Карты Галактики > Маршруты > Snake's Route to Colonia


# System Coordinates Distance
#1 LHS 2637 -22.5625 / 74.6875 / -15.53125
#2 HR 5906 (Stranded Snake (anaconda settlement)) 81.65625 / 154.53125 / 382.21875 418,86 Ly
#3 Antares 71.5 / 138.40625 / 531.375 150,37 Ly
#4 Sheron 61.40625 / 182.1875 / 566 56,72 Ly
#5 IC 4604 Sector FB-X c1-17 (Rho Ophiuchi Cloud Complex (IC 4603/4604)) 60.40625 / 182.9375 / 570.78125 4,94 Ly
#6 Col 359 Sector FB-N d7-62 (The 359s) -90.96875 / 109.03125 / 699.28125 211,87 Ly
#7 IC 1287 Sector BQ-Y d9 (Gantan of Orion) -352.96875 / -18.0625 / 856.28125 330,83 Ly
#8 Mammon (Mammon Monitoring Facility / Mammon (IC 1287 Nebula)) -358.375 / -8.75 / 933.53125 78,00 Ly
#9 HD 171804 -594.03125 / -21.34375 / 1280.75 419,83 Ly
#10 46 Upsilon Sagittarii -653.1875 / -442 / 1598.3125 530,37 Ly
#11 HD 175876 (Heaven's Lathe) -644.1875 / -472 / 2299.3125 701,70 Ly
#12 Bleae Thua YE-H d10-29 (Trio in a Ring) -377 / 273.28125 / 2448.75 805,71 Ly
#13 Blu Thua AI-A c14-10 (Hillary Depot) -54.5 / 149.53125 / 2099.21875 491,42 Ly
#14 Bleia Eohn QY-L c10-4 (Old Regaurus Point) -191.53125 / -147.1875 / 1961.03125 354,85 Ly
#15 Bleia Eohn MY-U b22-5 -135.96875 / -115.5 / 1977.03125 65,93 Ly
#16 Red Spider Sector UJ-Q b5-0 (Red Spider Nebula) -524.5625 / 40.0625 / 2957.53125 1 066,11 Ly
#17 Red Spider Sector IR-W d1-21 -526.34375 / 35.5 / 2962.875 7,25 Ly
#18 NGC 6546 Sector GR-W e1-5 (NGC 6546) -408.6875 / -58.1875 / 3126.15625 221,99 Ly
#19 Droju UA-D d13-9 (Delos) -679.46875 / -514.15625 / 3922.9375 957,13 Ly
#20 M21 Sector FW-W e1-10 (Messier 21) -484.125 / 4.375 / 3968.5625 555,98 Ly
#21 NGC 6530 Sector ZE-Z c20 -431.0625 / -75.96875 / 4189.90625 241,38 Ly
#22 Thor's Eye -439.84375 / -86.625 / 4205.15625 20,57 Ly
#23 Lagoon Sector NI-S b4-10 (Amundsen Terminal) -469.1875 / -84.84375 / 4456.125 252,68 Ly
#24 Herschel 36 (Lagoon Nebula) -468 / -92.1875 / 4474.625 19,94 Ly
#25 Lagoon Sector FW-W d1-122 (Attenborough's Watch) -467.75 / -93.1875 / 4485.625 11,05 Ly
#26 Bleia Dryiae HF-W b35-1 (Bleia Dryiae Glowing Green Giant) -836.40625 / -112.5625 / 4826.15625 502,24 Ly
#27 Traikoa SR-R b45-2 -1498.6875 / -18.8125 / 5042.5 703,00 Ly
#28 Blae Drye YV-C d29 -2404.90625 / -51 / 4076.53125 1 324,90 Ly
#29 Traikoa VD-K d8-189 -1697.8125 / -8.84375 / 4848.59375 1 047,78 Ly
#30 Traikoa FL-P e5-4 (Black Treasure) -1504.375 / -18.53125 / 5040.96875 272,98 Ly
#31 PW2010 210 (The PW2010 Supercluster) -1337.9375 / -48.34375 / 5305.6875 314,11 Ly
#32 Omega Sector PD-S b4-0 (Omega Nebula) -1432.0625 / -75.46875 / 5308.125 97,99 Ly
