Карты Галактики > Маршруты > Norma field

I's a neutron stars field 1000 ly under the galactic plane. Located in the Norma expanse region starts 13000 ly from Sol and extend for over 4000 ly over the center of the galaxy. It's a one month journey for explorers into neutron stars investigation. There is also a chance of small black holes.

# System Coordinates Distance
#1 HIP 114133 -232.84375 / -87.28125 / -48.96875
#2 M20 Sector BB-N c7-13 -254.4375 / 13.875 / 2774.5 2 825,36 Ly
#3 NGC 6530 WFI 16706 -470.71875 / -102.28125 / 4465.0625 1 708,29 Ly
#4 Nyeajee YB-B d14-41 -840.28125 / -632.84375 / 7850.875 3 447,00 Ly
#5 Skaudou PU-F d11-9 -1103.75 / -876.5 / 10152.59375 2 329,53 Ly
#6 Nuekau NF-A d53 -1371.125 / -1201.90625 / 13020.21875 2 898,39 Ly
#7 Graea Phreia UU-X e1-1286 -1304.3125 / -1375.21875 / 15976.0625 2 961,67 Ly