Perfil do CMDR Myshka > Diário

Nome do comandante:
Nave atual:
Knackered Knave [199-DW]
(Krait Mk II)
Membro desde:
Distâncias submetidas:
Sistemas visitados:
Sistemas descobertos primeiro:
Log 3302-04-18

Visisted a Black Hole, already discovered, and then plotted a route to a "Superbright" B-class. Along the way, interestingly enough, every single jump was to a B-class star as I had forgotten to disable the star filter. Looks like I'm in the middle of a supercluster of B-class stars!

Stopped 3 jumps short of my destination for some repairs.

Log 3302-04-14

Finally left the Veil of Inanna nebula and started heading towards a nearby neutron star for the next long-range jump.

No interesting systems found, but stopped off at a water-world.

Log 3302-04-17

Finally left the Veil of Inanna behind.

After scouting a couple of planets for volcanism, and failing to find any, I reached the first Neutron Star, which was already discovered, jumped to the next one, also discovered, and parked for the night.

Along the way I found a couple of water-worlds, one as a moon of a ringed Y-class dwarf.

Log 3302-04-04

Continued exploring the "Veil of Inanna" and found quite a lot of pre-discovered systems today. I did manage to bag a couple of water worlds and life-bearing Gas-Giants though, but nothing of real interest unfortunately.

I will continue charting the nebula for one more day before heading back into the black..

Log 3302-04-03

Continued my exploration of the "Veil of Inanna" nebula, hopping primarily between G-class and F-class stars. Unfortunately it's been a poor day's exploring - some pretty views, but still no Earth-like.

Interesting Systems:

  • Vegneia KA-D b40-10 - T-Tauri star system with a Water World.
Log 3302-04-02

Continued exploring the "Veil of Inanna" nebula.

Found a couple of Water Worlds, but nothing exciting, including a binary pair orbiting a B-class star.

Interesting Systems:

  • Vegneia EK-P c19-80 - G-class trinary with a couple of close landables for great views!
Log 3302-03-29

Continued exploring the "Veil of Inanna" nebula.

Interesting Systems:

  • Vegneia IP-E b39-28 - M-class with very close HMC with volcanism; large system (47 bodies)
  • Vegneia BK-I d9-457 - A-class with an AW (Cmdr Hooten)
  • Vegneia BK-I d9-516 - G-class primary with a M-class Red Giant secondary
  • Vegneia AF-R e4-53 - DANGER! Arrival-point is between 2 B-class stars. First discovered by Cmdr Andrew Gaspurr. Has a close-ish landable to the primaries.
Log 3302-03-28

Finally reached the "Veil of Inanna", via a super-cluster of B-class stars. Hit paydirt on the second jump inside the nebula - an Earth-like orbiting an F-class star, although on closer inspection it had already been scanned by Commander Stren, despite the main star not having been scanned.

The next few weeks will be spent exploring this huge nebula.

Interesting Systems:

  • Vegneia BK-I d9-406 - F-class star with an ELW (Cmdr Stren) and an M-class star with a WW (me) and an AW (me).
Log 3302-03-27

Continued Neutron-star jumping towards the Core, and discovered a planetary nebula! Unfortunately, it had also already been discovered by Cmdr Kapter. He named it the "Lapis Lazuli" nebula due to it's bright-blue colouring.

Very nearly reached the "Veil of Inanna", but stopped at a nearby O-class star (tagged by Cmdr Valije) for the night.

Interesting Systems:

  • Greethia SS-U e2-48 - "Lapis Lazuli" planetary nebula, formed by a neutron star.
Log 3302-03-26

Another couple of O-class stars, including a "Superbright", as well as a couple of Wolf-Rayet stars. Unfortunately I seem to have stumbled across the routes of other explorers, most notably Cmdr Andrew Gaspurr, who has beaten me to some of these sights.

Luckily the Neutron Stars had escaped notice and I was able to put my name to a few more of those. Last jump of the day was a Neutron-boosted jump to a Black Hole system. Quite a view seeing the 9 nebulae in front of the Galactic Centre being distorted by the black hole!

Interesting Systems: Plae Aob PZ-G d10-14 - A neutron-star system which appears to have captured an entire M-class system, including several gas-giants and a water-world.