Perfil do CMDR Rigel Chiokis > Diário

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Nave atual:
uss chaser [rc-i]
(Type-7 Transporter)
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Sistemas descobertos primeiro:
871.866.870 Cr
Day 3 to Tir, Entry 2

I need a break from bouncing through neutron stars, so I am parking it in Nyeajaae SO-O d7-92 for a rest.

So far today, in 3 hours and 15 minutes, I have travelled 3,452.14 LY. That works out to 1,062.2 LY per hour.

I've made some first discoveries and made some first to map scans as well. This is always good money for the bank.

Day 3 Going to Tir

So at 79% functionality, my FSD started malfunctioning every time I entered a jet cone.

I remembered passing through an asteroid base on my way to Colonia about a year ago, so I looked it up. It was about 1,400 light years off my present course, but would allow me to repair the ship. Yes, I know all about the AFMU, but I didn't install one to maximize my jump range. Now that I know the FSD can't handle the rest of the trip to Tir, I'm going to see if I can get an AFMU at the Omega Mining Operation in Omega Sector VE-Q b5-15.

The flight control at Omega Mining Operation remembered me from my last trip through and welcomed me in. Once the ship was in the hangar, I found I could purchase an AFMU and left the crew to get it installed. I headed over to a bar I visited last trip, looking for a young fellow named Aaron I met here last year. He was still working and was willing to keep me company while the ship was outfitted.

I also sold my exploration data, for a little over 8 million credits. Profitable trip so far.

Business and pleasure taken care of, I launched to continue my trip to Tir.

Day 2 Heading to Tir

I didn't have much time today, but I completed 20 stages of the trip, which was 4,011.64 ly. That was in about one and a half hours. My total trip distance thus far has been 6,406.01 ly of the 24,481.57 total. I stopped in Traikoa MY-I d9-54 for the time being.

The systems display tells me that the FSD is down to 80% at this point. Pushing my ship through neutron star jets is hard on it. I'm not sure the FSD will last through the entire journey. I'm thinking it will get to a point where I'm not willing to abuse it any further and I'll just have to finish the trip with normal jumps. Still, it's been nice skipping across the distance in great leaps and bounds!

Heading to Tir

After mining 10 osmium, I set out for Tir, which is in the neighbourhood of Colonia. This is so I can get an engineer to upgrade my fuel scoops.

I am using the neutron highway plotter, choosing 56 ly as my maximum jump range (which is about .5 ly less than my ship can do).

For today, I only spent 1 hour travelling. In that time time I made it to Bleia Eohn OJ-X d2-25, a distance of 2394.37 ly.

I should also mention that this is my third time going out to this region. Travelling to Colonia was my first truly long distance trip and I did that in January 3305. That trip also involved visiting Sagitarrius A* for the first time, then back to Colonia. Some exploration in the area then back home to bubble.

My second time visiting Colonia was on the way home from Beagle Point, back in the late spring/early summer of 3305.


It was that time again. "For dedicated service to the Federation yadda yadda yadda", promoted to Vice-Admiral.

Yay! Now, if only it would get me priority in the departure que so I don't sit in the dock for two minutes waiting for a slot!

Passenger Runs

I spent the day transporting passengers around. It's a way to see some interesting sights, visit places I haven't been to yet and make some money towards my trade rank.

One load of tourists I picked up, as I was preparing to launch I received an offer to take them to a different destination and sell them into slavery. I would be very mad if someone did that to me, so I wasn't about to do it to my passengers. Unless it was someone I knew and really, really didn't like them. Then I might do it.

Visited Jameson's Ship Wreck

On December 31, 3305, I made my way out to the wreck of Cmdr. Jameson's Cobra Mk III. I listened to his comms logs. It was a very sad story of being betrayed by his government.