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Fer-De-Lance Nr. 1 [DZKV29]
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Into the nebula - and then back to business


Yesterday, I was lazy, but today, I made a good leap forward.

First of all, I reached the nebula FROARKS AA-A H22, just as planned. But like I already thought, the nebula was well explored. I tested some systems, but on every sun, I found the tag "First discovered by", followed by nearly all the same names. So I decided to quit the nebula and not to waste more time.


There are also very fine news: I found another couple of waterworlds, some of them even terraformable. That should bring some more money into the purse.

Today in the evening, I will do some more lightyears. Let's see how far I can go.

Another lazy day

Well, up to now, I have nearly nothing to report.

Yesterday, I had to do a lot of work in my own galaxy at home. And today in the morning, I only completed the last 1.000 lightyears, that I had started yesterday in the evening.

The only thing that is worth to be mentioned is, that I found two systems with a lot of terraformable planets as well as some waterworlds, also terraformable.

As far as I could see, I'm standing only about 2.000 lightyears in front of a nebula. So I will visit this one; it's not so far off course for me. There are also some other nebula on the other side of the galaxy level, but then, I would have to cross this level and go on on the other side. That's not worth it, I think, because I guess that these nebula - directly on the route between the center and Sol - are already well explored and won't bring any effort for me.

Tomorrow, when I'm back from my own "home system" in real life, I will go to elections (also in real life) and then maybe in the evening continue my travel towards sol.

Kevin Costner would like me.

Not so much effort up to now than in the last days. Still about 17.300 lightyears to go. But I found a good route with completely undiscovered systems so far.

Really big discoveries are very rare these days, but I still can make some money with terraformable planets or even water worlds - or both. In fact, I found a lot of water worlds on the last lightyears. Some of them also terraformable. Kevin Costner would be happy. If he exploited one of them, he could go straight to the next one. Well, not with his Catamaran - that's clear.

For the next days I wonder if I should visit some nebula. There are some in the vicinity, but not directly on my route. It would take me a detour of some 1.000 lightyears to get there. And when I get there, I'm pretty sure that I only find the fact that someone was there before me.

I'll see if I'm in the mood to make some extra travel, just for a nice (or maybe also not so nice - don't know yet) screenshot, that pushes me one or two days back in reaching the Sol bubble. Most likely, I will stay on course and go straight ahead.

Tomorrow, this logbook will be the first to see what I decided ...

On we go ...

No new pics today - but a lot of effort!

From yesterday to this morning, I managed to travel a total of 6.000 Lightyears. I think, that's quite a punch. But I must admit, that I didn't scan so many planets. Mostly dropped into systems with only gas giants and their moons or just some few small planets with no atmosphere, which I suppose to be little HMCs. And there are no more neutron stars. Maybe I'm in a bad corridor for neutron stars ...

On the other hand side, I found my first earth-like world yesterday in the evening, just in the last system on my route. And there were also some systems with water-wordls and/or terraformable bodies.

To be more effective in scanning, I should dig out that table, where the habitable zones of the different star classes are listet. I once printed this tiny table and pinned it to my monitor, but over the months, I lost it.

Well, 6.000 lightyears in total since yesterday. Every main star in every system scanned. Today in the evening I think, I can do another 2.000 lightyears - and maybe also some travelling over the day (but I have to work at once). If it goes on like this, I can be back at sol within the next week.

One mission goal completed!

Supermassive black fucking hole!

Yes, I did it!

Today in the morning, I arrived at the center of the galaxy and did my scan of the supermassive black hole.

The last leg to the center was not very exciting, though. No single planet that was worth a scan. Mostly gas giants, round ice cubes or maybe some HMCs, but I didn't like to fly around and scan those mini-planets one by one for as good as no money.

Directly after my visit at the center, I decided not to go straight ahead to Sol, but to raise a little bit in the galaxy, for some 500 Lightyears or so. My intention is to find a level with mostly undiscovered systems to fill my purse a little bit. The first system was a dud, already discovered by someone else, but already the second system in route was a hit: Two terraformable waterworlds, orbiting around themselves:

Two terraformable waterworlds in the vicinity of Sagittarius A*

My idea: We could colonize one of them and make a big party with Whisky Soda. And when all Soda is spend, we can change to the other one and continue drinking ...

What is interesting when talking about exploring?

Another 3.000 lightyears towards the center of the galaxy - and it becomes more and more difficult to write anything interesting into the logbook.

