Notícias Galáticas
7 de dezembro de 3309
Spire Shutdown Confirms Thargoid Vulnerability
Professor Palin’s biological impurity has proved effective against the Thargoid spire sites, and is capable of halting their functionality.
Independent war reporter Gus LaChappelle published an on-the-scene report of the site in the Hyades Sector ST-Q B5-5 system for his ICE-cast channel Muzzle Flash:
“The eerie stillness surrounding me now is even more unnerving than when I visited this horror factory before. Bioluminescent nodules no longer pulse their sickly glow. Spires blot out the stars above, twisted towers made from solid night. Mega barnacles have ceased producing their foul byproducts. I’m walking through an alien cemetery.”
“The soldiers escorting me constantly perform pirouettes with their weapons, trigger-twitchy. But there are no black-hulled monstrosities spitting fire from the shadows or wheeling across the sky. Only rotted mineral sacs drooping from mechanical vines, and decaying chunks of necrotised metal. Even the nerve points that once triggered glandular responses have grown dull.”
Professor Shamus Madigan, Federal scientific liaison to Aegis, discussed these developments via Vox Galactica:
“Multiple pilots introduced Professor Palin’s contaminant into the supply lines for these spires, but it’s still remarkable how quickly it took effect. With large quantities of the contaminant in place, the Thargoids seem to have abandoned the site in Hyades Sector ST-Q B5-5. Perhaps maintenance drones were unable to keep the site viable for its purpose. Efforts are underway to repeat this success at other sites.”
“What this means for the Thargoid invasion fleets remains unclear as yet. If we are right and the Titans depend upon these biomechanical foundries, the loss of these sites may prove invaluable. But so far – though Taranis has lost control of surrounding systems – there is no evidence that the motherships have been affected by the spire sites’ inactivity.”
6 de outubro de 3309
Scientists Study Thargoid Barnacle Matrix Sites
Aegis xenologists are focusing their efforts on the mysterious alien growths reported on multiple planets and moons in the Trianguli sector.
These have been designated ‘Thargoid barnacle matrix sites’, due to their resemblance to the barnacles that produce meta-alloys, but are far greater in size and complexity.
Commander Yoselin Aquino described visiting one of these sites to Vox Galactica:
“This wasn’t an easy place to explore, since I had to avoid Revenant drones and the occasional Thargoid scout. Once I did get up close, I found it unsettling as all hell. Each barnacle clump was a mound-like structure over a kilometre across, with several rounded peaks. Spaced around these were weird coral trees, which squeeze out a caustic sap-like stuff and dropped bizarre-looking ‘fruits.”
“What really made me nervous were the spear roots in the middle of the site. They’re made of some toughened substance in a sort of segmented spike, like gigantic skeletal fingers reaching up through the ground. If you ask me, these things are alive in some way. The noises my audio converter picked up made me feel like they were moving, closing around me to drag me down.”
Professor Shamus Madigan, Federal scientific liaison to Aegis, published a project update:
“Barnacle matrix sites emit a significant amount of electromagnetic interference which, coupled with aggressive Thargoid defenders, has prevented a detailed underground analysis. However, Aegis is now devoting extra resources to investigate why these organic structures exist.”
“I can report that geological sensors have detected vibrations resulting from sub-surface activity, with occasional quakes rippling across the ground. This suggests that violent chemical or physical processes are taking place internally. The prevailing theory is that these sites are still not completely formed, but we cannot yet determine their nature or purpose.”
7 de dezembro de 3309
Delaine Vows to Defend California Nebula
Pilots’ Federation ALERT
The Kumo Crew syndicate has rallied in the California Nebula to repel the region’s Thargoid invasion forces.
In recent weeks Thargoid fleets swarmed through several local systems. The Kumo Council, the enclave’s authority for the notorious organisation, rapidly called in reinforcements in three systems it governs. Local security forces are now organising counter-attacks against Thargoid vessels.
Archon Delaine, warlord of the Kumo Crew, announced:
“Already the war has reached the California Nebula. But are any superpower navies racing to its defence? Of course not – the Alliance considers this colony expendable. It’s down to us to protect the nebula’s citizens, and will do whatever it takes to succeed.”
The Pegasi Sentinel newsfeed published a request for populations not to impede Kumo Crew activity, suggesting that fleet mobilisation is ‘a temporary measure to provide a coordinated resistance against the Thargoids’. It is thought Kumo Crew’s megaship, the Mictlan, is preparing to deploy in support of these efforts.
