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Approaching Soul Nebula!

logbook - entry 00009

Close to the Soul Nebula I have made the 1st discovery of an interesting system, that contains a WW with rings, and a big landfall icy body with rings.


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Heart Nebula!

logbook - entry 00008

I have spent the last two days visiting and exploring the beautiful Heart Nebula (8K ly from Sol). Most of the system have been already discovered (as it is often the case in Nebula area). Visited the cmdr Alexander McKinnon memorial at Heart Sector EB-X C1-12. He was an active ED cmdr who played together with his son - Jamie McKinnon (one of the SPVFA admins), and unfortunately passed away few years ago. enter image description here

I have visited also the tourist spot CHILDREN OF RAXXLA STAGING POST at EAFOTS BP-I D9-35. enter image description here enter image description here

Took the time to visit and explore many geological and biological signals on different landfall planetes or moons, each time with incredibly beautiful sights offered by the colors and lights of the nebula. enter image description here

I had the chance to see also a blackhole that offered amazing lens distorted views of the nebula. enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here

Earth Like World with rings, orbiting a gas giant with rings - PHRIO PHOE AJ-A C1-1

logbook - entry 00007

stardate 12.10.3306

Another 1st discovered system - PHRIO PHOE YY-A D4 - 39 bodies 1 ELW with rings, orbiting a Class II gas giant - beautiful!

1'178ly from Heart nebula, 7.6K ly from Sol

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Two moons orbiting very close to each other, and close to its parent Class I Giant

logbook - entry 00006

On my way from the NGC 281 to the Heart and Soul nebulas, in the system:

PHRIO PHOE CF-Z D7 (another 1st discover made - well if I manage to confirm the universal cartographics)

2 A & AA Two moons orbiting very close to each other, and close to its parent Class I Giant. on the 2 AA, 27 geologic signals, and very interesting views on the moon 2A and the gas giant.

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Canyons, sharp peaks, mountains - NGC 7789 SECTOR FI-E C14-3

logbook - entry 00005

1st moon of the 3rd plant (Class III gas giant) - 3a:

  • very close to the rings of the gas giant (you can see from the surface the dust of the rings moving)
  • very interesting surface - canyons, mountains, cliffs

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logbook - entry 00004

Arrived in the beautiful spheric purple nebula sector. Took the opportunity to repair at the fleet carrier "Q2G-92N" located a: Bubble Sector LX-T b3-1. Gained 30 mio credits through the universal cartographic and confirmed more than 30 systems as 1st discovery + numerous 1st planet mapping. Will take the time to explore the area more in details, hoping to find something interesting in the systems inside the nebula.

The nebula is 10 ly wide, and is formed by the stellar wind created by the star SAO 20575 (BD + 60 2522) located 5000 ly away.

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Prooe Drye PD-Z d1-87 - System between Sadr & Veil East Nebulas

logbook - entry 00003

Interesting system as it contains a high metal content world with rings that I could land on - it is the closest (269ls) to the primary star (class F). The system has 6 gas giants and a total of 30 moons, of which 27 are landable.

the first moon (a rocky body) of the 5th planet of the system, a Class III gas giant, has an interesting relief (canyons, sharp mountains), 12 geological signals, and offers great views on the gas giant it is orbiting.

the system was already discovered, however mostly not mapped.

VEIL WEST NEBULA - expanding remains of a massive star that exploded about 8,000 years ago

logbook - entry 00002

Visited the beautiful Veil West Nebula - 1472.43 ly from Sol. It looks like a blue/pink storm cloud. Took the time to visit and explore the different systems around, and the one with the best views so far is:

VEIL WEST SECTOR DL-Y D68 4 Suns, 3 high metal content worlds, and 3 gas giants with landable moons orbiting - they are located at +300K ls from the primary star, but the trip is worthwile for the amazing views of the nebula from the planetes or gas giants rings.

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AUCOKS HV-Y C3-5 - Caynons, cliffs and high mountain peaks

this is my very first flight logg entry :)

AUCOKS HV-Y C3-5 2 A: Very interesting 1st moon of a Class I or Jovian gas gigant. Lots of canyons and high/sharp peaks and mountains, with a close view on the Gas giant. It has 43 geological signals (water geysers).

AUCOKS HV-Y C3-5 2 B: similar to the above mentioned 1st moon, also has lots of high canyons and peaks/mountains. It has 17 geological signals (carbon dioxide geysers) - this was for me, after two months into ED, the first time I have seen some - codex discovery made.