Новости Галактики

  • 3 ноября 3304 г.
  • Spy Robot Investigation Redirected

    The Federal Security Service has abruptly terminated its investigation of The Mars Tribune regarding personal administration robots fitted with hidden surveillance programs.

    Although interviews with Tribune employees were underway, it has been alleged that a senior figure in the FSS ordered the task force to focus elsewhere.

    The Tribune’s owner, billionaire Kingsley Cordova, stated:

    “I’m pleased that our innocence has been accepted, and I’m confident that the guilty parties will soon be found.”

    An opinion piece in The Federal Times from chief editor Lena Ravenhill took an alternative view, however:

    “Last week, Cordova suggested the spy robots could share the many secrets they’ve gathered, and suddenly the FSS is ordered to leave The Mars Tribune alone. Does anyone really think this is coincidence? How many powerful people are frightened of what Cordova might reveal about them?”

  • Week in Review

    Here are this week’s major stories.

    The investigation into the death of Alliance presidential candidate Fazia Silva has concluded with no convictions. Alliance Interpol confirmed that Silva’s death was a homicide, but said that all avenues of investigation had been exhausted. Tashmira Silva has now assumed control of her late sister’s corporate empire.

    A radical group called Nova Imperium is gaining influence throughout the Empire. The organisation claims that to survive the Thargoid conflict, the Empire must sever contact with all other systems and concentrate on protecting itself. Many traditionalist citizens, unhappy with recent cross-superpower cooperation, have embraced the group’s rhetoric.

    Meanwhile, the engineer Ram Tah has rejected an offer from the Sirius Corporation to support the manufacture of Guardian-human technology. In a statement, Ram Tah said the technologies were too important to become corporate products, and reaffirmed that using tech brokers to distribute the designs allowed them to be widely available.

    In other news, the Federal Security Service has abruptly terminated its investigation of The Mars Tribune regarding personal administration robots fitted with hidden surveillance programs. It has been alleged that a senior figure in the FSS ordered the task force to focus elsewhere.

    Recent reports from the Geras system indicate that after a spate of reciprocal attacks, hostilities between the Geras First and the Ndozins State Inc have escalated into all-out war. The warring organisations have issued calls to independent combat pilots for support. Commanders who participate in the conflict will be generously rewarded by their chosen faction.

    Finally, Senator Caspian Leopold has announced that his appeal for aid has been enthusiastically received by the galactic community. A spokesperson for the senator said that a humanitarian crisis had been narrowly averted, while assuring refugees at Leopold’s rehabilitation centre that new homes would be found for each and every one of them.

    And those are the main stories this week.

  • 2 ноября 3304 г.
  • Ram Tah Rejects Sirius Corp

    The engineer Ram Tah has rejected an offer from the Sirius Corporation to support the manufacture of Guardian-human technology.

    In a public statement, he said:

    “These technologies, developed using principles discovered by the Guardians, are too important to become corporate products. I have no doubt that Sirius would aim for maximum profits, rather than using the knowledge to aid humanity.”

    “Using tech brokers to distribute the designs allows them to be widely available, and thanks to the generosity of Aegis, the tech brokers’ costs have been reduced, making Guardian-human fighters and systems more affordable.”

    Li Yong-Rui, CEO of Sirius Corporation, has stated that his offer remains open, and that he hopes Ram Tah will have a change of heart.

  • 1 ноября 3304 г.
  • The Rise of Nova Imperium

    A radical group called Nova Imperium is gaining influence throughout the Empire.

    Imperial Herald journalist Cassia Carvalho highlighted the situation:

    “Nova Imperium claims that to survive the Thargoid conflict, the Empire must sever contact with all other systems and concentrate on protecting itself. In recent months, the organisation has become a genuine political force.”

    “The group’s leader is known only as the Imperator. Dressed in an Imperial Navy uniform, he is a charismatic presence who speaks of ‘a return to the honour of the old days’ and ‘the glory of Achenar’.”

