Mapeamento Galático > Rotas > Starlight Enterprise - to Sag A* and Colonia


The Voyage

This was a journey beyond the game of Elite Dangerous. In game it was a space voyage from the home systems of bubble to Sagittarius A*, then further onto Colonia and finally back to the home systems. Out of game it was a abject lesson in how difficult live streaming is to do, how difficult planning and creating video content is, and just how much grief audio can be to the unninitiated.


Return Journey

The return journey details are here here

The learning experience

Carriers were released in the game Elite Dangrous on June 9th 2020 ( 3306 game era ) so learning to manage a carrier was part of the fun. Plotting navigational routes using many of the tools available online, and recording the journey via live streaming or post recording events was a new adventure online.

The results

Finding out about streaming proved challenging and worthwhile, but I wouldn't do this kind of voyage this way again.

The playlists

Whilst the entire journey wasn't recorded or documented, a fair part of it was. The trip to Sag A* and my ramblings are recorded in the playlist is below. The trip to Colonia was much less stressed as I didn't live stream it all, but I did do some Colonia activities separately whilst not making a specific playlist. They can be found on the same you tube channel. Streaming live for 4hrs in ED jumping a carrier isn't the way to go :D

Sagittarius A* Playlist

# System Coordinates Distance
#1 Agartha 70.71875 / -123.65625 / 41.3125
#2 Herschel 36 (Lagoon Nebula) -468 / -92.1875 / 4474.625 4.466,04 Ly
#3 Plaa Ain FF-Z d76 (Rekohu Project) 881.6875 / 415.03125 / 9257.03125 4.995,03 Ly
#4 Blae Hypue VL-H b26-0 (Hollow Veil) 1196.3125 / -793.34375 / 12308.125 3.296,72 Ly
#5 Eeshorks ZK-B b2-9 (The Anvil) 1564.875 / -782.875 / 16906.375 4.613,01 Ly
#6 GRS 1730-312 1216.8125 / 366.34375 / 20961.5 4.229,17 Ly
#7 Athaip VJ-R e4-6108 (Les Sauvageonnes Herbig Ae/Be Field) 548.0625 / -1074.4375 / 22922.875 2.523,90 Ly
#8 Stuemeae FG-Y d7561 (Explorer's Anchorage) 28.6875 / -19.78125 / 25899.6875 3.200,54 Ly
#9 Choomeau CY-U c2-8708 -3166.40625 / 17.8125 / 24662.84375 3.426,34 Ly
#10 Dryi Free SO-Z d13-5766 -6874.46875 / 35.1875 / 21970.875 4.582,22 Ly
#11 Colonia (Jaques Station / Colonia (System) / Animula Spires / The Mosta-Murdoch Raceway) -9530.5 / -910.28125 / 19808.125 3.553,29 Ly