Pesquisa avançada > Facções menores

Encontradas 11.787 facções menores
Systema natal
Autocracy of Murnakum Independente Ditatorial Murnakum
Autocracy of Mutjarabi Império Ditatorial Mutjarabi
Autocracy of MV Virginis Independente Ditatorial MV Virginis
Autocracy of Nai Hou Jiu Independente Ditatorial Nai Hou Jiu
Autocracy of Nangkano Independente Ditatorial Nangkano
Autocracy of Nantjangli Independente Ditatorial Nantjangli
Autocracy of Napia Independente Ditatorial Napia
Autocracy of Naren Independente Ditatorial Naren
Autocracy of Ndoyerunga Império Ditatorial Ndoyerunga
Autocracy of NLTT 5369 Independente Ditatorial NLTT 5369
Autocracy of NLTT 53889 Independente Ditatorial NLTT 53889
Autocracy of Obambojas Independente Ditatorial Obambojas
Autocracy of Oluri Independente Ditatorial
Autocracy of Oscabs Independente Ditatorial
Autocracy of Oxosso Kait Império Ditatorial Oxosso Kait
Autocracy of Padh Império Ditatorial Padh
Autocracy of Paeligni Independente Ditatorial
Autocracy of Parnuteni Independente Ditatorial
Autocracy of Parutis Independente Ditatorial Parutis
Autocracy of Peckollates Independente Ditatorial
Autocracy of Phi Gruis Império Ditatorial Phi Gruis
Autocracy of Phrygia Independente Ditatorial Phrygia
Autocracy of Priviatem Independente Ditatorial Priviatem
Autocracy of Procyon Independente Ditatorial Procyon
Autocracy of Ross 1008 Independente Ditatorial Ross 1008
Autocracy of Rudranbarii Independente Ditatorial Rudranbarii
Autocracy of Seelet Independente Ditatorial Seelet
Autocracy of Sentec Independente Ditatorial Sentec
Autocracy of Shakal Independente Ditatorial Shakal
Autocracy of Sharamo Império Ditatorial Sharamo
Autocracy of Shoribelu Independente Ditatorial
Autocracy of Skadjalini Independente Ditatorial Skadjalini
Autocracy of Sokopel Independente Ditatorial Sokopel
Autocracy of StKM 1-1341 Independente Ditatorial StKM 1-1341
Autocracy of T'iensei Independente Ditatorial T'iensei
Autocracy of Taga Independente Ditatorial Taga
Autocracy of Tatamo Independente Ditatorial Tatamo
Autocracy of Teveri Independente Ditatorial Teveri
Autocracy of Tribe Império Ditatorial Tribe
Autocracy of Unjangen Independente Ditatorial Unjangen
Autocracy of Vertam Independente Ditatorial Vertam
Autocracy of Vestani Independente Ditatorial Vestani
Autocracy of Vesuvit Independente Ditatorial Vesuvit
Autocracy of Walpi Independente Ditatorial Walpi
Autocracy of Widjabihiko Independente Ditatorial
Autocracy of Windjabar Império Ditatorial
Autocracy of Wirdh Independente Ditatorial Wirdh
Autocracy of Wolf 232 Independente Ditatorial Wolf 232
Autocracy of Wolf 903 Independente Ditatorial Wolf 903
Autocracy of Wongsa Império Ditatorial Wongsa
Autocracy of Yaghan Independente Ditatorial Yaghan
Autocracy of Yen K'uie Independente Ditatorial Yen K'uie
Autocracy of Yum Kaka Independente Ditatorial Yum Kaka
Autocracy of Yun Tzu Independente Ditatorial
Avan Law Party Independente Ditatorial Avan
Avataultam Bureau Independente Ditatorial
Awawad Flag Independente Ditatorial Awawad
Awawar Liberty Party Independente Ditatorial Awawar
Awngthim Conservatives Independente Ditatorial Awngthim
Awonai Bureau Independente Ditatorial Awonai
Aymiay Party Independente Ditatorial Aymiay
Aymifa Regulatory State Independente Ditatorial Aymifa
Ayorun Movement Império Ditatorial Ayorun
Azaladshu Order Independente Ditatorial Azaladshu
Azaleach Law Party Independente Ditatorial Azaleach
B.I.G. - Balkan Intergalactic Guerilla Império Ditatorial Rudjer Boskovic
Ba Babal Dominion Independente Ditatorial Ba Babal
Ba Bhuti Order Independente Ditatorial Ba Bhuti
Ba Jonandja Law Party Independente Ditatorial Ba Jonandja
Ba Narr Nationalists Independente Ditatorial Ba Narr
Ba Njok Autocracy Independente Ditatorial Ba Njok
Ba Po Movement Independente Ditatorial Ba Po
Backlum Movement Independente Ditatorial
Backlumba Party Independente Ditatorial Backlumba
Backlumbha Freedom Party Independente Ditatorial Backlumbha
Bactrimpox Defence Party Independente Ditatorial Bactrimpox
Badbadzist Freedom Party Independente Ditatorial Badbadzist
Badjarans Nationals Independente Ditatorial Badjarans
Baedule Autocracy Independente Ditatorial Baedule
Baedule Regulatory State Império Ditatorial Baedule
BAG 7 Defence Force Independente Ditatorial BAG 7
Bagalatuba Freedom Party Independente Ditatorial Bagalatuba
Bagalis Law Party Independente Ditatorial Bagalis
Bagalis Regulatory State Independente Ditatorial Bagalis
Bahamut Corps Independente Ditatorial
Bahilo Defence Party Império Ditatorial Bahilo
Bahinga Focus Império Ditatorial Bahinga
Baijungu Party Independente Ditatorial Baijungu
Bajau Conservatives Independente Ditatorial Bajau
Bakabienil Defence Force Independente Ditatorial
Bakawa Liberty Party Império Ditatorial Bakawa
Baker Nationalists Independente Ditatorial Baker
Bakonirtari Defence Force Independente Ditatorial Bakonirtari
Balampaso Defence Party Independente Ditatorial Balampaso
Balante Flag Independente Ditatorial Balante
Balastya Liberty Party Independente Ditatorial
Balduk Front Independente Ditatorial Balduk
Baldur Party Independente Ditatorial Baldur
Balite Conservatives Independente Ditatorial Balite
Balmus Defence Force Independente Ditatorial Balmus