    “Many traditionalist citizens, unhappy with recent cross-superpower cooperation, have embraced the Imperator’s rhetoric. On several worlds, Nova Imperium’s followers hold rallies with a distinctly martial feel.”

    “So far there has been little response from Imperial authorities, but it is clear that Nova Imperium will soon become impossible to ignore.”

  • Conflict in Geras

    Recent reports from the Geras system indicate that after a spate of reciprocal attacks, hostilities between Geras First and Ndozins State Inc have escalated into all-out war.

    According to Donal Varden, an independent journalist:

    “For several months we’ve seen these factions sniping at one another from the shadows, but now the stakes have been raised. It won’t be long before the space lanes of Geras are littered with the burned-out shells of dead ships.”

    The warring organisations have issued calls to independent combat pilots for support. Commanders who participate in the conflict will be generously rewarded by their chosen faction.

    Both factions have set out week-long operations to take control of the system, which will begin on the 1st of November 3304.

  • Appeal for Aid Complete

    Senator Caspian Leopold has announced that his appeal for aid, in association with the Niflhel Guardians Of Tradition, has been enthusiastically received by the galactic community. Hundreds of pilots supported the initiative by delivering commodities to Biruni Port, and by protecting traders in the Niflhel system.

    A spokesperson for Senator Leopold made the following statement:

    “Thanks to the work of many brave pilots, a humanitarian crisis has been narrowly averted. Senator Leopold has expressed his gratitude to all those who contributed to the campaign, and has assured refugees at his rehabilitation centre that new homes will be found for each and every one of them.”

    Pilots who contributed to the initiative can now collect their rewards from Biruni Port in the Niflhel system.

  • 31 октября 3304 г.
  • No Leads in Fazia Silva Case

    The investigation into the death of Alliance presidential candidate Fazia Silva has concluded. No convictions have been made.

    Inspector Erin Sangster of Alliance Interpol made this statement:

    “The death of Fazia Silva has been officially ruled as homicide. The use of a sophisticated nerve toxin and the circumvention of security at Hume Orbital suggests the involvement of one or more professional assassins.”

    “Unfortunately, we have now exhausted all possible avenues of investigation, and are left with no option but to consider the case closed.”

    President Gibson Kincaid told the media:

    “I have no doubt that the murder of Ms Silva was designed to disrupt our democracy, and I will not rest until the Alliance’s enemies pay for their crimes.”

    Tashmira Silva has now assumed permanent control of her late sister’s corporate empire.

  • 27 октября 3304 г.
  • Week in Review

    Here are this week’s major stories.

    The Alliance Assembly has decided not to adopt President Gibson Kincaid’s proposed changes to the constitution, and has ruled against imbuing the role of president with executive powers. The Assembly has agreed to update the role, however, with the creation of a new non-political department known as the Office of the Alliance President. The presidential term has also been extended to three years.

    The Sirius Corporation has publicly offered to work with engineer Ram Tah in the development of further Guardian-human technology. Some business analysts have advised Ram Tah to take advantage of the offer to mass-produce his designs, while others have warned that Sirius Corp is seeking a monopoly over Guardian-human technology. As yet there has been no response from Ram Tah.

    Several digital crimes, including the theft of a billion credits from Zachary Rackham, have now been attributed to a mysterious criminal organisation known only as the Collective – a band of anti-authority ‘hacktivists’ who believe that all information should be publicly available. Security forces have launched investigations into the group.

    Meanwhile, as the Federal Security Service continues its investigation into The Mars Tribune, the newsfeed’s parent company, the Cordova Group, has filed a formal complaint. Kingsley Cordova, billionaire owner of The Mars Tribune, said the accusations were an insult to the publication’s integrity.

    Imperial Senator Caspian Leopold has launched an appeal to help those affected by Thargoid attacks. While the senator’s rehabilitation centre has helped hundreds of thousands of refugees, it seems further aid is needed to avert a humanitarian crisis.