This message was rejected by Turner Research Group, which controls several of the invaded systems. The scientific organisation was established by the Alliance in 3302 to study the barnacles discovered in the region. Harrison Gladstone, the group’s spokesperson, declared: “Delaine is obviously using the Thargoid attacks as a pretence for a power grab. There is no chance that these pirates will defend our systems out of the goodness of their blackened hearts. We’ll know what Delaine’s real plan is soon enough.”
The California Nebula has witnessed several Thargoid attacks, most recently last October, but this is the first marked increase in hostilities following the arrival of the Maelstroms.
5 de maio de 3308
Thargoid Research Project Requires Meta-Alloys
Pilots’ Federation ALERT
Commanders have been asked to collect meta-alloys from Thargoid barnacles as part of a wider xenological study.
The research project is being orchestrated by Professor Ishmael Palin, one of the most prominent experts in Thargoid technology:
“With escalating Thargoid activity in the core systems, it is increasingly important that we learn as much as possible about this species. Only through scientific study can we better comprehend their biomechanical nature and, where possible, enhance our defences against it.”
“The initial phase requires fresh samples of meta-alloys, the unique material used in the construction of Thargoid vessels. These can be harvested from barnacles that the Thargoids have seeded on selected planets.”
Pilots can deliver meta-alloys to the starport James Sneddon in the Morten-Marte system. As part of the Federal Reclamation Co’s support for this initiative, the station’s market also offers an increased price for any Thargoid tissue samples.
In addition to credit payments for all those delivering meta-alloys, class 4A, 5A and 6A corrosion resistant cargo racks will be available to selected contributors. The 5A and 6A versions have been exclusively manufactured for this project, and are not commercially available at present.
Professor Palin stated that possessing these cargo racks will be of great benefit in the project’s planned second phase, scheduled to occur in the next few weeks.
11 de julho de 3305
Alternative Source of Meta-Alloys Identified
The Witch Head Nebula has been confirmed as a primary source of meta-alloys, following an initiative hosted by Aegis Research. The news has triggered efforts to swiftly establish a human presence in the area.
Aegis Research released this statement from Professor Alba Tesreau:
"Having analysed large amounts of exploration data, graciously provided by the galactic community, we can confirm that the Witch Head Nebula contains enough barnacle sites to meet the demand for meta-alloys. I am confident that these sites will offer a suitable alternative to the exhausted barnacles in the Pleiades Nebula."
The Alliance, Empire and Federation have already dispatched advance teams to the region. Each superpower has asked the galactic community to support its respective initiative and help them establish megaships and Ocellus starports in the nebula.
With the Pleiades sources of meta-alloys now almost completely depleted, independent traders will play a key role in ensuring that this vital commodity remains available to humanity.
Pilots seeking to participate in any of the three initiatives will be able to find further information on the nearest mission board.
4 de julho de 3305
Meta-Alloys Reportedly Growing Scarce
Aegis Research has issued a statement amid growing concerns that meta-alloy harvests in the Pleiades Nebula have slowed dramatically. A number of sources claim that Thargoid barnacle sites have recently ceased producing materials.
The situation was addressed by Professor Alba Tesreau of Aegis Research:
“Thargoid structures remain poorly understood, so we can only theorise why the barnacles in most Pleiades systems have grown barren. Our leading hypothesis is that these sites have been over-exploited in recent years, and humanity has simply exhausted this resource.”
“What is certain is that meta-alloys are both a valuable commodity and a vital component of anti-xeno technology. It is of paramount importance that we maintain the supply of this material.”
“Therefore, Aegis Research is spearheading an initiative to identify an alternative source. We ask the galactic community to support us by providing exploration data, in the hope this leads us to undiscovered barnacle sites.”
Independent pilots who wish to participate can do so by handing in survey scans at The Oracle in the Delphi system between the 4th and the 10th of July.
6 de julho de 3304
A Thargoid Fifth Column?
Amid growing public mistrust of a fringe sect that worships the Thargoids, a report suggests that the group’s members may be undercover Thargoid agents.
Independent journalist Flint ‘Firemaker’ Lafosse shared his theories via the Rewired news feed:
“I’m sure you’re all just as creeped out as I am by those hooded monks and their stinking hive-chapels. Granted, being creepy isn’t a crime, and I’m as live-and-let-live as the next man. But isn’t it strange that this cult is rising just as the Thargoids return in force?”