What should the explorer note down? "Discovered 7 neutron stars today" or "discovered another water world"? Well, that's exactly what the automatic logging via EDDiscovery does. Just one look into the flight log and there are all informations about the visited systems. So why noting this down a second time?

The rest is only starting the FSD, jumping, entering system, scanning, scooping, looking at the system map, flying to other celestial bodies in-system, scanning, starting the FSD and so on and so on.

Sounds boring.

Well, sometimes it is. Sometimes I am tired of all this scanning and checking the systems for valuable planets. Then I'm happy when I'm entering a system with just some gas giants which don't bring a lot of money when scanned. In these systems, I can skip all activity and concentrate on just scanning the main stellar body and scooping some fuel before leaving for the next system.

Yeah, sometimes I'm bored out, but mostly I find exploring very exciting. Yes, I know, some of the PvP "heroes" laugh about explorers and call them names. Well, they can fuck off. I like it to come home from work and travel some 1.000 lightyears to calm down a little bit. And every time I enter a new system and the basic scan indicates more than 1 body within the system, I'm excited to open the system map and see what is around me. Maybe a nice earth-like planet? A black hole? Or a gas giant with special rings, that would give a nice screenshot?

Ok, let's quit the deep thoughts about exploring and concentrate on the way ahead!

Today in the morning, I made some more than 1.000 lightyears towards the center, but I realized, that I have to move "up" in the galaxy for about 1.200 lightyears to come onto the same level as the center. Now I'm wondering if I will move up step by step for the next travelling legs or if I will travel to the center and then move up in two legs until I reach the black hole.

My route will now also depend a little bit on the appearance of neutron stars, because the give good money.

3.000 Lightyears - with a lot of goodwill

So I wanted to jump about 5.000 Lightyears yesterday. Well, that differs a little bit from reality, because I only made some 3.000 Lightyears. Ok, let's say, approximately 3.000 Lightyears. Plus another 1.000 this morning.

What happened?

The problem was, that I didn't exactly know how to use jumponium. I thought, one portion of jumponium would replace the whole fuel in the tank and would last until all fuel is consumed or until I start fuel scooping. So I started collecting materials to craft some jumponium.

When I was on my way, I discovered a landable planet with high metal content that provided all material to craft jumponium. So I landed and started my search in the SRV. Took me about 2 hours to gather enough material for a couple of jumponium-injections. And then I realized, that I don't know at all how to use this stuff.

After reading a tutorial, I felt a bit disaffected, because one injection generates only one longer jump. Bang. That was it. So when I think about the whole process of gathering material, generating jumponium and setting one jump after the other in the star map, just to jump about 75 lightyears instead of 50, then it takes less time when jumping only 50 lightyears and plotting a route in advance over 21 jumps.

Well, I will save the jumponium until I run into a dead-end where I need a jump of more than 50 lightyears ...

Rings of ice.

By the way: I found even more neutron stars! As far as I could see in the overview of the star map, it would be possible to build up a flawless neutron highway to the center of the galaxy. That's pretty cool and would speed up my travel a lot, but I don't want to penetrate my FSD so much. And I also don't want to set up a new speed record.

Today in the evening, I'm looking forward to the next 1.000 or 2.000 lightyears. Can quit work very early today, so let's see what I can arrange.

Up, up and away!

Tired of bounty-hunting.

Bounty hunting at Magellan

Blew up some bad boys at Magellan C10 yesterday, but in the middle of all the action, I became very, very tired of doing this.

Ok, the next war is standing right at the door and I could earn some merits by fighting against Tang Clan in Metztli. Should be no problem, because Tang Clan isn't a player faction. No other player would fight for them (of against PaX). In the last war against Eol Prou Group, there was nothing to write home about for me, because I fought pretty alone.

So, what to do?

Thinking about this a little bit, I remembered that I didn't do my visit at Sagittarius A up to now. I'm explorer Elite and I didn't visit fucking Sagittarius A!

This can't go on like this.

I went to Colonia Dream to buy a brand new Diamondback Explorer. Then I went over to Colonia Hub, where my Asp Ex is stored. I stripped the old Asp and equipped the Dia-Ex with the well-modded FSD. There were still some modules missing, that I couldn't get at Colonia Hub, so I went to Dervish Platform in Ogma. Here I bought the rest of all needed modules and gave my Dia-Ex a new outfit.

I named it "Idiogene Geniotie", which is German and means fucking nothing. It's just the funny name of former electronic band (I can tell you, they made really bad music). I also got some paint jobs and painted the ship in "Tactical Ice".

And then, I went on.