    Finally, the Palin Institute’s appeal for Thargoid materials has been enthusiastically received by the galactic community. Professor Cora Shaw thanked those who supported the institute’s latest scientific initiative, which will aim to advance understanding of the Thargoids.

    And those are the main stories this week.

  • 26 октября 3304 г.
  • Alliance Assembly Revises Presidential Role

    The Alliance Assembly has concluded its debate over President Gibson Kincaid’s request for executive powers.

    Prime Minister Edmund Mahon announced the decision:

    “The Assembly has voted that President Kincaid’s proposed changes to the constitution will not be adopted, and no executive powers will be granted.”

    “There was broad agreement, however, that the role should be updated, which has resulted in the creation of a new non-political department: the Office of the Alliance President.”

    “The president will now oversee a team of ambassadorial emissaries who will focus on diplomatic functions. This will free up council members, allowing them to govern more effectively. The presidential term has also been extended to three years.”

    President Kincaid told the media:

    “I regret that the Assembly cannot see how the Alliance would be strengthened by an empowered president, but I must respect their decision, and promise to put my new team of emissaries to good use.”

  • Sirius Corp Makes Public Offer

    The Sirius Corporation has publicly offered to work with engineer Ram Tah in the development of further Guardian-human technology.

    Li Yong-Rui, the corporation’s chief executive officer, made this statement:

    “Ram Tah’s research into the Guardians is of central importance to humanity’s future, and I would therefore like to place the resources of the Sirius Corporation at his disposal.”

    “As the recent incident at Phoenix Base illustrates, Ram Tah’s operation is currently at risk. Not only can we guarantee his safety, but with our manufacturing capabilities we can bring the benefits of Guardian technology to the whole galaxy.”

    There has been a range of reactions from business analysts. Some have advised Ram Tah to take advantage of the offer to mass-produce his designs, while others have warned that Sirius Corp is seeking a monopoly over Guardian-human technology.

    As yet there has been no response from Ram Tah. Repairs to his base in the Meene system have been completed, following an attempted incursion by armed intruders.

  • 25 октября 3304 г.
  • Mars Tribune Refutes Allegations

    As the Federal Security Service continues its investigation into The Mars Tribune for illegally obtaining the private information of Federal citizens, the newsfeed’s parent company, the Cordova Group, has filed a formal complaint.

    The FSS has established that the administration robots of dozens of public figures and wealthy individuals have been fitted with hidden surveillance programs, and that these programs may be the source of several scandals exposed, exclusively, by The Mars Tribune.

    Kingsley Cordova, billionaire owner of The Mars Tribune, addressed the situation in an editorial:

    “These accusations are an insult to our journalistic integrity. Are we to be punished for uncovering liars and criminals? Our readers have always been grateful to us for shining a light into Sol’s murky corners.”

    “I suggest that the FSS treads more cautiously. These robots apparently have access to very sensitive data. Imagine if they publicly broadcasted everything they’d learned about their owners.”

  • 24 октября 3304 г.
  • The Collective

    Technology journalist Harlow Nassry has published an article in The Federal Times regarding a mysterious criminal group known only as ‘the Collective’:

    “Several recent digital crimes, including the theft of a billion credits from Zachary Rackham, have now been attributed to the Collective. Security forces have launched investigations, but it seems that the name is already well known among hacker communities.”

    “The Collective is a group of anti-authority ‘hacktivists’ who believe that all information should be publicly available. It has existed for some years, but until recently its activities have been small scale.”

    “Nobody knows the identity of the group’s members, which has no spokespersons or apparent leaders. As anarchists, they delight in flouting the law, believing that all data should be in the public domain – except, of course, data about themselves.”

    “Some see the Collective as irresponsible criminals, while others paint them as modern-day Robin Hoods. Either way, as possibly the best hackers in the galaxy, it’s likely we’ll be hearing more about them in the future.”