“The idea of humans working on behalf of aliens might sound crazy, but think about it. All those escape pods captured by Thargoid ships…what did they want them for? After a bit of brainwashing, they’d make perfect spies, sent back to infiltrate humanity using this religion as a cover.”
“What scares me is that these freaks don’t communicate. They just lurk in the dark, waiting. Why are they so mysterious? What’s going on in those chapels? For all we know, they’re seeding our planets with barnacles and eggs, right under our noses.”
Leading exotheologian Dr Alfred Ulyanov responded with this comment:
“I can categorically answer one point: the reason the Far God worshippers are not interested in communicating is that, from their point of view, we will all be dead soon. As for the rest of this speculation, nothing in my studies has caused me to suspect this group to be a threat, despite its unsettling beliefs.”
5 de julho de 3304
A Thargoid Fifth Column?
Amid growing public mistrust of a fringe sect that worships the Thargoids, a report suggests that the group’s members may be undercover Thargoid agents.
Independent journalist Flint ‘Firemaker’ Lafosse shared his theories via the Rewired news feed:
“I’m sure you’re all just as creeped out as I am by those hooded monks and their stinking hive-chapels. Granted, being creepy isn’t a crime, and I’m as live-and-let-live as the next man. But isn’t it strange that this cult is rising just as the Thargoids return in force?”
“The idea of humans working on behalf of aliens might sound crazy, but think about it. All those escape pods captured by Thargoid ships…what did they want them for? After a bit of brainwashing, they’d make perfect spies, sent back to infiltrate humanity using this religion as a cover.”
“What scares me is that these freaks don’t communicate. They just lurk in the dark, waiting. Why are they so mysterious? What’s going on in those chapels? For all we know, they’re seeding our planets with barnacles and eggs, right under our noses.”
Leading exotheologian Dr Alfred Ulyanov responded with this comment:
“I can categorically answer one point: the reason the Far God worshippers are not interested in communicating is that, from their point of view, we will all be dead soon. As for the rest of this speculation, nothing in my studies has caused me to suspect this group to be a threat, despite its unsettling beliefs.”
24 de março de 3304
Week in Review
Here are this week’s major stories.
Aegis has published a report containing significant insights into the Thargoids. The information was provided by the engineer Ram Tah, compiled from recently decrypted logs at Guardian sites. The report indicates that the Guardians and the Thargoids were once at war, due to the Thargoids’ belief that they had a pre-existing claim to the regions of space occupied by the Guardians. Professor Alba Tesreau, head of research at Aegis, said: “It is clear that our current situation echoes that of the Guardians. Our space, like theirs, was seeded with barnacles thousands of years ago, and now the Thargoids have arrived to reap the biomechanical harvest.”
The Aegis report has elicited a wide range of responses. Federal President Zachary Hudson said, “It is now clear that there is no reasoning with this alien menace”, while Imperial Admiral Denton Patreus commented, “This new information makes it clear that the Thargoids will reject any diplomatic overtures. We must redouble our efforts to defend ourselves from their antagonism.”
Meanwhile, the operation to clear Socho of Thargoids has reached a successful conclusion. Scores of pilots supported the campaign by eliminating Thargoid vessels in the system, and by delivering alien material to Dantec Enterprise. A spokesperson for Aegis Core, which oversaw the initiative, thanked those who participated.
In other news, Yuri Grom has announced an initiative to create a new shipyard in the CPC 20 6743 system. The shipyard will produce capital ships with which to defend human space from both human and alien threats.
Finally, the Sirius Corporation has announced plans to expand its presence in the Ceos and Sothis systems. The expansion will involve the construction of several new starports, settlements and megaships.
And those are the main stories this week.
23 de março de 3304
Week in Review
Here are this week’s major stories.
Aegis has published a report containing significant insights into the Thargoids. The information was provided by the engineer Ram Tah, compiled from recently decrypted logs at Guardian sites. The report indicates that the Guardians and the Thargoids were once at war, due to the Thargoids’ belief that they had a pre-existing claim to the regions of space occupied by the Guardians. Professor Alba Tesreau, head of research at Aegis, said: “It is clear that our current situation echoes that of the Guardians. Our space, like theirs, was seeded with barnacles thousands of years ago, and now the Thargoids have arrived to reap the biomechanical harvest.”
The Aegis report has elicited a wide range of responses. Federal President Zachary Hudson said, “It is now clear that there is no reasoning with this alien menace”, while Imperial Admiral Denton Patreus commented, “This new information makes it clear that the Thargoids will reject any diplomatic overtures. We must redouble our efforts to defend ourselves from their antagonism.”