#33 Omega Sector VE-Q b5-15 (Omega Mining Operation) -1444.3125 / -85.8125 / 5319.9375 19,91 Ly
#34 Gria Drye OC-B d1-211 (Anaia) -1451.65625 / -73 / 5435 116,01 Ly
#35 Eagle Sector EL-Y d203 (Eagle Nebula) -2036.8125 / 99.65625 / 6687.0625 1 392,80 Ly
#36 Eagle Sector IR-W d1-117 (Eagle's Landing) -2054.09375 / 85.71875 / 6710.875 32,56 Ly
#37 Nyeajeau XF-T c5-9 (Al-Qūhī Oasis) -2090.21875 / -472.40625 / 6868.4375 581,06 Ly
#38 Pru Aescs TY-J a64-1 (Dynasty Expedition - Conflux Rally Point 3) -3187.9375 / 63 / 8592.15625 2 112,55 Ly
#39 Pru Aescs HW-S b31-2 (Conflux Abandoned Settlements) -3192.90625 / 68.40625 / 8591.75 7,35 Ly
#40 Pru Aescs OI-K a64-0 -3200.65625 / 78.03125 / 8591.96875 12,36 Ly
#41 Pru Aescs NC-M d7-192 -3183.53125 / 73.59375 / 8595.65625 18,07 Ly
#42 Pru Aescs YV-E d11-170 (Doomed Waters) -3677.5625 / 53.75 / 8886.78125 573,77 Ly
#43 Pru Aescs ZX-H c23-66 -3752.25 / 0.28125 / 8920.15625 97,73 Ly
#44 Flyiedgiae TR-H d11-136 -3817.8125 / -59.65625 / 8876.53125 98,97 Ly
#45 Skaude ZE-A g11 -4341.8125 / -353.6875 / 9322.71875 748,41 Ly
#46 Skaude AL-X e1-28 (Rusty Net) -4708.625 / -381.3125 / 9571.75 444,22 Ly
#47 Skaude AA-A h294 (Skaude (Collection of Wonders)) -5131.71875 / -275.625 / 10365.21875 905,41 Ly
#48 Skaudai KI-C b58-1 (Cúpla Iontach) -5461.90625 / -493.8125 / 10415.71875 398,97 Ly
#49 Skaudai AM-B d14-138 (Guardian ruins - Skaudai sites) -5477.59375 / -504.15625 / 10436.25 27,83 Ly
#50 Skaudai CH-B d14-34 (Sacaqawea Space Port) -5481.84375 / -579.15625 / 10429.9375 75,39 Ly
#51 Prua Phoe TK-M d8-361 (Octopus Nebula) -5881.5 / -299.21875 / 11204.125 915,13 Ly
#52 Eodgorph FR-M d7-416 -5873.78125 / 348.90625 / 11132.78125 652,09 Ly
#53 Eodgorph PI-T e3-21 (Spear Thistle Nebula) -5869.21875 / 351.4375 / 11132.15625 5,25 Ly
#54 Clooku GR-U d3-112 (Fields of Elysium) -5769.03125 / -523.375 / 12108.75 1 314,94 Ly
#55 Gandharvi (Caravanserai) -6703.5 / -157.84375 / 14108.03125 2 236,96 Ly
#56 Stuelou DN-H d11-1001 (Theia Xander) -6973.9375 / -131.21875 / 13984.46875 298,52 Ly
#57 Blua Eaec IC-S c5-139 (Traia) -7264.46875 / -716.125 / 14567.5625 875,51 Ly
#58 Kashyapa (Kashyapa - Vihara Gate) -8392.03125 / -701.03125 / 17555.125 3 193,30 Ly
#59 Dryio Flyuae KC-V e2-425 (Celestia and Luna) -8610.84375 / -899.28125 / 18711.6875 1 193,66 Ly
#60 Dryooe Flyou XE-Q e5-2992 (Sugar Stick) -9071.40625 / -521.875 / 19249.875 802,62 Ly
#61 Colonia (Jaques Station / Colonia (System) / Animula Spires / The Mosta-Murdoch Raceway) -9530.5 / -910.28125 / 19808.125 820,53 Ly