  • 20 октября 3304 г.
  • Week in Review

    Here are this week’s major stories.

    Gibson Kincaid has been announced as the winner of the Alliance presidential election, and will continue serving as president of the Alliance. Kincaid obtained a small majority of the public vote, defeating Councillor Elijah Beck. Prime Minister Edmund Mahon said the Alliance Assembly was still debating Kincaid’s proposal to imbue the presidential role with executive powers.

    An attempt by armed intruders to access Phoenix Base in the Meene system, home of the engineer Ram Tah, has been foiled. Ram Tah said he believed the thwarted raid was an attempt to steal research data or samples of Guardian technology.

    In other news, the Federal Security Service has targeted The Mars Tribune as part of its investigation into robots carrying concealed surveillance programs. The development follows news that several of those found to be in possession of ‘spy’ robots were the subject of incriminating articles published by the Tribune. The conglomerate that owns The Mars Tribune has challenged any suggestion of wrongdoing.

    Billionaire businessman Zachary Rackham has been targeted by a highly sophisticated hack that withdrew 1 billion credits from his personal account. Rackham Capital Investments confirmed that the criminals left a message encoded in Rackham’s account: ‘The Collective plays to win.’ It has been speculated that the hack was intended to reclaim the billion-credit prize that Rackham won in the Federal Grand Lottery.

    Meanwhile, the Palin Institute has announced a new research programme designed to discern the motives behind the Thargoids’ unrelenting aggression. The Institute has asked the galactic community to contribute Thargoid research material to the campaign.

    Finally, the Close Encounters Corps has announced that its appeal for commodities has reached a successful conclusion, having received an overwhelming response from the galactic community. The materials delivered to Crown Prospect over the past week will allow the construction of a scientific megaship to research the nebula surrounding the BD-12 1172 system.

    And those are the main stories this week.

  • Mars Tribune Linked to Spy Robots

    The Federal Security Service has targeted The Mars Tribune as part of its investigation into robots carrying concealed surveillance programs.

    Lieutenant Inspector Ramesh Thorne made this statement:

    “The personal robots of former congressman Morgan Unwin and actor Tomas Turai were found to contain surveillance programs. In recent weeks, both were the subject of incriminating articles published exclusively in The Mars Tribune.”

    “Public-relations guru Anya Blackriver, also the owner of a ‘spy’ robot, was recently exposed by the Tribune for concealing various scandals on behalf of her celebrity clients. In fact, all the owners of affected robots live in the Sol system, which is the focus of the Tribune’s journalism.”

    “We are therefore interviewing Tribune staff to establish if they used these robots to gather private data in order to obtain material for exclusive stories.”

    Legal representatives of the Cordova Group, the conglomerate that owns The Mars Tribune, have challenged the FSS for making ‘libellous and baseless accusations’.

  • 19 октября 3304 г.
  • Raid on Phoenix Base

    An attempt by armed intruders to access Phoenix Base in the Meene system has been foiled. The base is the home of engineer Ram Tah.

    Security Chief Harper Vargas gave this report:

    “Defensive systems alerted us to a small group of intruders who had breached the base’s perimeter. Our teams engaged them in combat and forced them back to a waiting ship. Unfortunately, we were unable to identify the ship or prevent it from escaping.”

    “During the incursion, the intruders used explosives to sabotage the base’s power network. Fortunately, the base remains operational."

    Ram Tah told the media:

    “I believe this was an attempt to steal research data or samples of Guardian technology – the implications of which are most disturbing. Although the attempt failed, it has disrupted my important research.”

  • 18 октября 3304 г.
  • Rackham Hacked

    Billionaire businessman Zachary Rackham has been targeted by a highly sophisticated hack that successfully withdrew 1 billion credits from his personal account.

    A spokesperson for Rackham Capital Investments informed shareholders:

    “We have reported the theft to the authorities, and are reviewing our computer security systems. The only clue as to the criminals’ identity is a message they left encoded in Mr Rackham’s account: ‘The Collective plays to win.’”