Where is the ship?

The first 1.000 lightyears were absolutely no problem. It took me a moment to find my rhythm, but then routine came back. That damned ship jumps approximately 50 lightyears, so I advanced rather quick. And I made good profit! Did only some scanning here and there, but I found three water worlds (two of them terraformable) and one neutron star. Well, that's a promising beginning.

Today, I will see if I can manage to jump some 5.000 lightyears. If I find a good position to take some photos, then it might take a little bit longer. I have my SRV on board, so maybe I will land if I find a good metal rich body to craft some jumponium.

We'll see. Now, I will start over with the next 1.000 lightyears.

Short round yesterday

Not much to report from yesterday.

First, I spend some time in setting up EDDiscovery. Earlier that day, I made some test with Ed Market Connector, but this tool was not exactly what I needed, so I discarded it again.

In the evening, I refitted my Python for combat. My first intention was to go to the Kojeara Nav Signal to do some bounty hunting there, but unfortunately, I couldn't find any worthy opponent. So I started a search for a good RES. On my way, I found a tier 3 distress call and went in. First, there were two eagles. Cannon fodder. But then, an Anaconda jumped in, winged up with two FAS. And no single cop in range. Well, that was far too much for me alone, so I let them go. They jumped out and the distress signal was cleared.

After that, I saw, that it wouldn't make any sense to redeem the bounty at Oswald Platform, because the bounty was already dedicated to the controlling faction of the strongest faction in-system. Thatfor, bounty hunting for PaX would make no sense in this system. So I decided to return to Magellan.

I jumped in and flew directly to Magellan C10. There, I dropped into a Hi-RES and found a nice Anaconda with wanted-status. Unfortunately, the gangster had winged up with two Asp-Ex. Nevertheless, I gave the Anaconda some blinks from my lasers - and then, everything went terribly wrong!

First, I took two salvos from Anaconda's missile launchers. Don't know how, but I managed to maneuver directly into the missiles, instead of avoiding them. Then, I took a lot of fire from both Asp-Ex. It's very rare, but this time, the NPCs seemed to work together flawlessly. Within shortest time, my shields were down and my hull dropped below 80%. My HUD was filled with malfunction messages, so I thought it would be better to quit. And again: no cops in range.

Back to Magellan, I thought it would be better to postpone bounty hunting until the next morning. Well, let's see what goes then ...

The wrong decision

Yesterday, I flew some missions for PaX from Oswald Platform in Kojeara again.

Normally I'm doing only transport, scan or kill missions. But this time, I wanted to try something different. So I took a mission where I should rescue 8 hostages from a villain pilot. "No problem", I thougt. "Let's go and finish that idiot NPC off, gather the hostages and that's it."

So this is what I did. Located the villain, blew him back to the insurance office and looked around for hostages. There weren't any, but I received a message from my employer. He told me, that - unfortunately - it's impossible to finish the mission because the hostages were killed in the blast.

Well ... fuck.

So I started over again, took another one of these SAR-missions and equipped my ship with these hatch-breaking drones. After jumping to the target system and locating the enemy, these drones seemed to do the job and the canisters dropped out of the cargo bay of this Asp I was hunting. Asp was angry, started to shoot, I fired back, end of Asp. Result: 2 hostages. Hooray. But the mission was still active. So I went back to supercruise and dropped then into the next mission related signal source.

Surprise: Same Asp, same commander, same shit. Gave him a friedly shot between the eyes, made him drop some containers, wanted some more, police came and blew up enemy. Result: 2 Hostages.

So I started over again.

And again.

And again.

Finally, it took me more than 1 hour to rescue these 8 morons! And the payment was far below 1.000.000 Cr. When I came eventually back to Oswald Platform, the first thing I did was uninstalling the hatch-breakers and replacing them with an additional cargo rack. And I swear, this was the very last SAR-Mission started by me!

Later in the evening I thought about going back to the old bubble. There, I have several ships that never saw an engineer. And within the next 2 weeks, we maybe get a first glance at the Thargoids. Man, I don't want to miss that! But otherwise, I don't like to abort my work at Kojeara.

I don't exactly know how to go on. Maybe I'll try some bounty-hunting in Kojeara and redeem the bounties at Oswald Platform to push PaX a little bit. Hope it works. But if I see no progress in the influence and if I find, that all my work has nearly no impact on PaX's influence in Kojeara, then I will cancel this and fly back to Sol.

Maybe the Thargoids are too hard to deal with - in that case, I always can come back to Colonia.