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Fer-De-Lance Nr. 1 [DZKV29]
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Modified Embedded Firmware - more and more

Ok, now I'm on the hunt for MEF - again!

Must admit, driving around and doing stunts with the SRV is fun. But can be frustrating if you scan 5 ground installations in a row and gather only useless data. But inbetween, I have 28 MEF on my account. Just one more pass today and then I'll start searching for Conductive Polymers.

Also tried to get MEF from missions, but no way. Raised my reputation at several parties around Wolf 397, but no MEF as mission reward. Got a lot of useless materials instead. But ok, was an experience.

Will try some wallclimbing with the SRV on a 1.8g planet that evening. Made it once, but it's really tricky. Always fun when you make it up the wall and get stuck then at a lightpole. Jumping around, getting free again and then roll back down the wall. Set back some meters and start the run again ... and again ... and again ... yeah, that's the spirit!

(But I made it ... finally)

Wregoe RL-L b21-2 1, the Technetium paradise.

Again, it was fun.

Went to Wregoe RL-L b21-2 1 yesterday, because said there should be a lot of Technetium. Landed there, sent my ship away and kept on driving with the SRV.

Believe it or not: The very first elements I found were Arsenic, Zirconium (9 units in one location) and Technetium!

And so it went on. Ended up with enough materials to let the dice roll 30 times and more. Thought that this should be enough for a solid rapid fire modification on two class 4 multi-cannons (one fixed, for my FdL later, and one gimballed for the Corvette/Anaconda). But when I arrived at Wolf 397, I found that I only unlocked grade 3 modifications up to now.

What to do? Didn't want to buy even more useless mods, just to push the grade. And besides: Didn't have enough materials, to push the engineer from grade 3 to grade 5.

Decided to go bounty hunting instead. Transferred my FAS and my FGS to Wolf 397 and made a visit at the navigation beacon. Not so funny. Not enough bad boys there. So I went to a system in the vicinity to collect some Alliance bountys. Was ok, but not really satisfying.

Today in the evening, I'll make a visit to one of the CZs in Wolf 397. As far as I saw, engineer rank can also be pushed by handing in combat vouchers. Would be fine. If I take the FGS, then maybe I can fly around with my fighter a little bit.

By the way: Drove SRV for more than half an hour in VR and didn't get any nausea. That's maybe 'cause terrain was smooth and flat ...

Materials, materials and even mo' materials!

Driving around with my SRV collecting data from high security outposts is really fun. But when you finished a couple of ground installations, it becomes boring like nearly everything else in our universe.

So I had to do something different and collect some other materials for our engineers.

Before driving around again to collect some Zirconium or Technetium, I decided to go for one of these "material Eldorados" to search some Conductive Polymers or Configurable Components. Went to one of these Naphtha-Tankers and started to change modes until the right materials appeared. Worked pretty good and I could collect some Configurable Components.

As soon as I have enough, I'll see to get some Zirconium/Technetium. Driving SRV again. But I need some of this stuff to do some rolls at the engineer for my multi-cannons.

Power left - lot of fun now.

Had a short chat with a commander from my friend-list yesterday. Told me, that these "Imperial Hammer" isn't worth the time. Makes as good as no damage. Modded normal railgun is much better. Powerplay seems only good to get Prisma Shields ... but that's no must-have. So I quit the boring powerplay and started to collect material for the engineers.

Material 1: Modified embedded Firmware.

Extremely rare and obtained only when you scan ground installations. Well, I tried that - and it was really fun.

Drove into a station with a security parameter first. Gained a fine, ignored it and got killed within seconds. Ok, bad idea. Tried the next installation in the next system ... and it worked!

It was funny as hell to drive around in the installation and to jump up to the roofs. In one situation, I had to jump from one building to the other and to steer with the maneuvering thrusters. Felt a bit like Batman - or Ben Affleck in "Armageddon".

Found acutally no MEF, but will continue scanning today in the evening.

Sometimes things are not what they seem.

Absolutely cool event yesterday in the evening!

Again in Kamadhenu, on an in-system mission. Suddenly I was buzzed by an other player - the one who killed me yesterday. He meant that he doesn't want to kill me again, which I enjoyed very much. After that, we had a short but nice talk and I congratulated him, because he was the first player who could kill me. It ended up with us both on the fried-lists of each other. Well, that's the way I like it.

The rest was not so very impressive. I had several disconnects and ended up in solo mode, because open and group didn't work at all. Could only manage to do some delivery missions, but nothing special.

In the later evening, I read some forum posts about rare data for the engineers. There were some good tutorials for ground missions with scanning ground installations. I didn't need the tutorials, because I know how to do the scans, but I didn't know that some of the very rare data could be found in some special installations. So today in the morning, I took three scanning missions with moderate payment and started my way. Unfortunately, these missions can't be done "all in one", because the targets are in 3 different systems. Besides I don't know, if the scan for three missions in the same system can be done simultaneously, after the broken game mechanics in Quince have been fixed.

Anyway, it's fun to drive around with the SRV. Maybe today in the evening, I will try this again in VR. Still need some training to avoid nausea ...

No mo' money.

Not so good yesterday.

Came back to Kamadhenu. Was interdicted by other player. Didn't recognize this first. Fought against the interdiction and wondered why it took so long to get rid of this idiot NPC. Realized then, that it was no NPC, but won the interdiction anyway.

Now it's no good idea to stay in a system with a ganker (or maybe even powerplay-player), when you only have a trader Corvette with paper shields and no guns at all. And it's also not very clever to stay in open play, when watching TV besides and do some dirty talk with your wive, who is hot as hell.