    Financial journalist Bryanna Blanco commented in The Federal Times:

    “The purpose of the hack was evidently to reclaim the billion-credit prize that Rackham ‘won’ in the Federal Grand Lottery. What Rackham Capital Investments didn’t reveal was that the money was redistributed equally among several hundred of the company’s former employees, who were denied their company pensions years ago.”

    “There is a sweet irony to the old pirate Calico Zack having his money stolen by cyber pirates. Whoever the Collective might be, they seem to have both a sense of justice and a sense of humour.”

  • Close Encounters Corps Initiative Concludes

    The Close Encounters Corps has announced that its appeal for commodities has reached a successful conclusion, having received an overwhelming response from the galactic community.

    A huge number of muon imagers were delivered to Crown Prospect over the past week. These will allow the construction of a scientific megaship to research the nebula surrounding the BD-12 1172 system.

    With the initiative at an end, Admiral Anton Vern of the Close Encounters Corps issued the following statement:

    “I am grateful for the professionalism displayed by the pilots who took part in this project, and thank them on behalf of our researchers. New horizons and new worlds await us.”

    Pilots who contributed to the initiative can now collect their rewards from Crown Prospect in the Kagutsuchi system.

  • Palin Institute Campaign

    The Palin Institute has announced an accelerated programme of study to analyse a range of xenobiological data, and perhaps discern the motives behind the Thargoids’ unrelenting aggression.

    Professor Cora Shaw, director of the Palin Institute, released the following statement:

    “In recent months, the Institute has performed countless studies on alien technology and physiology, and our stock of xenobiological samples is severely depleted. For this robust new study, we require a large amount of Thargoid material to support a wide range of experiments.”

    The Ryder Revolutionary Party, which is supporting the campaign, has placed an open order for various Thargoid materials and promised to reward pilots who deliver these goods to Obsidian Orbital in the Maia system. The organisation has also placed a kill order on all ships on its wanted list, to ensure that those delivering materials to Ryder Revolutionary Party can do so safely.

    The campaign begins on the 18th of October 3304 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.

  • 17 октября 3304 г.
  • Kincaid Wins Election

    Gibson Kincaid has been announced as the winner of the Alliance presidential election. He will continue serving as president of the Alliance.

    Kincaid obtained a small majority of the public vote, defeating Councillor Elijah Beck. Entrepreneur Fazia Silva, the third candidate in the race, was recently found dead, and is the subject of an Interpol investigation.

    President Kincaid addressed his followers at a victory rally:

    “My thanks go to every citizen who saw the wisdom of my vision. I vow to lead you into a glorious future!”

    Prime Minister Edmund Mahon gave a statement to the media:

    “I offer my congratulations to President Kincaid on being successfully re-elected. The Assembly is continuing to debate his proposal to imbue the presidential role with executive powers. We have agreed to extend the deadline by one week, after which a parliamentary vote will decide the outcome.”

  • 13 октября 3304 г.
  • Presidential Candidates Make Final Pledges

    The two remaining candidates in the Alliance presidential race have returned to the Alioth system to make their final campaign vows.

    In the parliamentary chamber of the Assembly, Elijah Beck addressed his fellow council members:

    “The Alliance occupies a unique position, and as such must remain true to its principles. My focus as president will be on attracting more independent systems to our interstellar family.”

    He was followed by the current incumbent, President Gibson Kincaid:

    “Fazia Silva’s assassination was an assault on our democracy. The Alliance’s enemies are growing bold, and we must do the same. I beseech the Assembly to imbue the presidential role with executive powers, to transform our Alliance into a true superpower capable of challenging its adversaries.”

    Prime Minister Edmund Mahon thanked both candidates and wished them good luck in the election.

    The public vote will take place on Tuesday the 16th of October and the results will be announced later that week.