Цели сообщества

  • 5 мая 2016 г.
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    Окончание: 5 мая 2016 г.

    The Morrina system has had a rough time of late, with repeated civil wars and rampant criminal activity bringing the system to its knees.

    Now that the dust is beginning to settle, the Spinward Marches Alliance Concern is stepping in to rebuild the system. The organisation has launched an appeal for Basic Medicines, Water Purifiers and Power Generators to help those affected by recent conflicts.

    Organisation spokespersons Commander Saool and Commander Dennehy made the following statement:

    In response to this, the Spinward Marches Alliance Concern has launched an appeal for essential supplies in order to undo the damage caused by the extended conflict. The organisation has placed an open order for basic medicines, water purifiers and power generators, and has promised to generously reward pilots who deliver these commodities to Beaumont Dock.

    Organisation spokespersons Commander Saool and Commander Dennehy released the following statement:

    \"For the past month, the Morrina system has been embroiled in conflict and criminality. The galactic community stepped up to help cull the criminal elements ravaging the system, and the Spinward Marches Alliance Concern has started to repair planetary infrastructure and restore power to the night side of tidally locked Morrina 3. But we need more supplies to get the system back on its feet.\"

    The campaign begins on the 28th of April 3302 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.

    AA -> top 10 - 2.633.745Cr A -> 10% - 1.755.830Cr B -> 25% - 1.316.872Cr C -> 50% - 1.053.498Cr D -> 75% - 438.957Cr E -> 99% - 87.791Cr F -> INSUFFICIENT.... - 0Cr

  • 28 апреля 2016 г.
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    Tuning up the War Machine:

    Окончание: 28 апр. 2016 г.

    As the galactic superpowers seem to be ramping up their respective militaries, others are looking to bolster their defences. Chancellor Zahra Arias of the Sovereign Justice Collective has announced plans to upgrade the infrastructure and defensive viability of Greeboski's Outpost in the Phiagre system. In a statement, Chancellor Arias said:

    “Greeboski's Outpost is a bastion for the people of Phiagre and a monument to our independence, and I consider it my duty to upgrade the starport's services. I have therefore placed an open order for titanium so we can begin the improvement programme.”

    AA Top 10 CMDRs: 12,288,000 Cr + global rewards A Top 15%: 8,192,000 Cr + global rewards B Top 30%: 4,915,200 Cr + global rewards C Top 60%: 3,276,800 Cr + global rewards D Top 90%: 1,638,400 Cr + global rewards E Top 99%: 500,000 Cr + global rewards

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    Expanding the Imperial Fleet:

    Окончание: 28 апр. 2016 г.

    Admiral Denton Patreus has announced plans to expand the Imperial Navy with a new Majestic-Class Interdictor. The formidable vessel will boast a range of imposing weaponry, including an array of modular interceptor guns. Lieutenant Severin, who is overseeing the ship's construction, issued a statement to the media:

    “I know there are some who would question the need for this vessel. To those individuals, I say this: just how safe do you feel? We live in an age in which even Emperors can be murdered. An age in which our enemies' faces are not known to us, and betrayal and deceit are encountered at every turn. The need for a strong, battle-ready navy has never been greater.”

    “In order to complete production as swiftly as possible, we have placed an open order for supplies, and have authorised the Mundjiga Patrons of Law to reward pilots who deliver materials to our base of operations at Sagan Port. I implore all those who are loyal to the Empire to support this operation.”

    AA Top 10 CMDRs: 5.925.926 CR A Top 10%: 3.950.617 CR B Top 25%: 2.962.963 CR C Top 50%: 2.370.370 CR D Top 75%: 987.654 CR E Top 99%: 197.531 CR

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    Hammer of Justice:

    Окончание: 28 апр. 2016 г.

    Chancellor Arias also called on the Pilots Federation to support Sovereign Justice Collective forces by protecting traders delivering titanium to Greeboski's Outpost. Pilots who hand in bounty vouchers or deliver titanium to the starport will be generously rewarded.

    By inviting pilots from all over the galaxy we will no doubt bring together many honourable commanders in this endeavour, but make no mistake that with good comes evil and we must prepare for the criminal opportunists who will most assuredly show up. There are hunters and there are victims. By your discipline, cunning, obedience and alertness, you will decide if you are a hunter or a victim.” Chancellor Zahra Arias

    AA Top 10 CMDRs: 65,000,000 Cr + global awards A Top 15%: 40,000,000 Cr + global awards B Top 30%: 25,000,000 Cr + global awards C Top 60%: 15,187,500 Cr + global awards D Top 90%: 5,593,750 Cr + global awards E Top 99%: 1,000,000 Cr + global awards

    HI/HAZ RES @ PHIAGRE 4 aprox 1000ls from Greeboski

  • 21 апреля 2016 г.
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    Alliance to Establish New Outpost:

    Окончание: 21 апр. 2016 г.

    Noli Dock, Iyati system - Deliver Robotics, Semi Conductors or Auto Fabricators to Noli Dock in the Iyati system to help in the construction of a new deep space alliance outpost

    Harlyn Tavistok, a senior member of the Alliance Assembly, has announced plans to establish a new outpost on the fringes of inhabited space. According to Tavistok, the new station will provide the Alliance with “a vitally important new resource, significantly bolstering our reconnaissance and intelligence-gathering capabilities.” An Alliance spokesperson provided further details:

    “Monitoring activity within human-inhabited space is of central importance to our continued security, but this particular sector currently contains a limited number of operational outposts. Our new station will address this issue.”

    “To support this campaign, we have placed open orders via our partners at HIP 55118 General Corporation for Robotics, Semi Conductors and Auto Fabricators. Pilots who deliver these essential commodities to our base of operations at Noli Dock will be generously compensated.”

    AA Top 10 CMDRs: 6.000.000 CR A Top 10%: 4.800.000 CR B Top 25%: 3.600.000 CR C Top 50%: 2.400.000 CR D Top 75%: 1.200.000 CR E Top 99%: 400.000 CR

    Unconfirmed: Auto Fabricators were NOT valid. Please check. Confirmed: Auto-Fab IS valid.