Mapeamento Galático > Rotas > The Magellan Experience

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# System Coordinates Distance
#1 Beta Sculptoris 4.875 / -164.53125 / 56.5625
#2 Seagull Sector DL-Y d3 (Hell Port) 2608.15625 / -181.96875 / -2692.28125 3.785,96 Ly
#3 Gludgoo XU-G d10-14 5628.6875 / 65.46875 / -3959.21875 3.284,81 Ly
#4 Qiefaa EB-U d4-20 8814.0625 / -85 / -5725.46875 3.645,39 Ly
#5 Skull and Crossbones Neb. Sector HW-W c1-7 (Pirates Depot) 13387.90625 / 94.375 / -6769.78125 4.694,98 Ly
#6 Plae Thaa NH-V d2-9 (Nye's Bowtie) 17140.125 / 233.25 / -3366.125 5.067,87 Ly
#7 Hyuedau LV-Y d34 (Malcolm's World) 20197.8125 / 284.21875 / -965.4375 3.887,85 Ly
#8 Engopr YH-L b14-2 (DSSA Nereus’ Deep) 24463.625 / -63.3125 / 3088.71875 5.895,26 Ly
#9 Blaei Eun CF-E b39-0 (Gates Of Alighieri) 32820.3125 / -3.4375 / 4895.1875 8.549,92 Ly
#10 Pla Airgh EN-B d13-7 35974.15625 / 65.65625 / 10340.46875 6.293,06 Ly
#11 Ausain CO-S c17-2 (Fly By Ice) 38282.46875 / -4.5625 / 15091.5625 5.282,63 Ly
#12 Ood Fleau ZJ-I d9-0 (Magellan's Star) 40503.8125 / 25.96875 / 17678 3.409,54 Ly
#13 Dryeou Flaae OM-W d1-4 (Pamplemousse) 37535.78125 / 34.5625 / 18347.09375 3.042,53 Ly
#14 Prea Aick MO-Z d13-2 (King Midas) 32320.25 / -12.59375 / 11724.78125 8.429,65 Ly
#15 Oodgowry WY-Q c18-0 26448.1875 / 17.03125 / 11287.78125 5.888,38 Ly
#16 Prue Hypa CS-I d10-8 (The Siren) 17091.15625 / -376.25 / 8782.09375 9.694,70 Ly
#17 Nyeakue AA-A h31 (Sheol) 14771.6875 / -267.375 / 6769.25 3.073,00 Ly
#18 Thaile HW-V e2-7 (Three Worlds Nebula) 10124.09375 / -339.15625 / 4641.09375 5.112,17 Ly
#19 Plaa Aec IZ-N c20-1 (Hawking's Gap Abandoned Settlements - Alpha Site) 7890.46875 / 137.3125 / 7508.03125 3.665,44 Ly
#20 HIP 62918 5426.34375 / 285.5625 / 3552.3125 4.662,79 Ly
#21 Schaikaei XJ-H d10-1 (Blacklight) 3542.96875 / 1575.0625 / 4948.34375 2.675,60 Ly
#22 HR 6260 721.53125 / 29.625 / 2485.8125 4.051,29 Ly
#23 HR 6164 (The View) 444.34375 / 58.3125 / 1282.96875 1.234,70 Ly
#24 W Ursae Majoris -40 / 117.15625 / -104.03125 1.470,31 Ly