 (Lost Marble Nebula) -3742.1875 / -1543.46875 / 23614.625 14.157,71 Ly
#6 Systimbo ZK-P e5-3165 (The Azure Venn Nebula) -3671.3125 / -1154.53125 / 28083.21875 4.486,05 Ly
#7 Juenoi XY-S e3-2780 (Lava Ball Nebula) -4000.65625 / -1271.9375 / 26588.75 1.534,83 Ly
#8 Phroi Pruae VU-P e5-389 (The Creeper Nebula) -3688.5 / -837.375 / 26926.71875 632,86 Ly
#9 Eorld Byoe FA-A e1655 (The Maw Nebula) -517.75 / -1198.21875 / 29681.1875 4.215,56 Ly
#10 Scheau Pri FW-N e6-43 (The Hendrix Nebula) -5647.15625 / -989.03125 / 25719.0625 6.484,83 Ly
#11 Rothaei SI-B e2047 (Dark Eye Nebula) 944.71875 / -1410.59375 / 29739.625 7.732,75 Ly
#12 Systimbo ZA-O e6-1528 (The Dewdrop Nebula) -3598.90625 / -950.125 / 28257.21875 4.801,47 Ly
#13 Skombuia ZT-A e467 (Tangerine Dream) -3950.25 / 2048.84375 / 28386.40625 3.022,24 Ly
#14 Eoch Pri AA-A h479 (Life On The Edge) -5228.6875 / -877.34375 / 19865.34375 9.099,75 Ly