Meanwhile, the operation to clear Socho of Thargoids has reached a successful conclusion. Scores of pilots supported the campaign by eliminating Thargoid vessels in the system, and by delivering alien material to Dantec Enterprise. A spokesperson for Aegis Core, which oversaw the initiative, thanked those who participated.
In other news, Yuri Grom has announced an initiative to create a new shipyard in the CPC 20 6743 system. The shipyard will produce capital ships with which to defend human space from both human and alien threats.
Finally, the Sirius Corporation has announced plans to expand its presence in the Ceos and Sothis systems. The expansion will involve the construction of several new starports, settlements and megaships.
And those are the main stories this week.
Thargoid Revelations
Aegis has published a report containing significant insights into the Thargoids. The information was provided by the engineer Ram Tah, compiled from recently decrypted logs found at Guardian sites.
Key extracts from the report are reprinted below:
“The codices indicate that the Thargoids may be an older race than the Guardians, and that the two species share a history of conflict. This hostility was a product of the Thargoids’ belief that they had a pre-existing claim to the regions of space occupied by the Guardians.”
“The Guardians attempted to communicate with the Thargoids, but these efforts ended in failure. They determined that the Thargoids’ survival instincts were so strong that they could not tolerate any potential threat, including the proximity of another space-faring civilisation.”
“It is now clear that the Guardians’ defensive drones and advanced weaponry were developed principally to protect their worlds from the Thargoids. Although details are scant, it seems these war machines eventually succeeded in repelling the Thargoids.”
Professor Alba Tesreau, head of research at Aegis, publicly commented on the report:
“Thanks to Ram Tah and the brave pilots who explored Guardian sites, some of our questions about the Thargoids have been answered. It is clear that our current situation echoes that of the Guardians. Our space, like theirs, was seeded with barnacles thousands of years ago, and now the Thargoids have arrived to reap the biomechanical harvest.”
“We now know that the purpose of the Thargoids’ ongoing military offensive is to remove humanity from what they consider their territory. If the Thargoids adopt the same modus operandi as with the Guardians, their next move will be to start aggressively mining mineral resources. There is no evidence this has yet begun, however.”
Ram Tah has also made a statement about the impact of the findings:
“Until now, the Thargoids have been shrouded in mystery, and their objectives have been unclear. For the first time, we have an insight into what drives them, why they are attacking us, and what their overall goals are. This is a historically significant discovery that I believe will make a huge difference to this conflict, and perhaps to humanity’s survival.”
22 de março de 3304
Thargoid Revelations
Aegis has published a report containing significant insights into the Thargoids. The information was provided by the engineer Ram Tah, compiled from recently decrypted logs found at Guardian sites.
Key extracts from the report are reprinted below:
“The codices indicate that the Thargoids may be an older race than the Guardians, and that the two species share a history of conflict. This hostility was a product of the Thargoids’ belief that they had a pre-existing claim to the regions of space occupied by the Guardians.”
“The Guardians attempted to communicate with the Thargoids, but these efforts ended in failure. They determined that the Thargoids’ survival instincts were so strong that they could not tolerate any potential threat, including the proximity of another space-faring civilisation.”
“It is now clear that the Guardians’ defensive drones and advanced weaponry were developed principally to protect their worlds from the Thargoids. Although details are scant, it seems these war machines eventually succeeded in repelling the Thargoids.”
Professor Alba Tesreau, head of research at Aegis, publicly commented on the report:
“Thanks to Ram Tah and the brave pilots who explored Guardian sites, some of our questions about the Thargoids have been answered. It is clear that our current situation echoes that of the Guardians. Our space, like theirs, was seeded with barnacles thousands of years ago, and now the Thargoids have arrived to reap the biomechanical harvest.”
“We now know that the purpose of the Thargoids’ ongoing military offensive is to remove humanity from what they consider their territory. If the Thargoids adopt the same modus operandi as with the Guardians, their next move will be to start aggressively mining mineral resources. There is no evidence this has yet begun, however.”
Ram Tah has also made a statement about the impact of the findings:
“Until now, the Thargoids have been shrouded in mystery, and their objectives have been unclear. For the first time, we have an insight into what drives them, why they are attacking us, and what their overall goals are. This is a historically significant discovery that I believe will make a huge difference to this conflict, and perhaps to humanity’s survival.”