So the guy interdicted me a second time, only some 6 Mm from the station. And this time, I made nearly every mistake I could make. Couldn't shake him, but didn't manage to accept the interdiction in time. Forgot then, to set 3 pips to systems and 3 pips to engines. Set 4 pips to engines instead. Boom, shields away. Selected system for high-wake ... boom, ship gone.

Well, that's the way it goes when thinking with your cock instead of playing concentrated. But rebuy was only about 9 million Cr., so this was not so bad as it could be. After that, I fucked a round (I bet, my killer didn't) and continued then in private group.

Unfortunately, the run to Sauraratec is finished. No more really good missions. So I continued trading in a circle over some systems in the neighborhood. Rebuy was refinanced quickly and since this morning I'm making profit again. But I think it would be more clever to stay in private group or solo. My Corvette isn't really made for fighting or even fleeing from human players. It's good for outmaneuvering NPCs, but not more.

Doesn't matter to me. The main thing is: Where is the money?

And today in the evening, I think I will raise my reputation in powerplay and deliver some of these powerplay reports.

Money, money, money!

Need to keep on flying missions today.

Just that morning, I could gather several missions, each more than 1.000.000 Cr. worth in Kamadhenu, leading to Sauraratec. There, the station is some 90.000 ls from the drop out point, but that's no problem. 10 minutes of flight for about 12.000.000 Cr. is quite ok.

I know it can't go on like this, because the actual state of Kamadhenu will come to an end. But I'll try to make as much profit as possible. If the missions stop giving good rewards, I'm free to go bounty hunting with some powerplay bonus.

What I'm missing completely in mission rewards are these Aberrant Shield Pattern Analysis for The Sarge. Today, I make a quick visit at the Sarge's home system and took a look to the mission board there (it was only 5 jumps away from Sauraratec), but couldn't find any Aberrant Analysis there either. So I went back to Kamadhenu to make some money and maybe deliver some powerplay items to push my rank for the next cycle.

Ok, 2 billion is the target now. So I'll keep on doing missions and making money as long as possible. If it gets too boring, I can switch to one of my fighters. My FAS as well as my FGS arrived at Kamadhenu and there are enough CZs for a little bit of fun.

Back to business

Silent running the last two days.

Well, there wasn't much to report. Went back to my old business: Grind for making money. This time, I signed my contract with this A. Lavigny-Duvall gal. This "Imperial Hammer" is too sexy - want to try it on my FdL. So I'll spend the next four weeks within this contract.

For Powerplay, I'm just doing the minimum that is neccessary to obtain the special weapon. The rest: Uninteresting. I'm not even interested in the power I'm working for. Just want the guns, nothing else. And I need some money to buy the next ship with an insane A-fitting.

Fortunately, mission board is interesting these days. There's always at least one faction that offers a lot of in-system missions or missions to the direct neighborhood. When I get my first rank today, then bounty-hunting may be also interesting, because there will be a bonus on bountys. But don't know, if I'll get back in my FAS or FGS. Flying cargo from A to B is much better for relaxing. Won't bring me any step forward, but is relaxing.

By the way: I also took a look at the mission rewards and hoped to get some of these Aberrant shitfuck things, that I need to unlock the last engineer. Bad luck: Many missions give materials and data as reward, but not what I need. Well, no need to worry. I'll sure find these materials. Somewhere, somewhen.

And again: fighting.

Managed to unlock that Broo Tarquin yesterday in the late evening. 50 tons of very special tea ... boring as hell.

Need now combat bonds 1.000.000 Cr. worth. Took my FAS and searched a nice CZ in the vicinity of Sol, where the next engineer waits for me.

I also could scan vessels in supercruise to collect "Aberrant Shield ... what the fuck ever". But it's stated that I can find this data in combat vessels. So I thing, it's best to go to a CZ, collect combat bonds and scan the opponents "on the fly". Maybe the problem solves itself.

As soon as I'm through with the engineers, I'll start powerplay. Not for serious. Just to collect the PP-weapons. And maybe I'll do some CG here and there. I need some money. In Q4 2018, new megaships should come, which can be bought by player factions. Well, got no faction at all, but if I can buy such a stupid megaship, then I'll, buy it - just for myself.

Hard engineering

Made invitations for all engineers at least. Need only to unlock The Sarge, Broo Tarquin and Colones Bris Dekker. I think, Tarquin will fall this evening.

Could also unlock that Ram Tah. This was really bad. Grind out of hell. Had to gather 50 Classified Scan Databanks. Took me almost the whole afternoon to do this. Had 35 CSDs in my cargo hold and needed only 25, but they were hard to get. Scanned about 47.372.864 ships, until I made it.

Also leveled up that Juri Ishmaak to tier 3, to unlock the rest of the pack.

Now I read, that there will be some new ships and some improvements to mining and exploring. They also plan to establish new megaships for player factions. I'm curios how this will work. If there is any possiblity to buy such a megaship, then I will do it. 5 billion? 10 billion? No problem. After all the grind, this few extra grind won't be a problem.

But after the lame Thargoids, I will scale down my expectations a little bit.

Funny: The guys who want to walk around in their ships and stations and cry now, because this isn't mentioned anywhere for the near future. But why the fuck should I walk around in my ship or in stations? What do they expect to find there? Maybe they think that this would be some sort of social hub or so - however this should look like.

Take a look at Star Citizen. There you can see what these hubs are good for: absolutely nothing!

By the way: I don't think that FD has the resources to manage the neccessary motion capturing and all that stuff, that you need for a 1st person experience. And by the way: Elite is about space ships, not about social hubs and FPS.

Ah, let the simple structured dream ...