28 de outubro de 3303
Galactic News: Halsey Comments on End of Cold War
With the news that the Empire has withdrawn its fleets from the Pleiades Nebula, apparently signalling the end of the Federal-Imperial cold war, former Federal president Jasmina Halsey has commented on the cessation of hostilities.
Addressing a large crowd in Nerah City on Argent’s Claim, Halsey said:
“Like many of you, I rejoiced when I heard the Federation had recalled its ships. But my jubilation was undercut by the knowledge that our protests and entreaties had failed to move a single Federal or Imperial vessel. Were it not for the emergence of a greater potential threat, the Empire and Federation might still be installed in the Pleiades, squabbling over barnacles. And while the impact of the conflict could have been far greater, it was still far from a bloodless war.”
“I would like to believe that the Federation and Empire have learned from this experience, but I suspect they have not. But I promise you that I will continue to help those affected by such conflicts, for as long as I am able.”
27 de outubro de 3303
Galactic News: Halsey Comments on End of Cold War
With the news that the Empire has withdrawn its fleets from the Pleiades Nebula, apparently signalling the end of the Federal-Imperial cold war, former Federal president Jasmina Halsey has commented on the cessation of hostilities.
Addressing a large crowd in Nerah City on Argent’s Claim, Halsey said:
“Like many of you, I rejoiced when I heard the Federation had recalled its ships. But my jubilation was undercut by the knowledge that our protests and entreaties had failed to move a single Federal or Imperial vessel. Were it not for the emergence of a greater potential threat, the Empire and Federation might still be installed in the Pleiades, squabbling over barnacles. And while the impact of the conflict could have been far greater, it was still far from a bloodless war.”
“I would like to believe that the Federation and Empire have learned from this experience, but I suspect they have not. But I promise you that I will continue to help those affected by such conflicts, for as long as I am able.”
20 de outubro de 3303
Galactic News: Halsey Comments on End of Cold War
With the news that the Empire has withdrawn its fleets from the Pleiades Nebula, apparently signalling the end of the Federal-Imperial cold war, former Federal president Jasmina Halsey has commented on the cessation of hostilities.
Addressing a large crowd in Nerah City on Argent’s Claim, Halsey said:
“Like many of you, I rejoiced when I heard the Federation had recalled its ships. But my jubilation was undercut by the knowledge that our protests and entreaties had failed to move a single Federal or Imperial vessel. Were it not for the emergence of a greater potential threat, the Empire and Federation might still be installed in the Pleiades, squabbling over barnacles. And while the impact of the conflict could have been far greater, it was still far from a bloodless war.”
“I would like to believe that the Federation and Empire have learned from this experience, but I suspect they have not. But I promise you that I will continue to help those affected by such conflicts, for as long as I am able.”
26 de agosto de 3303
Galactic News: The Thargoid Situation
Although the first hints of the Thargoid presence began with the discovery of Unknown Artefacts in 3301, the current chapter in the Thargoid story started last year with the discovery of alien shipwrecks in the Pleiades Nebula. A few months later, in January 3303, the first interdiction from a Thargoid ship was reported.
In May, accounts surfaced of attacks in the Maia system against Federal vessels. Eyewitnesses claimed to have seen Thargoid ships at the sites, but the Federation refused to comment on the possibility of Thargoid involvement.
A key discovery was made a few weeks later, when massive Thargoid structures were found in a number of systems. Several of these structures were discovered to contain functional Thargoid technology.
With events unfolding at such a rapid pace, the superpowers have struggled to formulate appropriate responses. But the creation of Aegis, a joint-superpower initiative designed to coordinate research into the Thargoids, suggests that the galaxy’s leaders are now taking steps to address the situation.
Professor Cora Shaw, director of the Palin Institute, offered the following assessment:
“We are faced with a number of pressing questions. Why have the Thargoids entered human space? Can we communicate with them? Are they hostile? Hopefully Aegis can provide us with some answers.”
Meanwhile, in an article for the Imperial Herald, journalist Kelvin Masters gave a more frank analysis:
“The barnacles seem to indicate that the Thargoids were in Maia and Merope long before we were. For all we know, humanity has expanded into what the Thargoids see as their territory. I have no interest in scaremongering, but my belief is that a Thargoid attack could be imminent – their behaviour certainly seems to suggest they are probing us for weaknesses.”
25 de agosto de 3303
Galactic News: The Thargoid Situation
Although the first hints of the Thargoid presence began with the discovery of Unknown Artefacts in 3301, the current chapter in the Thargoid story started last year with the discovery of alien shipwrecks in the Pleiades Nebula. A few months later, in January 3303, the first interdiction from a Thargoid ship was reported.
In May, accounts surfaced of attacks in the Maia system against Federal vessels. Eyewitnesses claimed to have seen Thargoid ships at the sites, but the Federation refused to comment on the possibility of Thargoid involvement.
A key discovery was made a few weeks later, when massive Thargoid structures were found in a number of systems. Several of these structures were discovered to contain functional Thargoid technology.
With events unfolding at such a rapid pace, the superpowers have struggled to formulate appropriate responses. But the creation of Aegis, a joint-superpower initiative designed to coordinate research into the Thargoids, suggests that the galaxy’s leaders are now taking steps to address the situation.
Professor Cora Shaw, director of the Palin Institute, offered the following assessment:
“We are faced with a number of pressing questions. Why have the Thargoids entered human space? Can we communicate with them? Are they hostile? Hopefully Aegis can provide us with some answers.”
Meanwhile, in an article for the Imperial Herald, journalist Kelvin Masters gave a more frank analysis:
“The barnacles seem to indicate that the Thargoids were in Maia and Merope long before we were. For all we know, humanity has expanded into what the Thargoids see as their territory. I have no interest in scaremongering, but my belief is that a Thargoid attack could be imminent – their behaviour certainly seems to suggest they are probing us for weaknesses.”
12 de agosto de 3303
Galactic News: Sirius Corporation Enters Merope
A number of media outlets have reported that the Sirius Corporation has entered the Merope system, establishing two new outposts.
Although the mega-corporation has asserted that the outposts will support mining operations in the region, commentators have speculated that Sirius is positioning itself to take control of the system’s barnacles.
Daxton Sung of the Imperial Herald commented:
“Right now, the Federation controls Merope. But Sirius is playing the long game. They’ve positioned themselves close to the barnacles so that if the Federation pulls out of the system, they can swoop in and start hoovering up meta-alloys.”
The new outposts will no doubt be a boon to independent pilots in Merope, giving them access to a wide range of services.
11 de agosto de 3303
Galactic News: Sirius Corporation Enters Merope
A number of media outlets have reported that the Sirius Corporation has entered the Merope system, establishing two new outposts.
Although the mega-corporation has asserted that the outposts will support mining operations in the region, commentators have speculated that Sirius is positioning itself to take control of the system’s barnacles.
Daxton Sung of the Imperial Herald commented:
“Right now, the Federation controls Merope. But Sirius is playing the long game. They’ve positioned themselves close to the barnacles so that if the Federation pulls out of the system, they can swoop in and start hoovering up meta-alloys.”
The new outposts will no doubt be a boon to independent pilots in Merope, giving them access to a wide range of services.
17 de junho de 3303
Galactic News: The Thargoids have Returned
Over the past few days, media streams have been abuzz with news that the so-called Unknown Ships are in fact Thargoid vessels, as many had speculated. The Federal Times, having spent several days confirming sources and authenticating reports, has now published an in-depth account of the events that led to the revelation.
It is understood that Professor Ishmael Palin, a leading authority on xenobiological research, determined the vessels’ origin by comparing data from the Unknown Ships with older Thargoid samples. Palin’s experiments resulted in conclusive proof that the Unknown Ships were Thargoid.
A short time later, Palin’s data was seized by Federal agents, who attempted to convey it to a Federal research facility. But in a shocking turn of events, the ship carrying the data was attacked en route to its destination. There is strong evidence to suggest the attack was executed by Thargoid vessels.
The incapacitation of the Federal vessel resulted in the information entering the public domain. But the cryptic nature of the data meant that The Federal Times was compelled to conduct further research before publishing its report.
In its story, The Federal Times also posited that the barnacles may be of Thargoid origin, given their relationship with the Thargoid ships. But it stopped short of suggesting a link between the Thargoids and the Unknown Probes and Artefacts, which many also believe to be nonhuman objects.
Meanwhile, the public mood was best summarised by Kelvin Masters, a freelance journalist, who contributed the following to the Rewired news feed:
“Look at the history books. Every time we’ve met the Thargoids, there’s bloodshed. We need to prepare for the worst. I mean, they’ve already attacked human ships! What kind of contingencies do the superpowers have in place? And what do we know about the Thargoids’ capabilities? What kind of weapons do they have? What kind of defences? And why did the Federation take Palin’s data? Were they trying to keep it quiet? These questions need to be answered!”
The leaders of the galaxy’s three superpowers are expected to make statements shortly.